5151 Upson Hall
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255-3042
I work in the field of Computer Vision with Ramin Zabih as my advisor. Currently I am working on a tracking system that monitors a crowd of people with a set of cameras and that maintains the identity of people that disappear from the field of view of one camera and reappear in the field of view of another camera.
I was TAing CS664 (Computer Vision) in Spring 1997 and I am TAing CS 472/473 (Artificial Intelligence) this semester.I was born in 1970 in Stuttgart (Germany), grew up in a small town called
and did my undergraduate studies at
the University of Kaiserslautern in Computer Science.
My studies there were focused on the field of Artificial Intelligence
and I did both my Project Thesis (1993 at CMU) and my Diploma Thesis
(1995 in Kaiserslautern) on topics in Planning. Most of my friends
still hang around in the AI group or work in the brand new
Fraunhofer Institute for Software Engineering.
In my spare time, I enjoy dancing (tango, latin and ballroom), cross-country
skiing, traveling, and playing the piano. I love discussions, in particular discussions of
topics like the environment, globalization, energy, human rights, refugees and
the international trade system. I also enjoy reading philosophy books and cognitive science literature, I minor in Government and try
to learn Portuguese and Spanish.