CS732: Topics in Database Systems

CS732 is a PhD level seminar course in database systems. In this semester, we will discuss classical and recent research papers in data security and privacy. We plan to cover the following topics:


Location and Hours

Course Schedule

We will discuss one or two papers each class, and you are expected to have read these papers before class. The papers under the heading "Additional readings" are optional reading except for the presenters that day who are expected to read all papers relevant to her lecture.


Topic and Papers Presenter
9/24 Introduction and overview Johannes


Security-Control in Statistical Databases: Query Restriction, Data Perturbation, and Answer Perturbation
  • Nabil R. Adam, John C. Wortmann: Security-Control Methods for Statistical Databases: A Comparative Study. ACM Computing Surveys 21(4): 515-556 (1989). Surveys methods for protecting statistical databases against disclosure of confidential information.

Additional reading:

  • I. Fellegi. On the question of statistical confidentiality. Journal of the American Statistical Assoc., 67(337):7--18, March 1972. Gives conditions how to check for residual disclosure of sensitive information given a set of query answer.
  • Francis Y. L. Chin: Security in Statistical Databases for Queries with Small Counts. TODS 3(1): 92-104 (1978). Several early results on query-set size control, including results on how the database can be compromised if the user has some prior knowledge. 
  • Dorothy E. Denning, Peter J. Denning, Mayer D. Schwartz: The Tracker: A Threat to Statistical Database Security. TODS 4(1): 76-96(1979). Shows that controlling query-set sizes can be easily compromised.
  • Francis Y. L. Chin, Gultekin Özsoyoglu: Statistical Database Design. TODS 6(1): 113-139 (1981). Introduces a conceptual model for data security in statistical databases.
10/3 Access Control Ashwin


XML Access Control Chavdar
10/10 No class  
10/17 Databases as a Service

Additional reading



10/24 No class  
10/31 Databases as a Service  (Continued)

Authenticated Data Structures

Additional reading



11/07 No class  
11/14 Digital Signatures Shai
11/21 Guest lecture on Software Licensing Vicky
11/28 Thanksgiving -- no class.  
12/5 More on XML Access Control:


Future papers:

XML Access Control

Database Watermarking

Database Fingerprinting

Hippocratic databases

Enforcing Access Control with Cryptography

Privacy standards

Secure Information Sharing