Fred B. Schneider

Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science
Gates Hall
107 Hoy Road
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255-9221

e-mail:             curriculum vitae             brief biography

My research is intended to support the construction of concurrent and distributed systems for high-integrity and mission-critical settings. Fault-tolerance and security are critical in such settings.

Project Web Sites

Overview of Cybersecurity Research
AFOSR Grant 2016
Language Based Security
Containment and Integrity for Mobile Code
Trustworthy Services (COCA, CODEX, Proactive Obfsuscation
JRIF Reactive Information Flow for JIF

Videos and Published Interviews

Interview for CS Department Oral History

Interview with IEEE Cyber Security


Full Publication List

Professional Activities

Professor-at-LargeUniversity of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway (1996--present).


Distributed Computing, Springer-Verlag, October 1984--present, (Editor-in-chief, January 1989--August 2000).

Past Editorial Activities:

ACM Computing SurveysMarch 1995--May 2003.

Communications of the ACM, August 2010--August 2013.

High Integrity SystemsMarch 1993--December 1996.

IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, March 2004--January 2009.

Information Processing LettersNorth-Holland Publishing Company, March 1987--March 2004.

IEEE Security and PrivacyNovember 2002--August 2014 (Associate Editor-in-Chief).

Texts and Monographs in Computer ScienceSpringer-Verlag, January 1988--March 2018 (Co-managing editor October 1992--March 2018).

Co-director, CCC Leadership in Science Policy Institute,  since Fall 2011.

Member,  National Research Council, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, August 20144--present.

Chair Emeritus, National Research Council, Forum on Cyber-Resilience,  February 2022--present (founding chair August 2014--February 2022).

Program Committee Memberships

Past Professional Activities:

Chairman, Information Systems Trustworthiness, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. This is the study that produced Trust in Cyberspace.

Chairman, International Review of UK Research in Computer Science, EPSRC/IEE, United Kingdom. Fall 2001.

Chairman, Study on Robust Cyber Defense, DARPA IPTO, Fall 2001. The final briefing slides are available. 

Member, ACM Advisory Committee on Security and Privacy, October 2001--November 2003.

Science Advisor, Board of Directors, Griffiss Institute, Rome, New York. (January 2004 --April 2006; founding Chief Scientist, January 2003-December 2003).

Member, National Science Foundation CISE  Advisory Committee, March 2002--March 2006.

Director, Information Assurance Institute, Feb 2000--June 30, 2008

Member, National Research Council, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, July 2002--June 2008.

Member, Committee on Improving Cybersecurity ResearchComputer Science Telecommunications Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.  June 2004--January 2007.

Member, Advisory Board, Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia, July 2005--July 2009.

Member, PCAST Technical Advisory Group on Networking and Information Technology, July 2006--January 2009.

Member, Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board, Sept 2006--Sept 2010.

MemberDefense Science Board, January 1, 2010--December 31, 2012

Member, Computer Science Council, Stony Brook University, Dec 2009--Dec 2012

Member, Computing Community Consortium Council, July 1, 2007--September 1, 2014.

Member, Board of Advisors, Intel Science and Technology Center for Secure Computing, University of California Berkeley.  December 2011--September 2014

Chief Scientist, TRUST (NSF Science and Technology Center: Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technologies) (March 2005--April 2013).

Member, Board of Directors, Computing Research Association, July 2007--June 2016.   (Chair, Government Affairs Committee 2009--June 2016.).

Member, Naval Studies Board, National Research Council, March 1, 2013 --December 31, 2018.

Member, DARPA Microsystems Exploratory Council (MEC), March 2018--March 2019.

Member, Advisory Board, Johns Hopkins University Security Institute, October 2016--November 2019.


Industrial Activities

Consultant, Lincoln Laboratories, Oct 2012--present.

Past Industrial Activities:

JavaSoft Security Advisory Committee, JavaSoft Inc., June 1997--March  2002. Board of Advisors, March 2000--March 2002.

FAST ASA, Chief Scientist-Security and Reliability, March 2000-March 2008.

deCode Genetics Security Advisory Board, February 2000--March 2002.

cigital, Technical Advisory Board, Nov. 2000--June 2004.

Intel Corporation, Microprocessor Research Lab Advisory Board, August 2001--August 2004.

JXTA Technical Advisory Council, Jan 2001--Match 2002.

IBM Corporation, Autonomic Computing Advisory Board, June 2001--May 2004.

Packet General Networks, Technical Advisory Board, Feb. 2003--June 2007.

Cloakware Corporation, Technical Advisory Council, October 2003--March 2004.

Fortify Software, Technical Advisory Board, Feb. 2004--December 2010.

Microsoft, Co-chair, Trustworthy Computing Academic Advisory Board, Feb 2003--November 2014.

Member, Passages Advisory Board, NTrepid Corporation August 2016--December 2020.

Chair, ZeroFoxBoard of Advisors, Feb 2013--August 2022.


IBM Faculty Development Award (1983).

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (1992).

Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery (1995).

Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2008)

Professor-at-Large, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway (1996--2015).

Daniel M. Lazar Excellence in Teaching Award (2000).

Doctor of Science [honoris causa], University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (2003). Read the Public Orator's Statement.

ACM SIGOPS 2007 Hall of Fame Award (2007) for "Implementing fault-tolerant services using the state machine approach: A tutorial" ACM Computing Surveys (December 1990), 299--319.

John Swanson '61 ME in honor of his Mother, Dorothy G Swanson, Teaching Award (2010)

Member, Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi (Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences), 2010

Member, National Academy of Engineering, 2011.

IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award, 2012.

Service to CRA Award, 2016. Computing Research Association.

Jean-Claude Laprie Award (2017) for "Fail-stop processors: An approach to designing fault-tolerant computing systems". ACM TOCS 1, 3 (August 1983), 222--238.

Member, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 2017.

Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing, July 2018.

IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium Distinguished Paper, July 2021.

10th Annual NSA Best Scientific Cybersecurity Research Paper Award for the paper Verifying Hyperproperties with TLA.