Chapter 6: Problem Solutions
P6.1.1 | P6.2.1 | P6.3.1 | P6.4.1 |
P6.1.2 | P6.2.2 | P6.3.2 | P6.4.2 |
P6.1.3 | P6.2.3 | P6.3.3 | P6.4.3 |
P6.1.4 | P6.2.4 | P6.3.4 | P6.4.4 |
P6.1.5 | P6.3.5 | ||
P6.1.6 | P6.3.6 | ||
P6.1.7 | P6.3.7 | ||
P6.3.8 | |||
P6.3.9 | |||
P6.3.10 | |||
P6.3.11 |
% Problem P6_1_1 % % Solving certain singular lower triangular systems. clc n = 6; L = tril(randn(n,n)); L(1,1) = 0 x = LTriSol1(L) disp('L*x =') disp(L*x) function x = LTriSol1(L) % x = LTriSol1(L) % % L is an n-by-n lower triangular matrix. L(2:n,2:n) is % nonsingular and L(1,1) = 0. % % x satisfies Lx = 0 with x(1) = -1. [n,n] = size(L); x = zeros(n,1); x(1) = -1; x(2:n) = LTriSol(L(2:n,2:n),L(2:n,1));
% Problem P6_1_2 % % Solving multiple righthand side upper triangular systems clc n = 6; r = 4; U = triu(randn(n,n)) B = randn(n,r) X = UTriSolM(U,B) disp('U*X - B') disp(U*X-B) function X = UTriSolM(U,B) % X = UTriSolM(U,B) % % U is an n-by-n nonsingular upper triangular matrix % B is am n-by-r matrix. % % X satisfies UX = B. [n,r] = size(B); X = zeros(n,r); for j=n:-1:2 X(j,1:r) = B(j,1:r)/U(j,j); B(1:j-1,1:r) = B(1:j-1,1:r) - U(1:j-1,j)*X(j,1:r); end X(1,1:r) = B(1,1:r)/U(1,1);
% Problem P6_1_3. % % Solving the upper triangular Sylvester equation SX-XT=B. clc m = 6; n = 4; S = triu(randn(m,m)) T = triu(randn(n,n)) B = randn(m,n) X = Sylvester(S,T,B) disp(sprintf('norm(SX-XT-B)/norm(X) = %8.3e',norm(S*X-X*T-B)/norm(X))) function X = Sylvester(S,T,B) % X = Sylvester(S,T,B) % % S is an m-by-m upper triangular % T is an n-by-n upper triangular with no diagonal entries in % common with S. % B is an m-by-n matrix. % % X is an m-by-n so SX-XT=B. [m,n] = size(B); X = zeros(m,n); for k=1:n if k==1 v = B(:,k); else v = B(:,k) + X(:,1:k-1)*T(1:k-1,k); end X(:,k) = UTriSol(S-T(k,k)*eye(m,m),v); end
% Problem P6_1_4 % % Solving the lower triangular Sylvester equation SX-XT=B. clc m = 6; n = 4; S = tril(randn(m,m)) T = tril(randn(n,n)) B = randn(m,n) X = Sylvester1(S,T,B) disp(sprintf('norm(SX-XT-B)/norm(X) = %8.3e',norm(S*X-X*T-B)/norm(X))) function X = Sylvester1(S,T,B) % X = Sylvester1(S,T,B) % % S is an m-by-m lower triangular. % T is an n-by-n lower triangular with no diagonal entries in % common with S. % B is an m-by-n matrix. % % X is an m-by-n so SX-XT=B. % [m,n] = size(B); X = zeros(m,n); for k=n:-1:1 if k==n v = B(:,n); else v = B(:,k) + X(:,k+1:n)*T(k+1:n,k); end X(:,k) = LTriSol(S-T(k,k)*eye(m,m),v); end
% Problem P6_1_5 % % The inverse of upper triangular matrix. clc n = 6; U = triu(randn(n,n)) X = UTriInv(U) disp(sprintf('norm(U*X - eye(n,n))/norm(X) = %8.3e',norm(U*X - eye(n,n))/norm(X) )); function X = UTriInv(U) % X = UTriInv(U) % % U is an n-by-n nonsingular upper triangular matrix. % % X is the inverse of U. [n,n] = size(U); X = zeros(n,n); for k=1:n v = zeros(k,1); v(k) = 1; X(1:k,k) = UTriSol(U(1:k,1:k),v); end
% Problem P6_1_6 % % Inverse of Forsythe matrix. n = input('Enter n: '); A = tril(-ones(n,n) + 2*eye(n,n)) A_inv = eye(n,n); for j = 1:n for i=j+1:n A_inv(i,j) = 2^(i-j-1); end end A_inv = A_inv
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% Problem P6_2_1 % % Solving lower Hessenberg systems n = 6; A = triu(randn(n,n),-1) b = A'*ones(n,1) x = HessTrans(A,b) function x = HessTrans(A,b) % x = HessTrans(A,b) % % A is an n-by-n upper Hessenberg matrix. % b iS an n-by-1 vector. % % x solves A'*x = b. n = length(b); [v,U] = HessLU(A); % (U'L')x = b y = LTriSol(U',b); x = UBidiSol(ones(n,1),v(2:n),y);
% Problem P6_2_2 % % Compare CubicSpline and CubicSpline1 where the latter exploits the % tridiagonal nature of the linear system. clc disp('Complete Spline') disp(' ') disp(' CubicSpline CubicSpline1') disp(' n flops time flops time') disp('-----------------------------------------------') for n = [20 40 80 160 320] x = linspace(0,pi/2,n)'; y = sin(x); flops(0) tic; [a,b,c,d] = CubicSpline(x,y,1,1,0); t1 = toc; f1 = flops; flops(0) tic; [a1,b1,c1,d1] = CubicSpline1(x,y,1,1,0); t2 = toc; f2 = flops; disp(sprintf('%4.0f %6.0f %8.3f %6.0f %8.3f',n,f1,t1,f2,t2)) end disp(' ') disp(' ') disp('Second Derivative Spline') disp(' ') disp(' CubicSpline CubicSpline1') disp(' n flops time flops time') disp('-----------------------------------------------') for n = [20 40 80 160 320] x = linspace(0,pi/2,n)'; y = sin(x); flops(0) tic; [a,b,c,d] = CubicSpline(x,y,2,0,1); t1 = toc; f1 = flops; flops(0) tic; [a1,b1,c1,d1] = CubicSpline1(x,y,2,0,1); t2 = toc; f2 = flops; disp(sprintf('%4.0f %6.0f %8.3f %6.0f %8.3f',n,f1,t1,f2,t2)) end disp(' ') disp(' ') disp('Not-a-Knot Spline') disp(' ') disp(' CubicSpline CubicSpline1') disp(' n flops time flops time') disp('-----------------------------------------------') for n = [20 40 80 160 320] x = linspace(0,pi/2,n)'; y = sin(x); flops(0) tic; [a,b,c,d] = CubicSpline(x,y); t1 = toc; f1 = flops; flops(0) tic; [a1,b1,c1,d1] = CubicSpline1(x,y); t2 = toc; f2 = flops; disp(sprintf('%4.0f %6.0f %8.3f %6.0f %8.3f',n,f1,t1,f2,t2)) end function [a,b,c,d] = CubicSpline(x,y,derivative,muL,muR) % [a,b,c,d] = CubicSpline(x,y,derivative,muL,muR) % Cubic spline interpolation with prescribed end conditions. % % x,y are column n-vectors. It is assumed that n >= 4 and x(1) < ... x(n). % derivative is an integer (1 or 2) that specifies the order of the endpoint derivatives. % muL and muR are the endpoint values of this derivative. % % a,b,c, and d are column (n-1)-vectors that define the spline S(z). On [x(i),x(i+1)], % % S(z) = a(i) + b(i)(z-x(i)) + c(i)(z-x(i))^2 + d(i)(z-x(i))^2(z-x(i+1). % % Usage: % [a,b,c,d] = CubicSpline(x,y,1,muL,muR) S'(x(1)) = muL, S'(x(n)) = muR % [a,b,c,d] = CubicSpline(x,y,2,muL,muR) S''(x(1)) = muL, S''(x(n)) = muR % [a,b,c,d] = CubicSpline(x,y) S'''(z) continuous at x(2) and x(n-1) % First, set up all but the first and last equations that % define the vector of interior knot slopes s(2:n-1). n = length(x); Dx = diff(x); yp = diff(y) ./ Dx; T = zeros(n-2,n-2); r = zeros(n-2,1); for i=2:n-3 T(i,i) = 2*(Dx(i) + Dx(i+1)); T(i,i-1) = Dx(i+1); T(i,i+1) = Dx(i); r(i) = 3*(Dx(i+1)*yp(i) + Dx(i)*yp(i+1)); end % For each of the 3 cases, finish setting up the linear system, % solve the system, and set s(1:n) to be the vector of slopes. if nargin==5 %Derivative information available. if derivative==1 % End values for S'(z) specified. T(1,1) = 2*(Dx(1) + Dx(2)); T(1,2) = Dx(1); r(1) = 3*(Dx(2)*yp(1)+Dx(1)*yp(2)) - Dx(2)*muL; T(n-2,n-2) = 2*(Dx(n-2)+Dx(n-1)); T(n-2,n-3) = Dx(n-1); r(n-2) = 3*(Dx(n-1)*yp(n-2) + Dx(n-2)*yp(n-1)) -Dx(n-2)*muR; s = [muL; T\r; muR]; end if derivative==2 % End values for S''(z) specified. T(1,1) = 2*Dx(1) + 1.5*Dx(2); T(1,2) = Dx(1); r(1) = 1.5*Dx(2)*yp(1) + 3*Dx(1)*yp(2) + Dx(1)*Dx(2)*muL/4; T(n-2,n-2) = 1.5*Dx(n-2)+2*Dx(n-1); T(n-2,n-3) = Dx(n-1); r(n-2) = 3*Dx(n-1)*yp(n-2) + 1.5*Dx(n-2)*yp(n-1)-Dx(n-1)*Dx(n-2)*muR/4; stilde = T\r; s1 = (3*yp(1) - stilde(1) - muL*Dx(1)/2)/2; sn = (3*yp(n-1) - stilde(n-2) + muR*Dx(n-1)/2)/2; s = [s1;stilde;sn]; end; else % No derivative information. Compute the not-a-knot spline. q = Dx(1)*Dx(1)/Dx(2); T(1,1) = 2*Dx(1) +Dx(2) + q; T(1,2) = Dx(1) + q; r(1) = Dx(2)*yp(1) + Dx(1)*yp(2)+2*yp(2)*(q+Dx(1)); q = Dx(n-1)*Dx(n-1)/Dx(n-2); T(n-2,n-2) = 2*Dx(n-1) + Dx(n-2)+q; T(n-2,n-3) = Dx(n-1)+q; r(n-2) = Dx(n-1)*yp(n-2) + Dx(n-2)*yp(n-1) +2*yp(n-2)*(Dx(n-1)+q); [l,u] = TriDiLU(d,e,f); stilde = UBiDiSol(u,f,LBiDiSol(l,r)); s1 = -stilde(1)+2*yp(1); s1 = s1 + ((Dx(1)/Dx(2))^2)*(stilde(1)+stilde(2)-2*yp(2)); sn = -stilde(n-2) +2*yp(n-1); sn = sn+((Dx(n-1)/Dx(n-2))^2)*(stilde(n-3)+stilde(n-2)-2*yp(n-2)); s = [s1;stilde;sn]; end % Compute the a,b,c,d vectors. a = y(1:n-1); b = s(1:n-1); c = (yp - s(1:n-1)) ./ Dx; d = (s(2:n) + s(1:n-1) - 2*yp) ./ (Dx.* Dx);
% Problem P6_2_3 % % Solve HX-XT=B where H is upper Hessenberg and T is upper triangular. clc m = 6; n = 4; H = triu(randn(m,m),-1) T = triu(randn(n,n)) B = randn(m,n) X = SylvesterH(H,T,B) disp(sprintf('norm(H*X-X*T-B)/norm(X) = %8.3e ',norm(H*X-X*T-B)/norm(X))) function X = SylvesterH(H,T,B) % X = SylvesterH(H,T,B) % % S is an m-by-m upper Hessenberg matrix. % T is an n-by-n upper triangular matrix with the property that HX-XT=B % is a nonsingular linear system. % B is an m-by-n matrix. % % X is an m-by-n matrix that satisfies HX-XT=B. % [m,n] = size(B); X = zeros(m,n); for k=1:n if k==1 r = B(:,k); else r = B(:,k) + X(:,1:k-1)*T(1:k-1,k); end [v,U] = HessLU(H-T(k,k)*eye(m,m)); y = LBiDiSol(v,r); X(:,k) = UTriSol(U,y); end
% Clear command window to start. clc; % Create W. d=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; e=[3 5 0 5 0 5]; f=[2 7 2 7 2 8]; % Create b. b=[7 7 7 7 7 7]'; % Create alpha, beta. alpha = 2; beta = 3; % Solve Tx=b, where T = W+alpha*e_n*e_1'+beta*e_1*e_n'; x = TriCorner(d,e,f,alpha,beta,b); function x = TriCorner(d,e,f,alpha,beta,b) % W is a tridiagonal matrix with d encoding the main diagonal, % f encoding the super diagonal, and e encoding the subdiagonal. % % T = tridiagonal + corners. % T = W+alpha*e_n*e_1'+beta*e_1*e_n', % where e_1, e_n = first, last cols. of identity matrix. % % Goal: Find x such that Tx = b. Do this efficiently. % Note: x = z-Y*[1+Y(1,1) Y(1,2); Y(n,1) 1+Y(n,2)]^(-1)*[z1; zn] % where z = W^(-1)*b, Y = W^(-1)*[alpha*e_n beta*e_1]. % % % Solution: % Initialization: n = length(b); e_1 = zeros(n,1); e_1(1) = 1; e_n = zeros(n,1); e_n(n) = 1; % Compute LU factorization of W: [l,u] = TriDiLU(d,e,f); % See p. 217 for TriDiLU.m. % Solve Wz = b by noting LUz = b. % First step is to solve Ly=b. Second step is to solve Uz=y. % Note L = lower bidiagonal, U = upper bidiagonal, since W = tridiagonal. y = LBiDiSol(l,b); % See p.217 for LBiDiSol.m. z = UBiDiSol(u,f,y); % See p.218 for UBiDiSol.m. % Solve for y1, y2 (columns of Y). First we're solving Wy1 = alpha*e_n. % Second we're solving Wy2 = beta*e_1. % Use the same approach as above. Repeat linear system solves twice. t = LBiDiSol(l,alpha*e_n); y1 = UBiDiSol(u,f,t); t = LBiDiSol(l,beta*e_1); y2 = UBiDiSol(u,f,t); % Assemble Y. Y = [y1 y2]; % Let V = [1+Y(1,1) Y(1,2); Y(n,1) 1+Y(n,2)]^(-1). % Compute V efficiently. % Compute determinant. delta = 1/((1+Y(1,1))*(1+Y(n,2))-(Y(1,2))*(Y(n,1))); V(1,1) = 1+Y(n,2); V(1,2) = -Y(1,2); V(2,1) = -Y(n,1); V(2,2) = 1+Y(1,1); V = delta*V; % Let s = [z(1); z(n)]. s=[z(1); z(n)]; % Final computations. x=z-Y*V*s; % Check! W = diag(e(2:n),-1) + diag(d) + diag(f(1:n-1),1); T = W+alpha*e_n*e_1'+beta*e_1*e_n'; difference = norm(T*x-b); disp(['The norm of the difference is ' num2str(difference) '.']);
% Problem P6_3_1 % % Multiple righthand side solver. clc n = 6; r = 4; A = randn(n,n) B = randn(n,r) X = MultRhs(A,B) disp(sprintf('norm(AX-B)/(norm(A)*norm(X)) = %8.3e',norm(A*X-B)/(norm(A)*norm(X)))) function X = MultRhs(A,B) % X = MultRhs(A,B) % % A is an n-by-n nonsingular matrix. % B is an n-by-r matrix. % % X is an n-by-r matrix that satisfies AX = B. [n,r] = size(B); X = zeros(n,r); [L,U,piv] = GEpiv(A); for k=1:r y = LTriSol(L,B(piv,k)); X(:,k) = UTriSol(U,y); end
% Problem P6_3_2 % % Illustrates computation of a 5-by-5 LU factorization % with parameterized pivoting. clc format short disp('Steps through Gaussian elimination of a 5-by-5') disp('matrix showing pivoting.') alfa = input('Enter alfa (0 < alfa <= 1): '); input('Strike Any Key to Continue.'); clc n = 7; A = magic(n); [n,n] = size(A); L = eye(n,n); piv = 1:n; for k=1:n-1 clc [maxv,r] = max(abs(A(k+1:n,k))); if abs(A(k,k)) >= alfa*maxv % No Interchange q = k; else q = r+k; end Before = A disp(sprintf('piv = [ %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f ]',piv)) disp(' ') disp(sprintf('Interchange rows k = %1.0f and q = %1.0f',k,q)) piv([k q]) = piv([q k]); A([k q],:) = A([q k],:); After = A disp(sprintf('piv = [ %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f %1.0f ]',piv)) disp(' ') disp(sprintf('Zero A(%1.0f:%1.0f,%1.0f):',k,k+1,k)) input('Strike Any Key to Continue.'); clc if A(k,k) ~= 0 L(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k)/A(k,k); A(k+1:n,k+1:n) = A(k+1:n,k+1:n) - L(k+1:n,k)*A(k,k+1:n); A(k+1:n,k) = zeros(n-k,1); end end clc L=L U = A piv = piv
% Problem P6_3_3 % % Computing a specified entry of A^-1. clc n = 6; A = hilb(n) X = zeros(n,n); for i=1:n for j=1:n X(i,j) = Ainv1(A,i,j); end end disp('Computed inverse using Ainv:') disp(' ' ) for i=1:n disp(sprintf(' %10.0f %10.0f %10.0f %10.0f %10.0f %10.0f',X(i,:))) end Xexact = invhilb(n) function z = Ainv(A,i,j) % z = Ainv(A,i,j) % % A is an n-by-n nonsingular matrix. % i,j integers with 1<=i<=n and 1<=j<=n. % % z is the (i,j) entry of A^-1. [n,n] = size(A); [L,U,piv] = GEpiv(A); b = zeros(n,1); b(j) = 1; y = LTriSol(L,b(piv)); % Just need the i-th component of the solution to Ux = y. xtilde = UTriSol(U(i:n,i:n),y(i:n)); z = xtilde(1);
% Problem P6_3_4 % % Block back substitution, the 2-by-2 case. clc n = 6; A = randn(n,n); B = randn(n,n); C = randn(n,n); g = randn(n,1); h = randn(n,1); [y,z] = BlockSolve(A,B,C,g,h); xtilde = [y;z]; x = [A B; zeros(n,n) C]\[g;h]; disp(' BlockSolve Standard Solve') disp('---------------------------------------------------') for k=1:2*n disp(sprintf(' %23.15f %23.15f',xtilde(k),x(k))) end function [y,z] = BlockSolve(A,B,C,g,h) % [y,z] = BlockSolve(A,B,C,g,h) % % A,B,C are n-by-n matrices with A and C nonsingular % g,h are column n-vectors % % y,z are column n-vectors so Ay+Bz = g and Cz = h. z = C\h; y = A\(g-B*z);
% Problem P6_3_5 % % Examines the solution to ABCx = f. clc disp('f1 = ProdSolve flops') disp('f2 = Multiply and Solve flops') disp(' ') disp(' ') disp(' n f2/f1 ') disp('-----------------') for n = [10 20 40 80 160] A = randn(n,n); B = randn(n,n); C = randn(n,n); f = randn(n,1); flops(0); x = ProdSolve(A,B,C,f); f1 = flops; flops(0) M = A*B*C; [LM,UM,pivM] = GEpiv(M); y = LTriSol(LM,f(pivM)); xtilde = UTriSol(UM,y); f2 = flops; disp(sprintf('%4.0f %8.3f',n,f2/f1)) end function x = ProdSolve(A,B,C,f) % x = ProdSolve(A,B,C,f) % % A,B,C are n-by-n nonsingular matrices % f is a column n-vector % % x is a columnn-vector so ABCx = f % [LA,UA,pivA] = GEpiv(A); yA = Ltrisol(LA,f(pivA)); xA = UtriSol(UA,yA); [LB,UB,pivB] = GEpiv(B); yB = Ltrisol(LA,xA(pivB)); xB = UtriSol(UA,yB); [LC,UC,pivC] = GEpiv(C); yC = Ltrisol(LA,xB(pivC)); x = UtriSol(UC,yC);
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% Problem P6_3_8 % % Intersection in 3-space. P = [1;0;0]; Q = [0;1;1]; R = [1;1;1]; S = [1;0;1]; t = Intersect1(P,Q,R,S) function t = Intersect1(P,Q,R,S) % t = Intersect(P,Q,R,S) % % P, Q, R, and S are column 3-vectors. % t is a scalar so that P + t*Q is a linear combination % or R and S. % This means P + t*Q = x(1)*R + x(2)*S for some pair of scalars % x(1) and x(2). In other words, % % P = [R S -Q]*[x(1);x(2);t] A = [R S -Q] x = A\P; t = x(3);
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% Problem P6_4_1 % % Explore relative error in computed x. clc del = .0000002; A = [ 981 726 ; 529 del+726*529/981] disp(sprintf('cond(A) = %10.3e',cond(A))) disp(' ') xexact = [ 1.234567890123456; .0000123456789012]; b = A*xexact; x = A\b; disp(sprintf('xexact = %20.16f %20.16f',xexact)) disp(sprintf('x = %20.16f %20.16f',x))
% Problem P6_4_2 % % Explore computed relative error. clc xexact = [.1234567890123456 ; 1234.567890123456]; for OurEps = logspace(-5,-16,12) % Simulate a computed x so norm(x - xexact)/norm(xexact) is about OurEps*cond x = xexact + rand(2,1)*10^4*OurEps*norm(xexact); disp(' ') disp(sprintf('OurEps = %8.3e',OurEps)) disp(' ') disp(sprintf('xexact = %20.16f %20.16f',xexact)) disp(sprintf('x = %20.16f %20.16f',x)) end
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