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For a list of videos from past talks click here (Net ID required)
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15pm in G01 Gates Hall - Mentor's Lecture Hall (Unless otherwise indicated)
Thursday 01.23.14
CORFU and TANGO: Transactional Data Services Over a Shared Log
Speaker: Dahlia Malkhi, Microsoft
Host: Ken Birman
Tuesday 01.28.14
Experiences with property based testing
Speaker: John Hughes, Chalmers University
Host: Nate Foster
Thursday 01.30.14
No Colloquium
Tuesday 02.04.14
Machine Learning: a Discipline of Resource Tradeoffs
Speaker: John Duchi, Berkeley
Host: Thorsten Joachims
Thursday 02.06.14
The Three R's of Computer Vision: Recognition, Reconstruction and Reorganization
Salton Speaker: Jitendra Malik, Berkeley
Host: Noah Snaveley
Tuesday 02.11.14
Guaranteed Learning of Latent Variable Models: Overlapping Community Models and Overcomplete Representations
Speaker: Anima Anandkumar, UCI
Host: Bobby Kleinberg
Thursday 02.13.14
Building Embedded Sensor Systems to Bring Ubicomp to Life
Speaker: Gabe Cohn, Washington
Host: Tanzeem Choudhury
Tuesday 02.18.14
No Colloquium - Winter Break
Thursday 02.20.14
Representation, modeling and computation: Opportunities and challenges of modern datasets
Speaker: Alekh Agarwal, Berkely
Host: Thorsten Joachims
Tuesday 02.25.14
Oblivious Computation and Storage: Building a More Secure Cloud
Speaker: Emil Stefanov, Berkeley
Host: Andrew Myers
Thursday 02.27.14
Security & Privacy for Existing and Emerging Technologies
Speaker: Franzi Roesner, Washington
Host: Emin Gun Sirer
Tuesday 03.04.14
Automatic Intrusion Recovery with System-Wide History
Speaker: Taesoo Kim, MIT
Host: Ken Birman
Thursday 03.06.14
Going Beyond Scalability to Build Resource-Efficient Data Center Networked Systems
Speaker: George Porter, UCSD
Host: Hakim Weatherspoon
Tuesday 03.11.14
No Colloquium - PhD Visit Day
Thursday 03.13.14
Feature Allocations, Probability Functions, and Paintboxes
Speaker: Tamara Broderick, Berkeley
Host: David Mimno
Tuesday 03.18.14
Designing Engaging Learning Experiences
Speaker: Erik Andersen, University of Washington
Host: Kavita Bala
Thursday 03.20.14
Recursive Deep Learning for Modeling Compositional Meaning in Language
Speaker: Richard Socher, Stanford
Host: Claire Cardie
Tuesday 03.25.14
Building Systems that Compute on Encrypted Data
Speaker: Raluca Ada Popa, MIT
Host: Andrew Myers
Thursday 03.27.14
The Aha! Moment: From Data to Insight
Speaker: Dafna Shahaf, Stanford
Host: Claire Cardie
Tuesday 04.01.14
No Colloquium - Spring Break
Thursday 04.03.14
No Colloquium - Spring Break
Tuesday 04.08.14
Practical PIR for Electronic Commerce
Speaker: Ryan Henry, Waterloo
Host: Robbert Van Renesse
Thursday 04.10.14
Packet Transport Mechanisms for Data Center Networks
Speaker: Mohammad Alizadeh, Stanford/Cisco
Host: Nate Foster
Tuesday 04.15.14
Closing the loop on data analysis
Speaker: Eugene Wu, MIT
Host: Emin Gun Sirer
Wednesday 04.16.14
Computational Foundations of Bayesian Inference and Probabilistic Programming
Speaker: Daniel Roy, MIT
Host: Bart Selman
Thursday 04.17.14
Autonomous Assembly In a Human World
Speaker: Ross Knepper, MIT
Host: Ashutosh Saxena
Thursday 04.17.14
Autonomous Assembly In a Human World
Speaker: Ross Knepper, MIT
Host: Ashutosh Saxena
Tuesday 04.22.14 at 12:15PM
Managing Arrays for Science Applications at Scale
Speaker: Jennie Duggan, MIT
Host: Al Demers
Thursday 04.24.14 at 12:15PM
Rethinking the application-database interface
Speaker: Alvin Cheung, MIT
Host: Andrew Myers
Tuesday 04.29.14 at 12:15PM
Online Learning : From Theory to Algorithms and Applications
Speaker: Karthik Sridharan, University of Pennsylvania
Host: Bobby Kleinberg
Thursday 05.01.04 at 11:45AM
Reasoning about Approximate Computing
Speaker: Michael Carbin, MIT
Host: Ross Tate
Tuesday 05.06.14
No Colloquium
Thursday 05.08.14
No Colloquium
Spring 2014 | Fall 2013 | Spring 2013 | Fall 2012 | Spring 2012 | Fall 2011 | Spring 2011 | Fall 2010 | Spring 2010 | Fall 2009 | Spring 2009 | Fall 2008 | Spring 2008 | Fall 2007 | Spring 2007 | Fall 2006 | Spring 2006 | Fall 2005 | Spring 2005 | Fall 2004 | Spring 2004 | Fall 2003 | Spring 2003 | Fall 2002 | Spring 2002 | Fall 2001 | Spring 2001 | Fall 2000 | Spring 2000