Johannes Gehrke

Tisch University Professor (on leave of absence AY
Department of Computer Sciences
4105B Upson Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
johannes [at] cs [dot] cornell [dot] edu
Voice: 607-821-1685; fax: 607-255-4428
Short biography.
My research lies in the design and implementation of scalable data-driven
systems. I currently work on Big Data, data science, data privacy, and data
mining. For more on my research, go to the homepage of the Cornell Big Red Data Group.
Selected Recent
- Yin Lou, Rich Caruana,
Johannes Gehrke, Giles Hooker: Accurate intelligible models with pairwise
interactions. KDD 2013: 623-631
- Benjamin Sowell, Marcos Antonio Vaz
Salles, Tuan Cao, Alan J. Demers, Johannes
Gehrke: An Experimental Analysis of Iterated Spatial Joins in Main Memory.
PVLDB 6(14): 1882-1893 (2013)
- Wenlei
Xie, Guozhang Wang, David Bindel, Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke: Fast
Iterative Graph Computation with
Block Updates. PVLDB
6(14): 2014-2025 (2013)
- Raphael M. Reischuk, Florian Schröder, Johannes Gehrke:
Secure and customizable web development in the safe activation framework.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2013: 1341-1344
- Tao Zou, Ronan Le Bras, Marcos Vaz
Salles, Alan Demers, and Johannes Gehrke. ClouDiA: A Deployment
Advisor for Public Clouds. VLDB 2013.
- Guozhang Wang, Wenlei Xie, Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke: Asynchronous Large-Scale Graph
Processing Made Easy. CIDR 2013
- Karthik Raman, Adith Swaminathan, Johannes
Gehrke, Thorsten Joachims: Beyond myopic
inference in big data pipelines. KDD 2013: 86-94
- Gabriel Bender, Lucja Kot, Johannes Gehrke, and Christoph
Koch. Fine-Grained Disclosure Control for App Ecosystems. SIGMOD 2013.
list of my publications (from DBLP).
- 2011
Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists,
Faculty Winner. (Cornell
Chronicle article; press release)
- The 2011 ACM
SIGMOD Conference, Best Paper Award.
Computer Society Technical Achievement Award, 2011.
- Humboldt
Research Award, Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation, 2010.
- New York State
Foundation for Science, Technology, and Innovation, Faculty
Development Grant, 2007. (Press release.)
- Cornell University Provost’s Award for Distinguished
Scholarship, 2004. (Cornell
Chronicle article.)
- Alfred P. Sloan
Research Fellowship, 2003. (Cornell
Chronicle article.)
- National
Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2002. (Cornell
Chronicle article.)
- Cornell College of Engineering James and Mary Tien
Excellence in Teaching Award, 2001.
- IBM Faculty Development Award 2000 and 2001.
Professional Activities
- Current PhD Students
- Researchers: Alan Demers and Lucja Kot.
- Alumni: As of January 2015, I have
graduated 23 PhD students.
- Gabriel Bender (Ph.D.,
August 2014). First employment: Google.
- Philippe Bonnet (Research
Associate, 1999-2001). First employment: Associate Professor, Department
of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen; now Associate Professor at
IT University of Copenhagen.
- Zhiyuan
Chen (Ph.D., August 2002; co-advised with Praveen Seshadri). First employment: Microsoft Research, now
Associate Professor, Information Systems Department, University of
Maryland Baltimore County.
- Tuan Cao (Ph.D., May
2013). First employment: Google.
- Adina Crăiniceanu (Ph.D., December 2005).
First employment: Assistant Professor, United
States Naval Academy.
- Abhinandan Das (Ph.D., August 2005). First employment: Google.
- Alin Dobra (Ph.D., July 2003). First
employment: Assistant Professor, Department
of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of
Florida. Now Associate Professor, University of Florida.
- Alexandre Evfimievski (Ph.D.,
August 2004). First employment: IBM Almaden Research Center.
- Michaela Götz (Ph.D., January 2012). First
employment: Twitter.
- Nitin Gupta (Ph.D.,
December 2011). First employment: Google.
- Michael Hay (Computing
Innovations Fellow, August 2010 to August 2012). First employment:
Assistant Professor, Colgate University.
- Mingsheng
Hong (Ph.D., November 2008; co-advised with Alan Demers, Mirek Riedewald, and Walker White). First
employment: Vertica.
- Dan Kifer
(Ph.D., August 2006 and postdoc September 2006 to August 2007). First
employment: Yahoo! Research; now
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Penn
State University.
- Prakash Linga (Ph.D., June
2007, co-advised with Jayavel Shanmugasundaram). First employment: Moka5.
- Yin Lou (Ph.D., May 2014).
First employment: LinkedIn.
- Ashwin Machanavajjhala (Ph.D.,
August 2008). First employment: Yahoo!
Research; now Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science,
Duke University.
- David Martin (Ph.D.,
August 2008; co-advised with Joe Halpern). First employment: Google.
- Tobias Mayr (Ph.D., August 2001; co-advised with Praveen Seshadri). First
employment: IBM Almaden Research Center.
- Biswanath
Panda (Ph.D., February 2009; co-advised with Mirek Riedewald).
First employment: Google.
- Mirek Riedewald
(Research Associate, 2002-2008). First employment: Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science, Northeastern University.
- Ben Sowell (Ph.D., May 2012;
co-advised with Alan Demers). First employment: Nou
- Niki
Trigoni (postdoc, November 2002 to July 2004).
First employment: Lecturer, School of
Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck, University of London. Now
University Lecturer, Department of
Computer Science, University of Oxford.
- Sudip
Roy (Ph.D., August 2014). First employment: Google.
- Marcos Vaz Salles (postdoc,
December 2008 to July 2011). First employment: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen.
- Guozhang
Wang (PhD., August 2012). First employment:
- Felix Weigel
(postdoc, January 2007 to February 2009). First employment: Nokia; now at
- Xiaokui
Xiao (postdoc, August 2008 to July 2009). First employment: Assistant
Professor, Division of Information Systems, Nanyang Technological University.
- Fan Yang (Ph.D., July 2008;
co-advised with Jayavel Shanmugasundaram).
First employment: Google.
- Yong Yao (Ph.D.,
January 2007; co-advised with Alan Demers). First employment: IBM Silicon
Valley Lab; now at Google.
- Tao Zou (Ph.D., August
2014). First employment: Google.
research is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants
IIS-0121175, IIS-0621438, and
CNS-0627680, by
AFOSR, and by Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo!. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.