Chapter 8: Problem Solutions
% Problem P8_1_1 % % Plots the error in the function Mysqrt with min max starting % approximation. close all s = 17/48; t = 2/3; x = linspace(.25,1)'; y = sqrt(x); z = s+t*x; plot(x,y,x,z) title('sqrt(x) and (17+32x)/48') Avals = linspace(.25,1,300); s = zeros(1,300); for k=1:300 s(k) = MySqrt1(Avals(k)); end error = abs(s-sqrt(Avals))./sqrt(Avals); figure plot(Avals,error+eps*.01) Title('Relative Error in the Function MySqrt1(A)') xlabel('A'); function x = Mysqrt1(A) % % A is a non-negative real number. % % x is the square root of A. if A==0 x = 0; else TwoPower = 1; m = A; while m>=1 m = m/4; TwoPower = 2*TwoPower; end while m < .25 m = m*4; TwoPower = TwoPower/2; end; % sqrt(A) = sqrt(m)*TwoPower x = (17+32*m)/48; for k=1:4 x = (x + (m/x))/2; end x = x*TwoPower; end
% Problem P8_1_2 % % Plots the error in the function Mysqrt with least squares starting % approximation. close all s = 10/27; t = 88/135; x = linspace(.25,1)'; y = sqrt(x); z = s+t*x; plot(x,y,x,z) title('sqrt(x) and (50+88x)/135') Avals = linspace(.25,1,300); s = zeros(1,300); for k=1:300 s(k) = MySqrt2(Avals(k)); end error = abs(s-sqrt(Avals))./sqrt(Avals); figure plot(Avals,error+eps*.01) Title('Relative Error in the Function MySqrt2(A)') xlabel('A') function x = Mysqrt2(A) % % A is a non-negative real number. % % x is the square root of A. if A==0 x = 0; else TwoPower = 1; m = A; while m>=1 m = m/4; TwoPower = 2*TwoPower; end while m < .25 m = m*4; TwoPower = TwoPower/2; end; % sqrt(A) = sqrt(m)*TwoPower x = (50+88*m)/135; for k=1:4 x = (x + (m/x))/2; end x = x*TwoPower; end
% Problem P8_1_3 % % Confirms the error bound (8.1). close all x = linspace(.25,1,500)'; y = sqrt(x); z = (1+2*x)/3; e = abs(y-z); plot(x,e) title(sprintf('Max error = %8.5f',max(e)))
% Problem P8_1_4 % % Extension of MySqrt to matrices. A = [ 0.00 100;... .01 900;... 1.00 0;... .000001 40000]; X = MySqrtMat(A); clc disp('A = MySqrtMat(A) = ') for i=1:4 disp(sprintf('%12.6f %12.6f %22.3f %12.3f',A(i,1),A(i,2),X(i,1),X(i,2))) end disp(' ') disp('A random 10-by-7 example with rows 2 and 4 scaled.') A = rand(10,7); A(4,:) = .0001*A(4,:); A(2,:) = 1000*A(2,:) X = MySqrtMat(A); Xexact = sqrt(A); err = abs(X - Xexact)./Xexact function X = MysqrtMat(A) % % A is an m-by-n matrix with non-negative entries. % % X(i,j) = sqrt(A(i,j)), i=1:m and j=1:n. % Initialize arrays. (Make A a vector.) [r,c] = size(A); X = zeros(r,c); xvec = zeros(r*c,1); avec = zeros(r*c,1); avec = A(:); I = find(avec>0); m = avec(I); TwoPower = ones(size(m)); % Normalize nonzero entries to [.25,1). idx = find(m>=1); while ~isempty(idx) m(idx) = m(idx)/4; TwoPower(idx) = 2*TwoPower(idx); idx = find(m>=1); end idx = find(m<.25); while ~isempty(idx) m(idx) = 4*m(idx); TwoPower(idx) = TwoPower(idx)/2; idx = find(m<.25); end % Newton iteration. xvec(I) = (1 + 2*m)/3; for k=1:4 xvec(I) = (xvec(I) + m./xvec(I))/2; end % Scale the positive square roots and establish the final X array. xvec(I) = xvec(I).*TwoPower; X(:) = xvec;
% Problem P8_1_5 % % Illustrate a bad bisection implementation % The midpoint of the initial interval is a root. clc x = Bisection1('atan',-1,1,.0000001); disp(sprintf('Computed root of atan(x) in [-1,1] is %5.3f',x)) disp(sprintf('Exact root of atan(x) in [-1,1] is %5.3f',0)) function root = Bisection1(fname,a,b,delta) % % fname is a string that names a continuous function f(x) of % a single variable. % a,b define an interval [a,b] % f is continuous, f(a)f(b) < 0 % delta is a non-negative real. % % root is the midpoint of an interval [alpha,beta] % with the property that f(alpha)f(beta)<=0 and % |beta-alpha| <= delta+eps*max(|alpha|,|beta|) fa = feval(fname,a); fb = feval(fname,b); if fa*fb > 0 disp('Initial interval is not bracketing.') return end if nargin==3 delta = 0; end while abs(a-b) > delta+eps*max(abs(a),abs(b)) mid = (a+b)/2; fmid = feval(fname,mid); if fa*fmid<0 % There is a root in [a,mid]. b = mid; fb = fmid; else % There is a root in [mid,b]. a = mid; fa = fmid; end end root = (a+b)/2;
% Problem P8_1_6 % % Illustrate recursive bisection. clc x = rBisection('cos',0,pi,.000001); disp(sprintf('pi = %9.6f',2*x)) function root = rBisection(fname,a,b,delta,fa,fb) % % fname is a string that names a continuous function f(x) of % a single variable. % a,b define an interval [a,b]. % f is continuous, f(a)f(b) < 0. % delta non-negative real. % fa,fb the value of f at a and b (optional). % % root is the midpoint of an interval [alpha,beta] % with the property that f(alpha)f(beta)<=0 and % |beta-alpha| <= delta+eps*max(|alpha|,|beta|) if nargin==4 fa = feval(fname,a); fb = feval(fname,b); end if abs(a-b) > delta+eps*max(abs(a),abs(b)) mid = (a+b)/2; fmid = feval(fname,mid); if fa*fmid<=0 % There is a root in [a,mid]. b = mid; fb = fmid; else % There is a root in [mid,b]. a = mid; fa = fmid; end root = rBisection(fname,a,b,delta,fa,fb); else root = (a+b)/2; end
% Problem P8_1_7 % % Roots of real cubics clc disp(' b c d Middle Root') disp('-----------------------------------') for b = -2:2 for c = -2:2 for d = -2:2 r = MiddleRoot(1,b,c,d); if ~isempty(r) disp(sprintf('%3.0f %3.0f %3.0f %20.16f',b,c,d,r)) end end end end function r = MiddleRoot(a,b,c,d) % % a,b,c,d are real scalars. % % If ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d has 3 distinct real roots then % r is the the middle root. Otherwise, r is the empty matrix. a1 = 3*a; b1 = 2*b; c1 = c; % Derivative = a1*x^2 + b1*x + c1 discrim = b1^2 - 4*a1*c1; if (discrim<=0 | a1 == 0) % Does not have 3 real roots. r = []; return else L = (-b1 - sqrt(discrim))/(2*a1); R = (-b1 + sqrt(discrim))/(2*a1); fL = ((a*L + b)*L + c)*L + d; fR = ((a*R + b)*R + c)*R + d; if fL*fR > 0 % Does not have 3 real roots because the critical points are % on the same side of the x-axis. r = []; return else % The middle root is in between the two critical x-values. while abs(L-R) > eps*max(abs(L),abs(R)) mid = (L+R)/2; fmid = ((a*mid + b)*mid + c)*mid + d; if fL*fmid<=0 % There is a root in [L,mid]. R = mid; fR = fmid; else % There is a root in [mid,R]. L = mid; fL = fmid; end end r = (L+R)/2; end end
% Problem P8_1_8 % % Bisection with an function that requires a quadrature. tol = 10^(-14); a = 0; fa = 0; x = .5; fx = quad8('MyF818',0,x,tol); b = 1; fb = 1; while abs(fx-.5)>tol if fx > .5 % There is a root in [a,x]. b = x; fb = fx; else % There is a root in [x,b]. a = x; fa = fx; end newx = (a+b)/2; fx = fx + quad8('MyF818',x,newx,tol); x = newx; end clc disp(sprintf('x = %16.14f',x)) function y = MyF818(x) y = pi*sin(pi*x/2)/2;
% Problem P8_1_9 % % A bisection application with a function that involves % solving a linear system. clc % Playing with MyF819 shows that if alfa = 1 the 2-norm of the % solution is bigger than 1 and if alfa = 3 then the 2-norm of % the solution is less than 1. alfa = Bisection('MyF819',1,3,.000000000001); disp(sprintf('alfa = %15.12f',alfa)) function nx = MyF819(alfa) % % alfa is a real scalar % % nx equals x'*x -1 where x satisfies (A+alfaI)x = ones(8,1) and % A = toeplitz([6 -4 1 0 0 0 0 0]). x = toeplitz([6+alfa -4 1 0 0 0 0 0])\ones(8,1); % (There are more efficient ways to solve this linear system.) nx = x'*x-1;
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% Problem P8_2_1 % % Modified GraphSearch Environment MyGraphSearch('DistMercEarth',0,1000,50) function MyGraphSearch(fname,a,b,nfevals) % % fname is a string that names a function f(x) that is defined % on the interval [a,b]. % % Produces a set of plots of the function f(x). The user % specifies the x-ranges by mouseclicks. The fourth argument % s used to determine how the plots are saved. If Save is % nonzero, then each plot is saved in a separate figure window. % If Save is zero or if GraphSearch is called with just three % arguments, then only the final plot is saved. [L,R] is the % x-range of the final plot. The plots are based on nfevals % function evaluations. close all % Click in the search intervals. x = linspace(a,b,nfevals); y = feval(fname,x); plot(x,y) AnotherInterval=1; n=0; L = min(x); R = max(x); d = (R-L)/10; hold on while AnotherInterval xlabel('Enter a point of interest. (Click off x-range to terminate.)') [x1,y1] = ginput(1); if (L<=x1) & (x1<=R) n = n+1; a(n) = x1-d; b(n) = x1+d; else AnotherInterval = 0; end end hold off close all for k=1:n % Search the kth interval figure AnotherPlot = 1; L = a(k); R = b(k); while AnotherPlot x = linspace(L,R,nfevals); y = feval(fname,x); ymin = min(y); plot(x,y,[L R],[ymin ymin]) title(['The Function ' fname]) v = axis; v(1) = L; v(2) = R; v(3) = v(3)-(v(4)-v(3))/10; axis(v) xlabel('Enter New Left Endpoint. (Click off x-range to terminate.)') text(R,ymin,[' ' num2str(ymin)]) [x1,y1] = ginput(1); if (x1<L) | (R<x1) AnotherPlot=0; else xlabel('Enter New Right Endpoint. (Click off x-range to terminate.)') [x2,y2] = ginput(1); if (x2<L) | (R<x2) AnotherPlot=0; else L = x1; R = x2; end end xlabel(' ') end end
% Problem P8_2_2 % % Max area triangle in ellipse close all % The optimum triangle is isosceles. Solution with vertical orientation: tstar = Golden('MyF822A',pi/2,1.5*pi); A = -MyF822A(tstar); tvals = linspace(pi/2,1.5*pi); Avals = -MyF822A(tvals); plot(tvals,Avals,tstar,A,'*') title(sprintf('tstar = %6.3f Area = %6.3f',tstar,A)) figure theta = linspace(0,2*pi); x = 2*cos(theta); y = 3*sin(theta); plot(x,y,[0 2*cos(tstar) -2*cos(tstar) 0],[3 3*sin(tstar) 3*sin(tstar) 3]) axis square equal % The optimum triangle is isosceles. Solution with horizontal orientation: tstar = Golden('MyF822B',pi/2,1.5*pi); A = -MyF822B(tstar); tvals = linspace(pi/2,1.5*pi); Avals = -MyF822B(tvals); figure plot(tvals,Avals,tstar,A,'*') title(sprintf('tstar = %6.3f Area = %6.3f',tstar,A)) figure plot(x,y,[2 2*cos(tstar) 2*cos(tstar) 2],[0 3*sin(tstar) -3*sin(tstar) 0]) axis square equal function Area = MyF822A(t) % t is a real scalar % % Area is the negative of the area of the triangle with vertices % % (0,3), (2cos(t),3sin(t)) , (-2cos(t),3sin(t)) x = 2*cos(t); y = 3*sin(t); base = 2*abs(x); height = 3-y; Area = -base.*height/2; function Area = MyF822B(t) % t is a real scalar % % Area is the negative of the area of the triangle with vertices % % (2,0), (2cos(t),3sin(t)) , (2cos(t),-3sin(t)) x = 2*cos(t); y = 3*sin(t); base = 2*abs(y); height = 2-x; Area = -base.*height/2;
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% Problem 8_2_4 % % Fitting a circle to nearly circular data. % Generate some nearly circular data randn('state',0); % .This way we all get the same answer. n = 100; r_true = 10; delta = .5; theta = linspace(0,2*pi,n)'; x = r_true*cos(theta); x_noisey = x + delta*randn(n,1); y = r_true*sin(theta); y_noisey = y + delta*randn(n,1); % Compute the "best" fitting circle's radius. r = fmin('F824',0,max(sqrt(x_noisey.^2+y_noisey.^2)),[1],x_noisey,y_noisey); xfit = r*cos(linspace(0,2*pi,200))'; yfit = r*sin(linspace(0,2*pi,200))'; plot(xfit,yfit,'r',x_noisey,y_noisey,'o') axis equal title(sprintf('Optimum r = %6.3f',F824(r,x_noisey,y_noisey))) function d = F824(r,x,y) % r is a scalar and x and y are column n-vectors % % d = |sqrt(x(1)^2 + y(1)^2)) - r | + ... + |sqrt(x(n)^2 + y(n)^2)) - r | % % Each term is the distance from (x(i),y(i)) to the circle centered at (0,0) % with radius r. d = sum(abs(sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2)-r));
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% Change the linesearch fragment to this: % Line Search % Try to get L<=Lmax so either f(xc+(L/2)*sc) < f(xc) or % f(xc+L*sc) < f(xc). L = Lmax; Halvings = 0; fL2 = feval(fName,xc+L*sc,plist); fL1 = feval(fName,xc+(L/2)*sc,plist); fLmax = fL2; while (fL1>=fc) & (fL2>=fc) & Halvings<=20 L = L/2; Halvings = Halvings+1; fL2 = fL1; fL1 = feval(fName,xc+(L/2)*sc,plist); end % Find the quadratic interpolant % q(lambda) = a(1) + a(2)lambda + a(3)lambda^2 % of (0,fc), (L/2,fL1), (L,fL2). Use Vandermonde approach. a = [1 0 0 ; 1 (L/2) (L/2)^2 ; 1 L L^2]\[fc; fL1; fL2]; % Find the lambda that minimizes q on [0,Lmax]. Lcrit = -.5*a(2)/a(3); if (a(3)>0) & (0<=Lcrit) & (Lcrit<=Lmax) % There is a local minimum in the interval lambda = Lcrit; else % Check endpoints if fc < fLmax lambda=0; else lambda=Lmax; end end
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% Problem 8_4_6 % A nonlinear least squares fitting problem. clc randn('seed',10); disp(' L R a(1) a(2) lambda(1) lambda(2)') disp('----------------------------------------------------------------') for s = [0 1 2 20; 2 3 4 21] L = s(1); R = s(2); [t,fvals] = GenProb(10,L,R,.001); lambda_best = FMINS('F846',[0;-1],[],[],t,fvals); a_best = [exp(lambda_best(1)*t) exp(lambda_best(2)*t)]\fvals; disp(sprintf('%5.0f %5.0f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f',L,R,a_best,lambda_best)) end function [t,fvals] = GenProb(m,L,R,noise) t = linspace(L,R,m)'; fvals = 3*exp(-.2*t) + 5*exp(-4*t) + noise*randn(m,1); function d = F846(lambda,t,fvals) % lambda is a column 2-vector and t and fvals are column m-vectors. % Get the best column 2-vector a given lambda, i.e., fit the % data as best you can given lambda. E_lambda = [exp(lambda(1)*t) exp(lambda(2)*t)]; a_best = E_lambda\fvals; % Compute the norm of the residual. d = norm(E_lambda*a_best - fvals);
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