For a list of videos from past talks click here (Net ID required)

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:15pm in G01 Gates Hall - Mentor's Lecture Hall (Unless otherwise indicated)
Reception at 3:45 in front of 416 Gates Hall - New Visions

Thursday 01.15.2015

Security in the Era of Cloud Computing

Speaker: Tom Ristenpart, University of Wisconsin

Thursday 01.22.15

Randomness Vs. Memory: A Treasure(s) Hunt

Speaker: Omer Reingold, Weizmann Institute 

Thursday 01.29.15

The answer is sometimes in the noise

Speaker: Shwetak Patel, University of Washington

Host: Erik Andersen

Tuesday 02.03.15

Understanding Privacy in the Era of "Privacy is Dead"

Speaker: Matt Fredrikson, University of Wisconsin

Host: Andrew Myers

Thursday 02.05.15

Unlocking Interaction via Pixel-Based Reverse Engineering

Speaker: Morgan Dixon, University of Washington

Monday 02.09.15 (Speaking at IS Colloquium in 310 Gates Hall, 12:00PM)

Crowd-Agents: Creating Crowd-Powered Interactive Systems

Speaker: Walter Lasecki, University of Rochester

Host: Malte Jung

Tuesday 02.10.15

Towards Provable and Practical Machine Learning

Speaker: Rong Ge, Microsoft Research

Host: David Steurer

Thursday 02.12.15

Communication, Co-design and the Making of Modern Database Storage Engines

Speaker: Ryan Johnson, University of Toronto-Scarborough

Host: Hakim Weatherspoon

Tuesday 02.17.15

Feburary Break - No Colloquium

Thursday 02.19.15

Generalizability in Causal Inference

Speaker: Elias Bareinboim, UCLA

Host: Joe Halpern

Tuesday 02.24.15

Transportation Techniques for Geometric Data Processing

Speaker: Justin Solomon, Stanford

Host: Steve Marschner

Thursday 02.26.15

Data-Centric Programming for Distributed Systems

Speaker: Peter Alvaro, Berkeley

Host: Emin Gun Sirer

Tuesday 03.03.15

Building an Operating System for the Data Center

Speaker: Simon Peter, University of Washington

Host: Emin Gun Sirer

Thursday 03.05.15

Jellyfish: Networking Data Centers, Randomly

Speaker: Ankit Singla, UIUC

Hosts: Robbert Van Renesse, Chris Studer

Monday 03.09.15 (Joint CS/ECE Talk)

Taming the Swarm: Control and Design of Multi-Robot Systems

Speaker: Michael Rubenstein, Harvard

Hosts: Ross Knepper, Ed Suh

Tuesday 03.10.15

No Colloquium - PhD Visit Day

Wednesday 03.11.15 (Joint CS/ECE Talk)

Rethinking Storage Vertically

Speaker: Yiying Zhang, UC San Diego

Host: Hakim Weatherspoon, David Albonesi

Monday 03.16.15 (Joint CS/ECE Talk) 

Hardware and Software for Approximate Computing

Speaker: Adrian Sampson, University of Washington 

Host: Ross Tate, Chris Batten

Tuesday 03.17.15

Interaction as Manipulation

Speaker: Anca Dragan, CMU

Host: Ross Knepper

Thursday 03.19.15

Parallel Proofs for Parallel Programs

Speaker: Zak Kincaid, University of Toronto

Host: Nate Foster

Tuesday 03.24.15

Situated Learning and Understanding of Natural Language

Speaker: Yoav Artzi, University of Washington

Host: Lillian Lee

Thursday 03.26.15

Mending the Application-Network Gap in Big Data Analytics

Speaker: Mosharaf Chowdhury, Berkeley

Host: Ken Birman

Tuesday 03.31.15

No Colloquium - Spring Break

Thursday 04.02.15

No Colloquium - Spring Break 

Tuesday 04.07.15

Deep Learning for Decision Making and Control

Speaker: Sergey Levine, Berkeley

Host: Ross Knepper

Thursday 04.09.15

Coordination Avoidance in Distributed Databases

Speaker: Peter Bailis, Berkeley

Host: Nate Foster

Tuesday 04.14.15

Verifying Distributed Car and Aircraft Systems with Logic and Refinement 

Speaker: Sarah Loos, Carnegie Mellon

Host: Bob Constable

Thursday 04.16.15

Scalable Inference and Learning for High-Level Probabilistic Models

Speaker: Guy van den Broeck, KU Leuven

Host: Bart Selman

Tuesday 04.21.15

Cryptography from Lattices

Speaker: Chris Peikert, Georgia Tech

Host: David Steurer

Thursday 04.23.15

Principled and Practical Web Application Security

Speaker: Deian Stefan, Stanford

Host: Andrew Myers

Tuesday 04.28.15

What’s in my data? Fast, principled algorithms for exploring large graphs

Speaker: Danai Koutra, Carnegie Mellon

Host: Thorsten Joachims

CANCELLED: Thursday 04.30.15

Big Visual Data Meets Human Face Modeling

Speaker: Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Unversity of Washington

Host: Kavita Bala

Tuesday 05.05.15

Autonomous Virtual Characters

Speaker: Jie Tan, Georgia Tech

Host: Steve Marschner

Thursday 05.07.15

Structure and Function in Large Collections of 3D Models

Speaker: Vladimir Kim, Stanford

Host: Kavita Bala

Monday 05.11.15

Privacy in the Land of Plenty

Speaker: Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft Research

Host: Eva Tardos

Tuesday 05.12.15

Big Visual Data Meets Human Face Modeling

Speaker: Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Unversity of Washington

Host: Kavita Bala




Fall 2014Spring 2014Fall 2013 | Spring 2013 | Fall 2012 | Spring 2012 | Fall 2011 | Spring 2011 | Fall 2010 | Spring 2010 | Fall 2009 | Spring 2009 | Fall 2008 | Spring 2008 | Fall 2007 | Spring 2007 | Fall 2006 | Spring 2006 | Fall 2005 | Spring 2005 | Fall 2004 | Spring 2004 | Fall 2003 | Spring 2003 | Fall 2002Spring 2002 | Fall 2001 | Spring 2001 | Fall 2000 | Spring 2000