Lili Qiu
One Microsoft Way
Bldg. 112, Rm. 2138
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: (425)707-5702
Computer network
Web workload characterization and performance enhancement techniques
Content distribution
Adaptive applications
Packet classification
TCP and congestion control in general
Wireless networking
Cornell University, 08/1996
- 01/2001
Ph.D. major in Computer Science, minor in EE
Research advisors: Prof. George Varghese and Dr. Robbert van Renesse
Cumulative G.P.A.: 4.06/4.00
Cornell University, 08/1996
- 05/1998
M.S. in Computer Science
Research advisor: Prof. Srinivasan Keshav
Cumulative G.P.A.: 4.06/4.00
University of Bridgeport,
08/1993 - 05/1996
B.S. in Computer Science, and B.S. in Physics
Cumulative G.P.A.: 3.96/4.00, CS Major G.P.A.: 4.00/4.00, Physics
G.P.A.: 4.00/4.00
- Researcher. Microsoft Research, 02/2001 - present
Research Assistant. Cornell University CS Department, 08/1998 - 01/2001
Worked on:
Web replication
Packet classification
TCP/Spand: Investigate techniques to improve TCP start-up performance
TCP performance analysis: Study individual and aggregate TCP performance
using extensive simulation
Built a semi-automatic C to C++ translator
Research Intern. AT&T
Labs , Summer 2000
Mentor: Sandeep Sibal. Worked on server selection techniques
in content distribution networks.
Research Intern. Microsoft
Research, Summer 1999
Mentor: Venkata N. Padmanabhan. Worked on characterizing web
workload and web replication. The work will appear in SIGCOMM'2000.
Research Intern. Bell Labs,
Lucent Technologies, Summer 1998
Mentor: Jonathan Rosenberg. Worked on integrating FEC into adaptive
audio playout algorithms. The work appeared in INFOCOM'2000.
Intern. Sun Microsystem, Menlo
Park, CA, Summer 1997
Mainly involved in developing WebNFS client and NFSTool.
Intern. Coopers & Lybrand, New York, NY, Summer 1996
Worked on Fads & Fashion Project. It is an X-window
application written in C++ which uses mathematical modeling to predict
CD market. This project was presented in the annual conference of Santa
Fe Institution in August 1996, and got very good response.
Intern. Dictaphone, Summer
Wrote a SCSI-device control program in C using Adaptec's
adaptor and its assembly software interface to monitor and automate testing
the DAT tape-drivers.
Teaching Assistant. Cornell
University CS Department, 1997 Fall and 1998 Spring
Course: CS314 (Introduction to Digital System and Computer Organization)
Teaching Assistant. University
of Bridgeport, 9/1994 - 5/1996
Courses: different levels of mathematic courses, including calculus,
differential equation, discrete structure.
L. Qiu, G. Varghese, and S. Suri. Fast Packet Classification on
Multiple Dimensions. Accepted as extended abstract in SIGMETRICS 2001.
L. Qiu, Y. Zhang, and S. Keshav. Understanding the Performance of Many
TCP Flows. Accepted by Computer Networks Journal.
L. Qiu, V. N. Padmanabhan, G. M. Voelker. On the Placement of Web Server
Replicas. To appear in INFOCOM 2001.
V. N. Padmanabhan and L. Qiu. The Content and Access Dynamics of a Busy
Web Server: Findings and Implications. Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2000,
Stockholm, Sweden, August - September 2000.
Y. Zhang, L. Qiu, and S. Keshav. Speeding Up Short Data Transfers: Theory,
Architectural Support, and Simulation Results. Proceedings of NOSSDAV 2000,
Chapel Hill, NC, USA, June 2000.
V. N. Padmanabhan and L. Qiu. The Content and Access Dynamics of a Busy
Web Server. Extended abstract in Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2000, Santa
Clara, CA, USA, June 2000.
J. Rosenberg, L. Qiu, and H. Schulzrinne. Integrating Packet FEC into Adaptive
Voice Playout Buffer Algorithms on the Internet. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM
2000, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 2000.
L. Qiu, Y. Zhang, and S. Keshav. On Individual and Aggregate TCP Performance.
7th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Toronto, Canada,
October 1999.
L. Qiu and L. Li. Contour Extraction of Moving Objects. 14th International
Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Australia, 1998.
"The Content and Access Dynamics of a Busy Web Ser ver: Findings and Implications".
ACM SIGCOMM 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2000.
On Individual and Aggregate TCP Performance". 7th International Conference
on Network Protocols (ICNP'99), Toronto, Canada, October 1999.
McMullen Fellowship, 1996-97, Cornell University
Dan Drew Scholarship, 1996, US National award in computer science
All American Scholar, 1996
Dean's Award, 1996, University of Bridgeport, offered to 1 senior each
Academic Achievement in Physics, 1996, University of Bridgeport
Charles E. Reed Award, 1995, University of Bridgeport, offered to 1 junior
each year
President's List, 1993 - 1996, University of Bridgeport
Dean's List, 1993 - 1996, University of Bridgeport
Academic Excellence and Leadership Scholarship, 1993 - 1996, University
of Bridgeport
Programming Languages:
C, C++, Java and Java Beans, Perl, PASCAL, Tcl/Tk, OTCL, ML, Scheme,
Fortran, Forth, SQL
Operating System Experience:
Unix (SunOS/Solaris, Linux), DOS, Microsoft Windows, Windows NT, OS/2
Familiarity with TCP/IP protocol stack, HTTP, RPC, NFS protocols.
Working experience with Network Simulator (NS) and Entrapid, CGI programming.
System Knowledge:
Unix system programming, Unix shell programming, X-windows programming
in XView and Motif, Database, compiler, basic system administration.
Document preparation language:
Latex, HTML
VHDL, FPGA implementation
Referee for submissions to the following professional conferences and journals:
IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE IPDPS, NOSSDAV, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
(JSAC), and Computer Comunnication Review (CCR).
Student member, IEEE Computer Society
Student member, IEEE Communication Society
Member, Upsilon Pi Epsilon National Honor Society
Professor George Varghese (Thesis advisor)
Computer Science and Engineering, MS 0114
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92040-0114
Tel: 619-822-0424
Dr. Robbert van Renesse (Thesis advisor)
Department of Computer Science
4118 Upson Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Tel: 607-255-1021
Dr. Venkata N. Padmanabhan (Internship supervisor)
Systems and Networking Research Group
Microsoft Research
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Tel: 425-705-2790
Jonathan Rosenberg (Internship supervisor)
72 Eagle Rock Avenue
First Floor
East Hanover, NJ 07936
Tel: 973-952-5000