Chapter 4: Problem Solutions
P4.1.1 | P4.2.1 | P4.3.1 | P4.4.1 | P4.5.1 |
P4.1.2 | P4.2.2 | P4.3.2 | P4.4.2 | P4.5.2 |
P4.1.3 | P4.2.3 | P4.3.3 | P4.4.3 | |
P4.1.4 | P4.2.4 | P4.3.4 | P4.4.4 | |
P4.1.5 | P4.2.5 | P4.3.5 | P4.4.5 | |
P4.3.6 | P4.4.6 | |||
P4.3.7 | ||||
P4.3.8 |
% Problem P4_1_1 % % Error in the Corrected trapezoidal rule. % Apply to the function f(x) = x^4. clc numI = CorrTrap('MyF411','DMyF411',0,1); exact = 1/5; err = abs(numI - exact); % Use the equation % % error = c * (b-a)^5 * 24 % % to solve for c: c = err/24; disp(sprintf('Computed constant = %18.15f',c)) disp(' Actual constant = 1/720') function numI = CorrTrap(fname,fpname,a,b) % fname is a string that names a function f(x) % fpname is a string that names the derivative of f. % a,b are real numbers % numI is an approximation to the integral of f(x) from a to b. fa = feval(fname,a); fb = feval(fname,b); Dfa = feval(fpname,a); Dfb = feval(fpname,b); h = (b-a); numI = (h/2)*(fa + fb) + (h^2/12)*(Dfa - Dfb); function y = MyF411(x) y = x^4; function y = DMyF411(x) y = 4*x^3;
% Problem P4_1_2 % % Computing the NC weights via a linear system solve clc disp(' m norm(NCweights(m)-MyNCweights(m)') disp('-------------------------------------') for m=2:11 disp(sprintf('%2.0f %20.16f',m,norm(NCweights(m)-MyNCweights(m)))) end function w = MyNCweights(m); % m a positive integer >= 2. % w a column m-vector of weights associated with the % m-point closed Newton-Cotes rule. A = ones(m,m); A(2,:) = linspace(0,1,m); for i=3:m A(i,:) = A(i-1,:).*A(2,:); end rhs = 1./(1:m)'; w = A\rhs;
% Problem P4_1_3 % % NCweights(m) is exact for polynomials of degree m. clc disp(' m Error in NCweights(m) applied to x^m on [0,1]') disp('----------------------------------------------') for m=3:2:11 x = (linspace(0,1,m)').^m; I = 1/(m+1); numI = NCweights(m)'*x; disp(sprintf('%2.0f %20.16f',m,abs(I-numI))) end
% Problem P4_1_4 % % Examines the quality of the Newton-Cotes error bound global AVAL AVAL = input('Integrand = 1/(1+a*x). Enter a = '); clc disp(sprintf('Integral from 0 to 1 of 1/(1+%2.0f*x)',AVAL)) disp(' ') disp(' m QNC(m) Error Error Bound') disp(' ') for m=2:11 numI = QNC('NCTest',0,1,m); err = abs(numI-log(AVAL+1)/AVAL); if 2*floor(m/2) == m; d = m-1; else d = m; end DerBound=1; for k=1:d DerBound = AVAL*k*DerBound; end errBound = NCerror(0,1,m,DerBound); s = sprintf('%20.16f %10.3e %10.3e',numI,err,errBound); disp([ sprintf(' %2.0f ',m) s]) end
% Problem P4_1_5 % % Examines the quality of the Open Newton-Cotes error bound. clc disp('Easy case: Integral from 0 to pi/2 of sin(x)') disp(' ') disp('Take DerBound = 1.') disp(' ') disp(' m QNCOpen(m) Error Error Bound') disp(' ') for m=2:7 numI = QNCopen('sin',0,pi/2,m); err = abs(numI-1); errBound = NCOpenError(0,pi/2,m,1); s = sprintf('%20.16f %10.3e %10.3e',numI,err,errBound); disp([ sprintf(' %2.0f ',m) s]) end
% Problem P4_2_1 % % Error bound for composite NC rules applied to the integral % of sin(x) from 0 to pi/2. clc disp(' m n=1 n=10 n=100') disp('--------------------------------------') for m=2:11 e1 = CompNCerror(0,pi/2,m,1,1); e2 = CompNCerror(0,pi/2,m,1,10); e3 = CompNCerror(0,pi/2,m,1,100); disp(sprintf('%3.0f %8.3e %8.3e %8.3e',m,e1,e2,e3)) end function error = CompNCerror(a,b,m,DerBound,n) % a,b are real scalars % m are positive integer with 2<=m<=11 % DerBound is a positive real % n is apositive integer % % error is an upper bound for the error when the composite % NC(m) rule is applied to integral of f(x) from a to b. % Assumes that the d+1st derivative of f is bounded by DerBound % where d = m-1 if m is even and d = m if m is odd. if 2*floor(m/2)==m d = m-1; else d = m; end error = NCerror(a,b,m,DerBound)/n^(d+1);
% Problem P4_2_2 % % A more vectorized CompQNC A = zeros(10,3); for i=1:10 m = i+1; for n=1:3 numI = CompQNC('sin',0,pi/2,m,n); numI1 = CompQNC1('sin',0,pi/2,m,n); A(i,n) = abs(numI-numI1); end end clc disp('Difference between CompQNC and CompQNC1.') disp('Tested on integral from 0 to pi/2 of sin(x).') disp(' '); disp(' m n=1 n=2 n=3') disp('-------------------------------------------') for i=1:10 disp(sprintf('%2.0f %8.3e %8.3e %8.3e',i+1,A(i,:))) end function numI = CompQNC1(fname,a,b,m,n) % fname is a string that names an available function of the % form f(x) that is defined on [a,b]. f should % return a column vector if x is a column vector. % a,b are real scalars % m is an integer that satisfies 2 <= m <=11 % n is a positive integer % % numI is the the composite m-point Newton-Cotes approximation of the % integral of f(x) from a to b. The rule is applied on % each of n equal subintervals of [a,b]. w = CompNCweights(m,n); x = linspace(a,b,n*(m-1)+1)'; f = feval(fname,x); numI = (b-a)*w'*f; function w = CompNCweights(m,n) % m and n are positive integers with 2<=m<=11. % The weight vector associated with composite NC(m) % rule with n equal length subintervals. w = zeros(n*(m-1)+1,1); for k=1:n i=(1+(k-1)*(m-1)):(1+k*(m-1)); w(i) = w(i) + NCweights(m); end w = w/n;
% Problem P4_3_3 % % Illustrates AdaptQNC for a range of tol values and a range of % underlying NC rules. Uses the humps function for an integrand % and displays information about the function evaluations. % global FunEvals VecFunEvals clc home for tol = [.01 .001 .0001 .00001] for m=3:2:9 disp(' ') disp(sprintf('tol = %8.5f m = %1.0f',tol,m )) FunEvals = 0; VecFunEvals = 0; num = AdaptQNC('SpecHumps',0,1,m,tol); disp(sprintf(' AdaptQNC: %4.0f %4.0f',FunEvals,VecFunEvals)) FunEvals = 0; VecFunEvals = 0; num0 = AdaptQNC1('SpecHumps',0,1,m,tol); disp(sprintf(' AdaptQNC1: %4.0f %4.0f',FunEvals,VecFunEvals)) end end function numI = AdaptQNC1(fname,a,b,m,tol,OldEvals) % % fname is a string that names an available function of the % form f(x) that is defined on [a,b]. f should % return a column vector if x is a column vector. % a,b are real scalars % m is an integer that satisfies 2 <= m <=11 % tol is a positive real % OldEvals is the value of f at linspace(a,b,m) (optional) % % numI is the composite m-point Newton-Cotes approximation of the % integral of f(x) from a to b, with the abscissae chosen adaptively. % Compute the integral two ways and estimate the error. xvals = linspace(a,b,(2*m-1))'; if nargin == 5 OldEvals = feval(fname,xvals(1:2:(2*m-1))); end NewEvals = feval(fname,xvals(2:2:(2*m-2))); fEvals = zeros(2*m-1,1); fEvals(1:2:(2*m-1)) = OldEvals; fEvals(2:2:(2*m-2)) = NewEvals; A1 = (b-a)*NCweights(m)'*fEvals(1:2:(2*m-1)); A2 = ((b-a)/2)*NCweights(m)'*(fEvals(1:m) + fEvals(m:(2*m-1))); d = 2*floor((m-1)/2)+1; error = (A2-A1)/(2^(d+1)-1); if abs(error) <= tol % A2 is acceptable numI = A2 + error; else % Sum suitably accurate left and right integrals mid = (a+b)/2; numI = AdaptQNC1(fname,a,mid,m,tol/2,fEvals(1:m)) + ... AdaptQNC1(fname,mid,b,m,tol/2,fEvals(m:2*m-1)); end
% Problem P4_2_4 % % Illustrate the corrected trapezoid rule. a = 0; b = pi/2; clc disp('Integral of sin(x) from 0 to pi/2') disp(' ') disp(' n Trapezoidal Corrected Trapezoidal') disp(' Rule Rule') disp('----------------------------------------------') for n=[1 2 4 8 16 32 64]; numI = CompQNC('sin',a,b,2,n); numI1 = CompCorrTrap('sin','cos',a,b,n); disp(sprintf('%3.0f %15.12f %15.12f',n,numI,numI1)) end function numI = CompCorrTrap(fname,fpname,a,b,n) % fname,fpname are strings that name a function f(x) and its derivative. % a,b are reals % n is a positive integer % % numI is an approximation of the integral of f from a to b. h = (b-a)/n; corr = (h^2/12)*(feval(fpname,a) - feval(fpname,b)); numI = CompQNC(fname,a,b,2,n) + corr;
% Problem P4_3_1 % % Uses quad and Adapt to estimate the integral of the % humps function from 0 to 1. clc disp(' Tol quad Adapt Quad Time / Adapt Time') disp('-----------------------------------------------------------------') for tol = logspace(-2,-5,4) tic; Q1 = quad('humps',0,1,tol); t1 = toc; tic; Q2 = Adapt('humps',0,1,tol); t2 = toc; disp(sprintf('%7.5f %10.8f %10.8f %8.3f',tol,Q1,Q2,t2/t1)) end
% Problem P4_3_2 % % Using the linearity of the quadrature problem. tol = .001; a = 0; b = 1; [numG,countG] = quad('humps',a,b,tol/2); [numH,countH] = quad('sin',a,b,tol/2); numDiff = (numG - numH)/2; numSum = (numG + numH)/2; [numGmH,countGmH] = quad('GmH',a,b,tol); [numGpH,countGpH] = quad('GpH',a,b,tol); count = countGmH + countGpH; clc home disp('Method 1 computes the integrals of g and h separately and then combines.') disp('Method 2 computes the integrals of (g-h)/2 and (g+h)/2 directly.') disp(' ') disp('g(x) = humps(x) is hard, h(x) = sin(x) = easy.') disp(' ') disp(' Idiff Isum g-evals h-evals') disp('---------------------------------------------------') disp(sprintf('Method 1: %8.4f %8.4f %4.0f %4.0f',numDiff,numSum,countG,countH)) disp(sprintf('Method 2: %8.4f %8.4f %4.0f %4.0f',numGmH,numGpH,count,count))
% Problem P4_3_3 % % Illustrates AdaptQNC for a range of tol values and a range of % underlying NC rules. Uses the humps function for an integrand % and displays information about the function evaluations. % global FunEvals VecFunEvals clc home for tol = [.01 .001 .0001 .00001] for m=3:2:9 disp(' ') disp(sprintf('tol = %8.5f m = %1.0f',tol,m )) FunEvals = 0; VecFunEvals = 0; num = AdaptQNC('SpecHumps',0,1,m,tol); disp(sprintf(' AdaptQNC: %4.0f %4.0f',FunEvals,VecFunEvals)) FunEvals = 0; VecFunEvals = 0; num0 = AdaptQNC1('SpecHumps',0,1,m,tol); disp(sprintf(' AdaptQNC1: %4.0f %4.0f',FunEvals,VecFunEvals)) end end function numI = AdaptQNC1(fname,a,b,m,tol,OldEvals) % % fname is a string that names an available function of the % form f(x) that is defined on [a,b]. f should % return a column vector if x is a column vector. % a,b are real scalars % m is an integer that satisfies 2 <= m <=11 % tol is a positive real % OldEvals is the value of f at linspace(a,b,m) (optional) % % numI is the composite m-point Newton-Cotes approximation of the % integral of f(x) from a to b, with the abscissae chosen adaptively. % Compute the integral two ways and estimate the error. xvals = linspace(a,b,(2*m-1))'; if nargin == 5 OldEvals = feval(fname,xvals(1:2:(2*m-1))); end NewEvals = feval(fname,xvals(2:2:(2*m-2))); fEvals = zeros(2*m-1,1); fEvals(1:2:(2*m-1)) = OldEvals; fEvals(2:2:(2*m-2)) = NewEvals; A1 = (b-a)*NCweights(m)'*fEvals(1:2:(2*m-1)); A2 = ((b-a)/2)*NCweights(m)'*(fEvals(1:m) + fEvals(m:(2*m-1))); d = 2*floor((m-1)/2)+1; error = (A2-A1)/(2^(d+1)-1); if abs(error) <= tol % A2 is acceptable numI = A2 + error; else % Sum suitably accurate left and right integrals mid = (a+b)/2; numI = AdaptQNC1(fname,a,mid,m,tol/2,fEvals(1:m)) + ... AdaptQNC1(fname,mid,b,m,tol/2,fEvals(m:2*m-1)); end
(a) Solution: 1. I = Q_n+Ch^2; (by assumption) 2. So, I = Q_2n+Ch^2/4, which can be seen as follows. Error composite rule = error simple rule/(r^(d+1)), where r = ratio of points adding in, i.e., r=(2*n)/n=2, d = m-1 (if m is even), m (if m is odd), m = 2 for the trapezoid rule, so d=1. So, r^(d+1)=2^(1+1)=4. 3. Subtracting 2 from 1 yields: abs(Q_n-Q_2n) = 3/4*Ch^2. 4. Solving 3 for Ch^2 yields Ch^2 = 4/3*abs(Q_n-Q_2n). 5. Therefore, abs(I-Q_2n) = Ch^2/4 (from 2) = 4/3*abs(Q_n-Q_2n)*1/4 (from 4) = 1/3*abs(Q_n-Q_2n) (simplifying). % This script computes Q_2^(k+1) efficiently, where k is the % smallest positive integer so that abs(I-Q_(2^(k+1))) < = tol. % Establish some values for testing purposes. a = 0; % left endpoint. b = 2*pi; % right endpoint. f = 'sin'; % function name. tol = 10^(-3); % tolerance. n=1; % number of points. % Note: This script assumes the existence of a trapezoid function that % can integrate a function f from a to b using the composite trapezoid % rule. % Compute Q_n and Q_2n initially. Q_n = trapezoid(f,a,b,n); Q_2n = trapezoid(f,a,b,2*n); n=2; while(1/2*abs(Q_n-Q_2n) > tol) % while abs(I-Q_2n) > tol n = 2*n; Q_n = Q_2n; % Take advantage of powers of 2 to avoid an extra trapezoid call. Q_2n = trapezoid(f,a,b,n); end;
% Problem P4_4_1 % % Gauss Quadrature error bound applied to the integral of % exp(cx) from a to b. (c>0) % Em = ((b-a)^(2m+1))/(2m+1) * (m!)^4/((2m)!)^3 a = 0; c = 1; Mvals = zeros(1,3); clc disp(' b tol=10^-3 tol=10^-6 tol=10^-9 ') disp('-----------------------------------------') for b = 1:10 for j = 1:3 tol = .001^j; m = 1; E = (b-a)^3*b*exp(c*b)/24; while E > tol m = m+1; E = E*(b-a)^2 * ((2*m-1)/(2*m+1)) * m * (m/((2*m-1)*2*m))^3; end Mvals(j) = m; end disp(sprintf('%2.0f %2.0f %2.0f %2.0f',b,Mvals)) end
% Problem P4_4_2 % % Illustrates composite Gauss-Legendre rules on three different % integrands. % % Show QNC(m,n) errors for integral of sin from 0 to pi/2. close all figure for m = 2:6 % m-point rule used. err = []; for n = [1 2 4 8 16] % n = number of subintervals. err = [err abs(compQGL('sin',0,pi/2,m,n) -1)+eps]; end semilogy([1 2 4 8 16],err) axis([0 20 10^(-17) 10^0]) text(16,err(5),sprintf('m = %1.0f',m)) hold on end title('Example 1. QGL(m,n) error for integral of sin from 0 to pi/2') xlabel('n = number of subintervals.') ylabel('Error in QGL(m,n)') % Show QGL(m,n) errors for integral of sqrt from 0 to 1. figure for m = 2:6 % m-point rule used. err = []; for n = [1 2 4 8 16 ] % n = number of subintervals. err = [err abs(compQGL('sqrt',0,1,m,n) - (2/3))+eps]; end semilogy([1 2 4 8 16],err) axis([0 20 10^(-6) 10^(-2)]) text(16,err(5),sprintf('m = %1.0f',m)) hold on end title('Example 2. QNC(m,n) error for integral of sqrt from 0 to 1') xlabel('n = number of subintervals.') ylabel('Error in QGL(m,n)') % Show QGL(m,n) errors for integral of 1/(1+25x^2) from 0 to 1. figure for m=2:6 % m-point rule used. err = []; for n = [1 2 4 8 16] % n = number of subintervals. err = [err abs(compQGL('Runge',0,1,m,n) - (atan(5)/5))+eps;]; end semilogy([1 2 4 8 16],err) axis([0 20 10^(-17) 10^0]) text(16,err(5),sprintf('m = %1.0f',m)) hold on end title('Example 3. QGL(m,n) error for integral of 1/(1+25x^2) from 0 to 1') xlabel('n = number of subintervals.') ylabel('Error in QGL(m,n)')
function numI = CompQGL(fname,a,b,m,n) % numI = CompQGL(fname,a,b,m,n) % % fname is a string that names an available function of the % form f(x) that is defined on [a,b]. f should % return a column vector if x is a column vector. % a,b are real scalars % m is an integer that satisfies 2 <= m <=6 % n is a positive integer % % numI is the composite m-point Gauss-Legendre approximation of the % integral of f(x) from a to b. The rule is applied on % each of n equal subintervals of [a,b]. z = linspace(a,b,n+1); % The easy approach which involves n calls to f numI=0; for i=1:n numI = numI + QGL(fname,z(i),z(i+1),m); end % An approach that involves a single call to f. Uses the fact that % % w'*f1 + ... + w'*f2 = [w;...;w]'*[f1;f2;...;fn] where w and the fi are m-vectors. [w,x] = GLweights(m); wtilde = []; xtilde = []; mdpt = (z(1:n)+z(2:n+1))/2; % The midpoints of the intervals. h_half = .5*(b-a)/n; % Half the subinterval length. for i=1:n wtilde = [wtilde;w]; xtilde = [xtilde;mdpt(i)+h_half*x]; end numI = h_half*(wtilde'*feval(fname,xtilde));
% Problem P4_4_3 % % Test generalized SplineQ clc disp('Test on integral of x^3 - 3x^2 + 4x - 20 from a to b with spline') disp('based on linspace(0,5,6).') disp(' ') disp(' ') disp(' a b SplineQ1 Exact') disp('-----------------------------------') x = linspace(0,5,6)'; y = x.^3 - 3*x.^2 + 4*x - 20; a = 0; b = 5; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) a = 1.5; b = 5; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) a = 1.5; b = 3.5; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) a = 2.3; b = 2.6; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) a = 5; b = 5; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) a = 3; b = 4; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) a = 0; b = .3; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) a = 0; b = 0; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) a = 2; b = 2; numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b); exact = (b^4/4 - b^3 + 2*b^2 -20*b ) - (a^4/4 - a^3 + 2*a^2 -20*a ); disp(sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f %10.6f %10.6f',a,b,numI,exact)) function numI = SplineQ1(x,y,a,b) % x,y are n-vectors with x(1) < ... < x(n) % a,b are such that x(1) <= a <= b <= x(n) % % numI is the integral from x(1) to x(n) of the not-a-knot spline % interpolant of (x(i),y(i)), i=1:n S = spline(x,y); [x,rho,L,k] = unmkpp(S); if a==x(L+1) numI = 0; return end ia = locate(x,a); %x(ia) <= a <= x(ia+1) ib = locate(x,b); %x(ib) <= b <= x(ib+1) if ia==ib % same interval hb = (b-x(ia)); fb = hb*(((rho(ia,1)*hb/4 + rho(ia,2)/3)*hb + rho(ia,3)/2)*hb + rho(ia,4)); ha = (a-x(ia)); fa = ha*(((rho(ia,1)*ha/4 + rho(ia,2)/3)*ha + rho(ia,3)/2)*ha + rho(ia,4)); numI = fb-fa; return end % Start in the subinterval that houses a: h1 = (x(ia+1)-x(ia)); f1 = h1*(((rho(ia,1)*h1/4 + rho(ia,2)/3)*h1 + rho(ia,3)/2)*h1 + rho(ia,4)); ha = (a-x(ia)); fa = ha*(((rho(ia,1)*ha/4 + rho(ia,2)/3)*ha + rho(ia,3)/2)*ha + rho(ia,4)); sum = f1-fa; % Add in the contributions of the intervals in between a and b but not % including either of those intervals. for i=(ia+1):(ib-1) % Add in the integral from x(i) to x(i+1). h = x(i+1)-x(i); subI = h*(((rho(i,1)*h/4 + rho(i,2)/3)*h + rho(i,3)/2)*h + rho(i,4)); sum = sum + subI; end % Add in the contribution of the rightmost interval that houses b. hb = b-x(ib); subI = hb*(((rho(ib,1)*hb/4 + rho(ib,2)/3)*hb + rho(ib,3)/2)*hb + rho(ib,4)); numI = sum + subI;
% Problem P4_5_1 % % Scaling tol when adding integrals a = 0; b = 2; tol = .0001; m=5; exact = quad8('humps',a,b,tol,.0001); clc home disp('Error bounds are additive with AdaptQNC. Thus, if') disp('an integral is expressed as the sum of n integrals and') disp('each of those is computed to within tol, then the best we can') disp('say about the sum is that it is correct to within n*tol.') disp(' ') disp('Illustrate with integral of humps from 0 to 2, tol = .0001 and') disp('using AdaptQNC with m = 5. Total integral broken into n equal-length') disp('subintegrals.') disp(' ') disp(' Subintegrals Error') disp('------------------------------------') for n=2:10 numI = 0; x = linspace(a,b,n); for i=1:n-1 d = AdaptQNC('humps',x(i),x(i+1),m,tol); numI = numI +d; end disp(sprintf(' %2.0f %15.9e',n-1,abs(numI-exact))) end
% Problem P4_5_2 % % Compare Static Scheduling and Pool-of-task scheduling. p = 4; close all figure task_vec = [1000; 100*ones(39,1)]; [tr1,tr2] = Xtime(task_vec,p); subplot(2,1,1) plot(tr1) title(sprintf('Static Assignment. Total Time = %5.0f',length(tr1))) ylabel('Procs Busy') xlabel('Time Step') axis([0 length(tr1) 0 p+1]) subplot(2,1,2) plot(tr2) title(sprintf('Pool-of-Task Assignment. Total Time = %5.0f',length(tr2))) ylabel('Procs Busy') xlabel('Time Step') axis([0 length(tr1) 0 p+1]) figure task_vec = [100*ones(39,1);1000]; [tr1,tr2] = Xtime(task_vec,p); subplot(2,1,1) plot(tr1) title(sprintf('Static Assignment. Total Time = %5.0f',length(tr1))) ylabel('Procs Busy') xlabel('Time Step') axis([0 length(tr1) 0 p+1]) subplot(2,1,2) plot(tr2) title(sprintf('Pool-of-Task Assignment. Total Time = %5.0f',length(tr2))) ylabel('Procs Busy') xlabel('Time Step') axis([0 length(tr1) 0 p+1]) function [trace_static,trace_pool] = XTime(task_vec,p) % ask_vec is a column n-vector of positive integers % p is the number of processors, a positive integer. % % trace_static is a column vector where trace_static(k) is the number of % processors busy during time step k, where % k = length(trace_static). Based on static % wrap mapping assignment of tasks. % % trace_pool is a column vector where trace_pool(k) is the number of % processors busy during time step k, where % k = length(trace_pool). Based on the pool-of-task % paradigm. % Static assignment: n = length(task_vec); % How much work is each processor assigned? proc_vec = zeros(p,1); for k=1:p proc_vec(k) = sum(task_vec(k:p:n)); end t = zeros(max(proc_vec),1); for k=1:p t(1:proc_vec(k)) = t(1:proc_vec(k)) + ones(proc_vec(k),1); end trace_static = t; % Pool-of-task assignment: next = 1; busy = zeros(p,1); t = []; while (next<=n) | any(busy>0) % Make sure all free processors are given a task if possible. [z,free] = min(busy); while (z==0) & (next<=n) % The first free processor is given a task busy(free) = task_vec(next); next = next + 1; [z,free] = min(busy); end t = [t;sum(busy>0)]; busy = busy-1; end trace_pool = t;