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Statements for Peace Groups[ 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows | IPJC ] Statement from September Eleventh Families for Peaceful TomorrowsPeaceful Tomorrows is a group of family members of September Eleventh victims who are working for peace. "Six months ago members of our families and thousands of other innocents lost their lives in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and on Flight 93. The loss of innocent lives continues -- it has now been over five months since the beginning of US military action in Afghanistan in which other families have also suffered. Yet there is no official acknowledgment that innocent Afghan civilians have been killed or maimed in the bombing. While the number of civilian casualties is unclear, estimates range from 1,000 to 4,000 people. The innocent victims in Afghanistan who lost their lives during the U.S. air strikes deserve our compassion and support. Out of our concern for our Afghan "sister families," four Peaceful Tomorrows members traveled to Afghanistan in January with Global Exchange visiting dozens of grieving and devastated Afghan families. Many of the families of those who were killed or injured by US bombs are living in dire economic straits. We returned from our visit determined to help our Afghan sister families. We are calling on the US government to conduct a detailed study of civilian casualties and create a fund to help the affected families. Afghan relief organizations suggest an average grant of $10,000 to rebuild homes, restock possessions, secure adequate medical and psychological care, or compensate for the loss of breadwinners and caretakers. Assuming 2,000 families seek compensation, this would amount to $20 million. Twenty million is less than one dayıs military expense during the bombing campaign, which cost $30 million a day. While we pressure the US government to do a study and create a fund, we are starting this critical work ourselves. Peaceful Tomorrows and Global Exchange, together with Afghan groups, are doing a survey of civilian casualties and providing immediate help to desperately poor people who were mistakenly hurt during the US military campaign. Please join us. When Peaceful Tomorrows members met with families in Afghanistan they expressed their empathy for our situation. Please help us to show them that Americans care about their well-being and are sorry for their losses. It is through such compassion that we will build the foundation for a secure and peaceful tomorrow." For more information about Peaceful Tomorrows, please visit: http://www.peacefultomorrows.org/
Statement from The Indianapolis Peace & Justice Center (IPJC)The Indianapolis Peace & Justice Center (IPJC) holds that the perpetrators of the horrendous acts committed on September 11 against the American people should be brought to justice through the instruments of international law. We reject, therefore, the bombing campaign against Afghanistan. This campaign will lead to the deaths of many civilians, create an even greater massive refugee problem, and increase the threat of starvation for millions of people. We fear that military intervention in Afghanistan will contribute to political instability and strengthen Islamic fundamentalism in a region with nuclear weapons. The military campaign against Afghanistan cannot really be construed as a war of self-defense. We propose in accordance with international law that the case against Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network is made in an international tribunal under the authority of the United Nations. A force under U.N. control to arrest those suspected to be responsible for the crimes of terrorism should be used only if nonviolent measures toward the same purpose have failed. IPJC rejects the idea that the injustice of current U.S. policy in the Middle East excuses or lessens in any possible way the evil of the September 11 crimes against humanity. We hold, however, that ending the sanctions against Iraq, the creation of a Palestinian state (with Jerusalem as an international city), the abolition of weapon sales to warring parties in the region, and the gradual withdrawal of all American troops from the region will significantly reduce the destructive potential of Islamic fundamentalism. IPJC calls for the support of groups in the Islamic world that seek to bring about secular regimes, democracy, respect for human rights and equal rights for women. We applaud the courageous attempt of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan to expose the brutality of the Taliban regime. We object to a "homeland security" bought at the cost of civil rights. We worry that the rhetoric of war will increase violent responses to fellow citizens of Islamic faith or "appearance." We believe in the unity and safety established by the creation of true communities of justice, diversity, and equality. IPJC urges people to donate funds for the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, but we advise contributions to relief agencies that have a good track record in dealing with humanitarian disasters. The Indianapolis Peace & Justice Center (IPJC) [ Buddhism | Activism | Spirituality | About Us | Links ] |