Corporate and Professional Publishing Group

An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking

by S. Keshav

ISBN 0-201-63442-2 * Hardcover * 688 pages * 1997

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Implementation exercises

These exercises use the REAL simulator.

Exercise 1: Simple node

The goal of this exercise is to write a simple node function that exchanges messages with another node and also uses timers. This is an easy way to get acquainted with the features in REAL. More details can be found here.

Exercise 2: Simulation of CSMA/CD

Here, you will use REAL to study the effect of various parameters on the performance of CSMA/CD. The scheme's performance depends primarily on the offered load and the diameter of the network. This simulation gives you a hands-on feeling for how these parameters affect system performance. Click here to learn more.

Exercise 3: Switching and scheduling

In this assignment, you will modify a simple router to change the scheduling from FCFS (already implemented) to round-robin scheduling. This will give you experience in the functions performed by a packet router.

Exercise 4: Error control

Error control involves both bit-level and packet-level error detection and correction. In this assignment, you will modify a template to implement a pefect Hamming code for bit-level error control, and timeouts and retransmission for packet-level error control.

Exercise 5: Flow control

This exercise extends Exercise 4 to add flow control. You will get hands-on experience with implementing TCP flow control including dynamic windows and fast retransmission.

Exercise 6: Socket programming

Here, you will write a client and a server that communicate over the Internet. This will give you experience with socket programming, and with the rudiments of creating an interpreted execution environment.