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Contact Information:
James Ezick
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
(Interested in my resume?)
Office Address:
4139 Upson Hall
Ithaca, New York 14853
Email: ezick@cs.cornell.edu
Phone: (607) 255-4934
Home Address:
802 N. Cayuga St., Apt. 1
Ithaca, New York 14850-3673
Phone: (607) 272-7791
"Just four short blocks north of
Uranus on the
Sagan Planet Walk!"
Research Interests:
I am a doctoral student in Computer
Science at Cornell University. My advisor is Keshav
Pingali and I am a member of the
Intelligent Software Systems Group. My current research work is in software model checking with
specific interests that include:
- Context-sensitive algorithms for validating modal logic formulas over
unrestricted hierarchical state machines.
- Resolving queries over pre-existing
context-sensitive analyses.
- Generation of space efficient models for specified program properties.
- Practical source level counter-example generation.
- Techniques for specifying high-level design and usage constraints in
formal language.
- Making existing code instantly accessible to newly hired experienced
I am the architect of the Carnauba model
checking system, an end-to-end system for model checking over context-sensitive
As part of my work I am also engaged in an ongoing collaboration with GrammaTech,
Inc. I have implemented a number of my ideas, including Carnauba, as plug-ins to CodeSurfer®,
their proprietary software analysis tool.
Prior to joining the ISS group I spent a year working with Dexter
Kozen on Efficient
Code Certification (ECC).
Application-Level Checkpointing (Cornell Checkpointing Compiler)
- Man vs. Machine: Comparing Handwritten and
Compiler-generated Application-Level Checkpointing
James Ezick, Daniel Marques, Keshav Pingali and Paul Stodghill
[abstract, ps,
Model Checking over Context-Sensitive Analyses
- Resolving and Applying Constraint Queries over Context-Sensitive
James Ezick
Workshop on Program Analysis for
Software Tools and Engineering
(PASTE), June 2004
- An Optimizing Compiler for Batches of Temporal Logic Formulas
James Ezick
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), July 2004
- Resolving Constrained Existential Queries over Context-Sensitive
James Ezick
Cornell University Computing and Information Science Technical Report
TR2003-1913, June 2003
Interprocedural Program Analysis
- Efficient Computation of Interprocedural Control Dependence
James Ezick, Gianfranco Bilardi, and Keshav Pingali
Cornell University Technical Report TR2001-1850, September 2001
[abstract, ps,
I have taught courses for the Cornell University Department of Computer
CS 415: Practicum in Operating Systems (Fall 1997)
Other (Mostly) Professional Activities:
Personal and Fun:
Came the sixth, and here it was, that one special moment
that you always
look for when Joe Frazier is in a fight. Most of his fights have shown
this: You can go so far into that desolate and dark place where the heart
of Frazier pounds, you can waste his perimeters, you can see his head
hanging in the public square, may even believe that you have him, but then
suddenly you learn that you have not. Once more the pattern emerged ...
--Mark Kram on Joe Frazier,
1 October 1975
Last Updated:
Thursday, July 15, 2004 11:21:42 PM
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