CS 665 is about state-of-the-art techniques for high-quality rendering
in graphics. The course covers core techniques that are used in a range
of graphics applications including simulation, games and movies. We
will cover a wide range of topics including photon mapping, precomputed
radiance transfer, GPU rendering including shadow algorithms, radiosity,
scalable rendering, hierarchical acceleration structures, interactive
ray tracing on modern computer architectures including multicore
processors and GPUs, and perceptually-based rendering. Our focus will
be on practical rendering algorithms for real applications.
A prior graphics course is a pre-requisite. Any of CS 465/466, 467/468,
or 667 are acceptable pre-requisites. If you have not taken these
courses, speak to the instructor. |
- Changing Classroom location: Starting tomorrow, CS665 will be held
in Upson 315. Because of a conflict in 315 we will be holding class on
Feb 27 in 5126 Upson.
- ILM Talk on 2/5: Industrial Light & Magic is visiting Cornell today
and will make a technical talk presentation at 4pm in 551 Rhodes Hall.
- Make up class: There will be a makeup class on Friday, 1/25 at 4:00
in 5126 Upson. 5126 is located inside 5128 on the 5th floor. Please let
Prof. Bala know it that doesn't work for you.
- COMS 665 Advanced Rendering 4 Cr.
- Location: 218 Olin Hall
- Times: Mon/Wed: 1:25-2:40
- Schedule
- Instructor: Kavita Bala
- Office: 5142 Upson
- Office Hours:
- Administrative Assistant: Kelly
Text book
The following book is a reference and is not required:
- Advanced Global Illumination by Phil Dutre, Kavita Bala, and Philippe Bekaert ISBN: