Srinivasan Keshav

Department of Computer Science Office: (607) 255 5395
Cornell University Home: (607) 257 1804
Ithaca, New York 14853-7501 Fax: (607) 255 4428


Network performance management, End-to-end quality of service, Flow and congestion control,

Scheduling, Protocol design and implementation, Computer-telephony integration


Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley August 1991
    Thesis: Congestion Control in Computer Networks
    Research advisor: Prof. Domenico Ferrari

B.Tech. in Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, May 1986


    Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Associate Professor August 1996 -

Research and teaching in computer networking. Lead the C/NRG group, working in the areas of Network Performance Management, Topology-aware algorithms, and Computer Telephony Integration.

    AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, Member of Technical Staff August 1991-August 1996

Participated in the design, implementation, testing, and performance tuning of Xunet II, a wide-area high-speed ATM network testbed, IDLInet, a Personal-Computer-based ATM LAN that provides native-mode ATM connections. Conducted research in several topics in traffic management and feedback congestion control. Wrote a graduate-level textbook on an engineering approach to computer networking; published by Addison-Wesley in May 1997. Supervised three students who each worked with me for a year.

    Columbia University, Visiting Faculty. September-December 1995

    Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, Visiting Faculty. January-May 1993

Developed and taught a second-level course on telephony and computer networking.


A full list is available at

X.W.Huang, R. Sharma, and S. Keshav, The Entrapid Protocol Development Environment, To Appear, Proc. Infocom '99, March 1999.

S. Keshav and R. Sharma, Achieving Quality of Service through Network Performance Management, Proc. NOSSDAV ’98, July 1998.

S. Keshav and R. Sharma, Issues and Trends in Router Design, IEEE Communications Magazine, May 1998.

M. Grossglauser, S. Keshav, and D. Tse, RCBR: A Simple and Efficient Service for Multiple Time-Scale Traffic, Proc. ACM SIGCOMM'95, August 1995; also in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, December 1997.

S. Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Addison-Wesley, May 1997.

C.R. Kalmanek, S. Keshav, W.T. Marshall, S.P. Morgan, and R.C. Restrick, Xunet 2: Lessons from an Early Wide-Area ATM Testbed, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, April 1997.

R. Ahuja, S. Keshav, and H. Saran, Design, Implementation, and Performance of a Native-Mode ATM Transport Protocol, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, August 1996.

S. Keshav, C. Lund, S. Phillips, N. Reingold, and H. Saran, An Empirical Evaluation of Virtual Circuit Holding Time Policies in IP-over-ATM Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, October 1995.

S. Keshav, A Control-theoretic Approach to Flow Control, Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 1991, Sept. 1991. (Best Student Paper award)

A. Demers, S. Keshav and S. Shenker, Analysis and Simulation of a Fair Queueing Algorithm, Proc. ACM SIGCOMM '89; also in Journal of Internetworking Research and Experience, V1, N1, September 1990, pp. 3-26.


        Program committee member: NOSSDAV ’99, OpenArch ’99, INFOCOM ’98. SIGCOMM ’97.

        Editor: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Journal of High Speed Networks

Ph. D.Thesis committee member: Klara Nahrstedt, U. Penn, 1994; Nikos Aneroussis, Columbia, 1995; Pawan Goyal, UT Austin, 1997; Zvi Ostfeld, Tel Aviv, 1997; Rosen Sharma, Cornell (Chair), 1998.


Fiona Ip Li '78 and Donald Li '75 Excellence in Teaching Award, Cornell University, 1998.

Alfred P. Sloan Fellow in Computer Science, 1997-1999.

ACM SIGCOMM selected two of my papers as among the ``. . most important papers that have appeared in Computer Communication Review over the past 25 years,’’ January 1995.

Co-recipient of the Sakrison Prize, awarded annually for the best Ph.D. dissertation in the EECS department at UC Berkeley, 1992.

Best Student Paper Award at the ACM SIGCOMM 1991 Conference.

Director's Gold Medal for best all-round performance in the undergraduate graduating class, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, May 1986.

Hold seven patents, and have applied for ten more, in the areas of computer networking, multimedia algorithms, cryptography, and traffic management.