Franklin Professor of Computer Science Citizenship: United States
Department of Computer Science Telephone: (706) ...-....
Boyd Graduate Studies Research Center Date of Birth: 1939.4.26
University of Georgia Date: October 1999
Athens, GA 30606, USA Email: gries@cs.uga.edu
1960 Queens College, B.S. in Mathematics
1963 University of Illinois, M.S. in Mathematics
1966 Munich Institute of Technology, Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics
1960-62 Mathematician-programmer, U.S. Naval Weapons Lab.
1963-66 Assistant, Munich Inst. of Technology
1966-69 Assistant Professor, Stanford University
1969-77 Associate Professor, Cornell University
1975-76 Sabbatic, Technical University, Munich
1977-99 Professor, Cornell University
1982-87 Chair, Computer Science Department, Cornell
1983-84 Sabbatic, Oxford University
1990-91 Sabbatic, Regents Chair in Computer Science, Univ. Texas, Austin
1992-99 William L. Lewis Professor of Engineering, Cornell University
1999- Franklin Professor of Computer
Science, University of Georgia
1971 Susan L. Graham 1977 Kuo-Chung Tai 1987 Jennifer Widom
1972 Jean-Pierre Levy 1980 Gary M. Levin 1987 Jan Prins
1972 John S. Brown 1980 John Holm 1991 Geoffrey Smith
1973 Donald B. Johnson 1981 Robert Melville 1994 T.V. Raman
1975 Narain Gehani 1984 Peter Vanderbilt 1994 S. Efremidis
1975 Susan S. Owicki 1985 Dean Jacobs
1977 Juan M. Lafuente 1985 Van Long Nguyen
Doctor of Science (Honorary Degree), Oxford University, Miami, Ohio (April
Doctor of Laws (Honorary Degree), Daniel Webster College, Nashua, New Hampshire
(11 May 1996).
1995 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award. (17 Feb. 1996).
1994 Taylor L. Booth Award Education Award, IEEE Computer Society (7 Dec.
Advisor of T.V. Raman, whose Ph.D. thesis won the annual ACM Best Dissertation
Award (March 1995).
ACM-SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computer Science Education,
Education Award, American Federation of Information Processing Societies,
Computing Research Association Award for Service to the Computing Community,
ACM Fellow (Charter member: among the first group to be inducted), 8 March
Fellow of the AAAS, 1990-.
Guggenheim Fellowship, 1983-84.
ACM Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award 1977 (with S. Owicki).
Weiss Presidential Fellow (for contributions to undergraduate education).
Cornell University, 1995.
Computer Science Department Faculty of the Year, 1995-96 (Cornell Association
for Computer Association of Undergraduates (ACSU)).
Clarke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching; College of Arts
and Science, Cornell University, 1986-87.
Chosen by a Cornell Merrill Presidential Scholar (Thomas Yan) as the faculty
member who had the most positive influence on his education at Cornell,
Member, Computing Research Board, 1983-1990.
Chair, Computing Research Board, 1987-89.
Series Editor, Springer Verlag Texts and Monographs in Computer Science,
Main Editor, Acta Informatica, 1982-.
Managing Editor, Information Processing Letters, 1988-.
Editor, Programming Languages section of CACM, 1969-72.
Editorial Board: Acta Informatica, 1970-; Information Processing Letters,
1973-; Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1973-; Distributed
Computing 1985-88; Software -Concepts and Tools, 1988-; Formal Aspects
of Computer Science, 1988-.
Advisory Board, Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical
Computer Science (India), 1981-.
Chair, Program Committee, 2nd IEEE Symp. Logics in Computer Science, 1987.
Member of Program Committees: 5th Int. Symp. Programming. 1981; 6th Int.
Symp. Programming. 1982; POPL 1978; POPL 79; 6th Int. Conf. Software Engineering,
1982; IFIP Working Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods, 1990.
National Research Council to Survey International Developments in Computer
Science. 1980-82.
Computer Science Screening Committee, Council for International Exchange
of Scholars, 1984-86.
Chair, Panel on research directions in Software. NSF Advisory Committee
Meeting, Dec. 1988.
Scientific Director, Institute for Encapsulation, Modularization and Reuseability,
Year of Programming, University of Texas at Austin, 1987.
Member, Committee to Assess the Scope and Direction of Computer Science
and Technology (Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the National
Research Council), 1990-92.
ACM Task Force on Computer Science Core Curriculum, 1987-89.
ACM Strategic Planning Committee, 1988-90.
Scientific Director, Institute for Encapsulation, Modularization and Reuseability,
Year of Programming, University of Texas at Austin, 1987.
Chair, ACM Award Committee, Best Paper in Programming Languages and Systems
National ACM Lecturer, 1970-71.
Member, Selection committee for NAS Graduate fellowships, 1971-72.
Member, IFIP Working Group 2.3, 1974-.
Reviewer for the PROCOS research project, the ESPRIT program, 1990.
Review Committee, numerous computer science departments.
United States Patent 5,572,626, 5 November 1996. Method for generating
audio renderings of digitized works having highly technical content (with
T.V. Raman).
A Logical Approach to Discrete Math. Springer Verlag, NY, 1993,
500 pages (with F.B. Schneider).
Instructor's Manual for ``A Logical Approach to Discrete Math''.
D. Gries and F.B. Schneider, Ithaca, 1993. 311 pages (with F.B. Schneider).
Beauty is our Business. Editor. Springer Verlag, New York, 1990,
453 pages. (with W.H.J. Feijen, A.J.M. van Gasteren, and J. Misra).
The Science of Programming. Springer Verlag, New York, 1981, 350
pages. (Translated into Russian and Japanese.)
Programming Methodology: a Collection of Articles by Members of IFIP
WG2.3. Editor. Springer Verlag, New York, 1979, 437 pages.
An Introduction to Programming -a structured approach. Winthrop,
Cambridge, Edition 3, 1978, 509 pages. (with R. Conway).
The following books are extensive revisions to suit different needs:
A Primer on Structured Programming, Using PL/I, PL/C and PL/C7.
1976, 397 pages. (with R. Conway).
Primer on Structured Programming using Pascal. 1976, 433 pages.
(with R. Conway and E.C. Zimmerman).
An Introduction to Structured Programming using SP/K. 1977. (with
R. Conway and D. Wortman).
Introduction to Microprocessor Programming using PL/Z. 1979, 593
pages. (with R. Conway, M. Fay, and C. Bass).
Compiler Construction for Digital Computers. John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 1971, 491 pages. (Translated into Spanish, Japanese, Chinese,
Italian and Russian.)
Published Articles and Lectures
What's education for? Address at the
Opening Convocation, Daniel Webster College, 6 September 1996.
The need for education in useful formal logic. IEEE Computer (April
1966), 29-30.
Avoiding the undefined by underspecification. In J. van Leeuwen (Ed.).
Science Today. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1000,
October 1995, 366-373. (with Fred B. Schneider).
Teaching math more effectively through calculational proofs. The Mathematical
Monthly (October 1995), 691-697. (with F.B. Schneider).
A new approach to teaching discrete mathematics. PRIMUS V, 2 (June
1995), 114-115. (with F.B. Schneider).
propositional logic. IPL 53, 3 (February 1995), 145-152. (with
Fred B. Schneider).
Documents mean more than just paper! Proc. Second International Workshop
on the Principles of Document Processing, April 1994 (with T.V. Raman).
Data refinement and the transform. In Broy (ed.), Program Design Calculi.
NATO ASI Series F, 118, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993. pp. 92-119.
Computer Science, Academic. Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Third Edition
(A. Ralston and E.D. Reilly, eds.), Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993,
p. 322-323 (with D. Marsh).
Loop invariant. Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Third Edition (A. Ralston
and E.D. Reilly, eds.), Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993, p. 796-797.
Trace-based network proof systems: expressiveness and completeness. TOPLAS
14, 3 (July 1992), 396-416. (with J. Widom and F.B. Schneider).
A new programming language. Proc. Software Technology Conference 1992,
Los Angeles, California, 27-29 April 1992, pp. 97-101.
A constructive proof of Vizing's theorem. IPL 41, 3 (March 1992),
131-133. (with J. Misra).
On progress in programming. In Broy, M. (ed.). Informatik und Mathematik,
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1991, pp. 297-302.
Teaching calculation and discrimination: a more effective curriculum. Comm.
ACM 34, 3 (March 1991), 44-55.
Binary to decimal, one more time. In Beauty is our Business (W.H.J.
Feijen et al, eds.), Springer Verlag, New York, 1990, pp. 141-148.
The transform -a new language construct. Structured Programming 11
(1990), 1-10. (with D. Volpano).
An optimal parallel algorithm for generating combinations. IPL 33 (November
1989), 135-139. (with S.E. Akl and I. Stojmenovic).
Influences (or lack thereof) of formalism in teaching programming and software
engineering. (Banquet speech.) Ibid, pp. 229-236.
A hands-in-the-pocket presentation of a k-majority vote algorithm. In Formal
development of programs and proofs (E.W. Dijkstra, ed.), Addison-Wesley,
Menlo Park, 1990, pp. 43-45.
Inorder traversal of a binary tree and its inversion. Ibid, pp.
37-42. (with J.L.A. van de Snepscheut).
The maximum-segment-sum problem. Ibid, pp. 33-36.
An algorithm for transitive reduction of an acyclic graph. Science of
Computer Programming 12, 2 (July 1989), 151-155. (with A.J. Martin,
J.L.A. van de Snepscheut, and J.T. Udding).
Developing a linear algorithm for cubing a cyclic permutation. Science
of Computer Programming 11, 2 (December 1988), 161-166. (with J. Xue).
Generating a random cyclic permutation. BIT 28, 3 (1988), 569-572.
(with J. Xue).
A note on Graham's convex hull algorithm. IPL 25, 5 (July 1987),
323-328. (with I. Stojmenovic).
Horner's rule and the computation of linear recurrences. IPL 25,
4 (June 1987), 237-240. (with A. Pascoletti and L. Sbriz).
Programming pearls, guest oyster. Comm. ACM 30, 4 (April 1987),
Mclaren's masterpiece. Science of Computer Programming 8, 2 (April
1987), 139-146. (with J.F. Prins).
In-situ inversion of a cyclic permutation. IPL 24, 1 (January 1987),
11-14. (with W.H.J. Feijen and A.J.M. van Gasteren).
Completeness and incompleteness of trace-based network proof systems. Proc.
Fourteenth Ann. ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symp. Princ. Programming Languages,
January 1987, Munich. (with J. Widom and F.B. Schneider).
Programming methodology: making a science out of an art. Engineering:
Cornell Quarterly 20, 2 (Fall 1985), 23-27. (with F.B. Schneider).
A model and temporal proof system for networks of processes. Distributed
Computing 1, 1 (1986), 7-25. (with V. Nguyen, A. Demers, and S. Owicki).
A new notion of encapsulation. Proc. SIGPLAN 85 Symp. Language Issues
in Programming Environments, Seattle, June 1985, 131-139. (with J.
Behavior: a temporal approach to process modeling. Conference on Logics
of Programs, Brooklyn, June 1985. LNCS 193 (1985), 237-254. (with
V. Nguyen, A. Demers, and S. Owicki).
A model and temporal proof system for networks of processes. Twelfth
Ann. ACM Symp. Princ. Progr. Lang., New Orleans, January 1985, 121-131.
(with V. Nguyen and S. Owicki).
General correctness: a unification of partial and total correctness. Acta
Informatica 22 (1985), 67-84. (with D. Jacobs).
The emerging science of programming (Keynote Address). 6th Australian
Computer Science Conference, Sydney, Australia, February 12, 1983.
Towards a practical science of programming (Keynote Address). 2nd Conf.
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science,
Bangalore, India, December 13, 1982.
Fast fault-tolerant broadcasts. Science of Computer Programming 4
(April 1984), 1-16. (with F.B. Schneider and R.D. Schlichting).
A note on a standard strategy for developing loop invariants and loops.
of Computer Programming 2 (1984), 207-214.
Finding repeated elements. Science of Computer Programming 2 (November
1982), 143-152. (with J. Misra).
A proof technique for communicating sequential processes. Acta Informatica
15 (1980), 281-302. (with G. Levin).
Educating the programmer: notation, proofs and the development of programs.
Invited lecture. Information Processing 80, Proc. IFIP Congress 80,
S. Lavington, (Ed.), North-Holland, New York, 1980, 935-944.
Computing a Fibonacci number in log time. IPL 2 (October 1980),
68-69. (with G. Levin).
Assignment and procedure call proof rules. TOPLAS 2 (October 1980),
564-579. (with G. Levin).
Controlled-density sorting. IPL 10 (July 1980), 169-172. (with R.
Is sometime ever better than alway? TOPLAS 1 (October 1979), 258-265.
Eliminating the chaff. In Program Construction, F.L. Bauer and M.
Broy (Eds.), LNCS 69 (1979), 70-74.
Current ideas in programming methodology. In Research Directions in
Software Technology, P. Wegner (Ed.), MIT Press, 1979, 254-275.
The Schorr-Waite graph marking algorithm. Acta Informatica 11 (1979),
A linear sieve algorithm for finding prime numbers. Comm. ACM 21
(December 1978), 999-1003. (with J. Misra).
Parallel programming (invited lecture). GI-8 Jahrestagung, Springer
Verlag Informatik Berichte 16 (October 1976) Berlin, Germany, 214-233.
The multiple assignment statement. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 4 (March
1978), 89-93.
Language facilities for programming user-computer dialogues. IBM J.
Research and Development 22 (March 1978), 148-158. Reprinted in E.
Edmunds (ed.). The Separable User Interface. Academic Press, San
Diego, 1992, pp. 97-128. (with J. LaFuente).
An exercise in proving parallel programs correct. Comm. ACM 20 (December
1977), 921-930.
Some ideas on data types in high-level languages. Comm. ACM 20 (June
1977), 414-420. (with N. Gehani).
An illustration of current ideas on the derivation of correctness proofs
and correct programs. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 2 (December 1976),
Compiler. Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology 5, Belzer,
Holzman and Kent (Eds.), Markel Dekker Inc., New York, 206-243.
Error recovery and correction -an introduction to the literature. Compiler
Construction -an Advanced Course, F.L. Bauer and J. Eickel (Eds.),
21 (edition 2), Springer Verlag, New York, 1976, 627-638.
Some comments on programming language design (invited lecture). Programmiersprachen:
Fachtagung 1976, H.J. Schneider and M. Nagl (Eds.), Informatik-Fachberichte
I, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1976, 235-252.
An axiomatic proof technique for parallel programs. Acta Informatica
6 (1976), 319-340. (with S. Owicki).
Verifying properties of parallel programs: an axiomatic approach. Comm.
ACM 19 (May 1976), 279-285. (with S. Owicki).
On structured programming -a reply to Smoliar. Comm. ACM 17 (November
1974), 655-657; also Comm. ACM 18 (October 1975), 600-601 and Comm.
ACM 19 (January 1976), 47-48.
What should we teach in an introductory programming course? SIGCSE Bulletin
6, February 1974, 81-89. (Proc. 4th Symp. Computer Science Education.)
Describing an algorithm by Hopcroft. Acta Informatica 2 (1973),
Programming by induction. IPL 2 (1972), 100-107.
Program schemes with pushdown stores. SIAM J. Computing 1 (1972),
242-268. (with R. Szymanski and S. Brown).
On classes of program schemata. SIAM J. Computing 1, 1 (1972), 66-118.
(with R. Constable).
Automatic compiler writing techniques. In Systemprogrammierung,
Ganzhorn, Schieferdecker, Endres (Ed.), Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich, 1972.
Translator writing systems. Comm. ACM 11 (February 1968), 77-113.
(with J. Feldman).
The use of transition matrices in compiling. Comm. ACM 11 (January
1968), 26-34.
The ALCOR-ILLINOIS 7090/7040 post mortem dump. Comm. ACM 10 (December
1967), 804-808. (with R. Bayer, M. Paul and H.R. Wiehle).
Characterizations of certain classes of norms. Numerische Mathematik
10 (1967), 30-41.
Some results on fields of value of a matrix. SIAM J. Numerical Analysis
4 (1967), 283-299. (with J. Stoer).
Some techniques used in the ALCOR-ILLINOIS 7090. Comm. ACM 8 (August
1965), 496-500. (with M. Paul and H.R. Wiehle).
Published Reports
Computer science. Cornell Engineering Quarterly 25, 4 (Summer 1991),
Die 150 wissenschaftlichen Nachtkommen von Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. F.L. Bauer.
In Broy, M. (ed.). Informatik und Mathematik, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg,
1991, pp. 441-450.
The 1989-90 Taulbee survey. Computing Research News (January 1991)
and Comm. ACM 35, 1 (January 1992), 132-143. (with Dorothy Marsh).
The 1988-89 Taulbee survey. Computing Research News 2, 1 (January
1990) and Comm. ACM 33, 9 (September 1990), 160-169. (with Dorothy
Computer languages. In J.E. Hopcroft and K.W. Kennedy, ed. Computer
Science: achievements and opportunities. Report of the NSF Advisory
Committee for Computer Research. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 15-28. (with
C.A.R. Hoare, K.W. Kennedy, F.C.N. Pereira, and D.S. Scott).
The Computer Worm. (Report from the Commission of Preliminary Enquiry.
Cornell University), Cornell University, 6 February 1989. (with T. Eisenberg,
J. Hartmanis, D. Holcomb, M.S. Lynn, and T. Santoro).
The 1988 Snowbird Report: a discipline matures. Computer 22, 2 (1989),
72-75. (with T. Walker and P.R. Young).
Computing as a Discipline. Final report of ACM Task Force on the Core of
Computer Science. Computer 22, 2 (1989), 63-70. (with P.J. Denning,.
D.E. Comer, M.C. Mulder, A. Tucker, A.J. Turner, and P.R. Young).
The 1987-88 Taulbee survey. Comm. ACM 32, 10 (October 1989), 1217-1224;
and Computer 22, 11 (November 1989), 49-56. (with D. Marsh).
The 1986-87 Taulbee survey. Comm. ACM 31 (August 1988), 984-991;
and Computer 21 (August 1988), 53-61. (with Dorothy Marsh).
The 1985-86 Taulbee survey. Comm. ACM 30 (August 1987), 688-694.
Meeting the basic research needs of computer science. Report of the study
group of the Advisory Committee for Computer Research, National science
Foundation, December 1986. (with S.R. Kosaraju and M.J. Fischer).
The 1984-85 Taulbee survey. Comm. ACM 29 (Oct 1986), 972-977.
Twenty years of computer science at Cornell. Engineering: Cornell Quarterly
20, 2 (Fall 1985), 2-12.
Imbalance between growth and funding in academic computer science: two
trends colliding. Computer 19 (September 1986), 70-76, and Comm.
ACM 29 (September 1986), 870-878. (with R. Miller, R. Ritchie, and
P. Young).
Other reports and reviews
On presenting monotonicity and on EA=>AE.
Tech. Rpt. TR95-1512, Computer Science Department, Cornell University,
May 1995.
Teaching math more effectively through the design of calculational proofs.
Tech. Rpt. 94-1415, March 1994. Accepted for publication in the Mathematical
Monthly, January 1995.
A new approach to teaching mathematics. Tech. Rpt., Computer Science Department,
Cornell University, February 1994. Accepted for publication in PRIMUS.
(with F.B. Schneider).
A constructive proof of Vizing's theorem. Tech. Rpt., Computer Science
Department, Cornell University, August 1991. (with J. Misra).
Forward, Essays in Computing Science by C.A.R. Hoare and C.B. Jones.
Prentice Hall International, London, 1989.
The Hopcroft-Tarjan planarity algorithm, presentation and improvements.
Tech. Rpt. 88-906, April 1988. (with J. Xue).
Presenting an algorithm to find the minimum edit distance. Tech. Rpt. 88-903,
March 1988. (with B. Burkhart).
Inorder traversal of a binary tree and its inversion. Tech. Rpt. 87-876,
November 1987. (with Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut).
Complete, trace-based, network proof systems: an advisor's perspective.
Tech. Rpt. 87-865, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, September
Developing two of Arsac's funny algorithms. Tech. Rep. 85-711, Computer
Science Department, Cornell University, November 1985.
The Gibbs Programming Environment. IEEE International Conference on Computer
Design: VLSI in Computers. (ICCD '85), Oct 7 1985, Port Chester, NY.
The seven-eleven problem. Tech. Rep. 83-574, Computer Science, Cornell
University, September 1983. (with P. Pritchard)
Review of R.G. Dromy's book How to solve it by computer. Science
of Computer Programming 3 (1983).
A reply to Susan Gerhart's review of Craft and Science. May
The science of programming answer book. Tech. Rep. 82-498, Computer Science,
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, June 1982.
The 711 problem. Tech. Rep. 82-493, Computer Science, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, May 1982. (with J. Misra).
Finding the longest prefix. August 1981.
Notes on Mathematical Induction and Well-Founded Sets. November 1981.
Cand and Cor before and then and or else in
ADA;. Tech. Rep. 79-402, Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York, May 1979.
Yet another exercise: using shared variables in two processes to provide
starvation-free mutual exclusion. Tech. Rep. 79-372, Computer Science,
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1979.
Tutorial on the development of programs. COMCON 77, September 1977. (with
D. Parnas).
A note on iteration. Tech. Rep. 77-323, Computer Science, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, September 1977.
A proof of correctness of Rem's semaphore implementation of the with-when
statement. Tech. Rep. 77-314, Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York, May 1977.
The use of comments on programming. 1976. (with R. Conway).
A student-written compiler. Tutorial Software Document 1, DISE Task Force
on Software Engineering, May 1975.
Recursion as a programming tool. Tech. Rep. 75-242, Computer Science, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, May 1975.
A note on program development. Tech. Rep. 74-202, Computer Science, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, March 1974.
Using recipes to teach programming. 1970.
CIL: Compiler Implementation Language. SLAC Report 102, March 1969.
MPL: Mathematical Programming Language. Computer Science Report, Computer
Science Department, Stanford University, 1968. (with 7 others).
Ueber einige Klassen von Normen. Ph.D. Thesis, Technische Hochschule
Muenchen, 1966.
ALCOR-ILLINOIS 7090 -an ALGOL compiler for the IBM 7090. Report 6415, Rech.
der Tech. Hochschule Munich, 1964. (with M. Paul and H.R. Wiehle).
The object program produced by the ALCOR-ILLINOIS 7090 compiler. Report
6412, Rech. der Tech. Hochschule Munich, 1964.
User's manual for the ALCOR-ILLINOIS 7090 ALGOL translator. University
of Illinois, September 1964, 120 pages. (with R. Bayer and E. Murphree