General recursion

An abbreviation which given two nats n and m, decides whether {n <= m} or {n > m}.
Definition nat_lte := Compare_dec.le_gt_dec.

Insert a number into a list. Assumes the list is sorted in in non-decreasing order.
Fixpoint insert (n:nat) (xs:list nat) : list nat :=
  match xs with
    | [] => [n]
    | h::t => if nat_lte n h then n::h::t else h::(insert n t)

Insertion sort.
Definition insert_sort (xs:list nat) : list nat :=
  fold_right insert [] xs.

Simple test.
Eval compute in insert_sort [3;2;5;1;7].

A useful predicate on lists. list_all P xs holds when P holds on each element of xs.
Definition list_all {A:Type} (P:A->Prop) (xs:list A) : Prop :=
  fold_right (fun h t => P h /\ t) True xs.

We can use list_all to define a notion of a sorted list.
Fixpoint sorted (xs:list nat) : Prop :=
  match xs with
    | [] => True
    | h::t => sorted t /\ list_all (le h) t

Notice that this produces a predicate (which we can't prove!)
Eval compute in sorted [3;1;2].

We can prove this predicate though.
Example sorted_123 : sorted [1;2;3].
  auto 10.
The argument allows auto to search deeper than normal (default is 6)

Here's an alternative definition of sorted using an couple of inductive definitions. One of the big challenges is picking the "right" definition of the properties we are interested in. Often we only find out whether we got it right when we try to prove things with it. Also, there may be a difference between what the "producer" of properties wants to prove and what "consumer" of properties finds best to use.
Inductive list_lte : nat -> list nat -> Prop :=
| nil_list_lte : forall n, list_lte n nil
| cons_list_lte : forall n h t, n <= h -> list_lte n t -> list_lte n (h::t).

Inductive sorted' : list nat -> Prop :=
| nil_is_sorted : sorted' nil
| cons_is_sorted : forall h t, list_lte h t -> sorted' t -> sorted' (h::t).

And here's an example proof that the list 1;2;3 is sorted'.
Example sorted'_123 : sorted' [1;2;3].
  apply cons_is_sorted.
  apply cons_list_lte.
  apply cons_list_lte.
  apply nil_list_lte.
  apply cons_is_sorted.
  apply cons_list_lte.
Making progress, but this is getting tiresome. Let's automate.

  Hint Constructors list_lte sorted'.

The Hint command is a way of adding to the database of things that auto or eauto will use when it is searching. So adding list_lte and sorted' to the database makes this proof much easier to write.
Ideally, you should create your own named databases of theorems, specialized to particular tasks, to avoid making auto inefficient.

  auto 10. Qed.

The two definitions of sorted'ness are equivalent.
Here we need to think a little harder. As we'd expect, we must use induction on the list.
Lemma list_lte_iff_list_all_lte :
  forall n (xs:list nat),
    list_lte n xs <-> list_all (le n) xs.
  induction xs ; crush.
  inversion H1 ; intros ; subst.
This extracts the fact that n <= a
  inversion H1 ; intros ; subst.
  induction xs; crush;
  match goal with
  | [ H : list_lte _ _ |- _] => inversion H

Lemma sorted_iff_sorted' :
  forall (xs:list nat),
    sorted xs <-> sorted' xs.
  Hint Constructors sorted'.
  Hint Resolve (fun n x => proj1 (list_lte_iff_list_all_lte n x)).
  Hint Resolve (fun n x => proj2 (list_lte_iff_list_all_lte n x)).
  induction xs ; crush; inversion H1; crush.

Let's try to prove that insert_sort produces a sorted list. Spoiler: we're going to get stuck.
Lemma insert_sort_sorted : forall xs, sorted (insert_sort xs).
  induction xs ; crush.
  unfold sorted.
We're stuck since Coq doesn't know if (insert a (insert_sort xs)) is empty or a cons. Let's try to convince it.
  remember (insert a (insert_sort xs)) as sorted_xs.
  destruct sorted_xs.
If (insert a (insert_sort xs)) is empty, we don't have to prove anything -- an empty list is already sorted. (But of course, (insert a (insert_sort xs)) is not empty.
Ugh! We're no better off than we were before. Let's abort...

What we need to do first is prove something useful about insert. For example, if xs is sorted and we insert n into it, we should get back a sorted list. Before jumping into that, let's define some useful lemmas.
A useful lemma that lifts implication to list_all. It says that if P x -> Q x for any x, then list_all P xs -> list_all Q xs.
Lemma list_all_imp{A}:
  forall (P Q : A -> Prop),
    (forall (x:A), P x -> Q x) ->
  (forall (xs:list A), list_all P xs -> list_all Q xs).
  induction xs ; crush.

If n <= m and m <= each element of xs, then n <= each element of xs. Here we're using the omega tactic, which solves problems from Presburger arithmetic: equalities involving addition. An alternative to omega is the lia tactic, which is anecdotally more robust.
Lemma list_lte_nm (n m:nat) (xs:list nat) :
  n <= m -> list_all (le m) xs -> list_all (le n) xs.
Aha! Now we can use the list_all_imp lemma to avoid reasining about the list, and reduce this to a single element.
  eapply (list_all_imp (le m) (le n)) ; [ intros ; omega | auto ].

So let's try to prove this fact now...
Lemma insert_sorted : forall n xs, sorted xs -> sorted (insert n xs).
  induction xs ; crush.
  destruct (nat_lte n a) ; simpl.
Here's where our lemma above comes into play.
  eapply list_lte_nm ; eauto.
Ugh! How are we supposed to prove that a <= insert n xs? Intuitively it's true, but how can we show this? We need to know that if we insert n into xs, then the elements of the resulting list are either equal to n or one of the xs.

An equivalent way to capture "list_all"
Lemma in_list_all {A} (P:A->Prop) (xs:list A) :
  (forall x, In x xs -> P x) <-> list_all P xs.
  induction xs ; crush.

Now we can prove that if you insert n into xs, then any element of the resulting list is either equal to n or one of the xs.
Lemma in_insert :
  forall (xs:list nat) (n:nat),
    forall x, In x (insert n xs) -> x = n \/ In x xs.
  induction xs ; crush.
  destruct (nat_lte n a) ; crush.
  specialize (IHxs _ _ H0). crush.

The opposite fact will also be useful.
Lemma insert_in :
  forall (xs:list nat) (n:nat),
    forall x, x = n \/ In x xs -> In x (insert n xs).
  induction xs ; crush.
  destruct (nat_lte n a) ; crush.
  destruct (nat_lte n x) ; crush.
  destruct (nat_lte n a) ; crush.

Lemma insert_sorted : forall n xs, sorted xs -> sorted (insert n xs).
  induction xs ; crush.
  destruct (nat_lte n a) ; simpl.
  eapply list_lte_nm ; eauto.
here's where in_list_all comes into play -- we turn the list_all into reasoning about a particular element in (insert n xs) which has to be either n or one of the xs.
  apply in_list_all.
  generalize (in_insert xs n x H2). intro.
  destruct H3.
here's where the opposite lemma comes into play.
  rewrite <- in_list_all in H1.

Once we've proved that insert produces a sorted list, we can easily prove that insert_sort produces a sorted list.
Lemma insert_sort_sorted : forall xs, sorted (insert_sort xs).
  induction xs ; crush.
  apply insert_sorted ; auto.

It sounds superficially like we've really proved something important about insertion sort. However, note that the following function also produces a sorted list:
Definition bogus_sort (xs:list nat) : list nat := nil.

Lemma bogus_sort_sorted (xs:list nat) : sorted (bogus_sort xs).
  apply I.

Here's an attempt to capture what it means for a sort function to actually be correct. The output should be sorted, the length of the input should equal the length of the output, and every member of the input should be in the output (and vice versa, though this can be shown given that the lengths are the same.)
Definition sublist {A} (xs ys:list A) : Prop :=
  forall (x:A), In x xs -> In x ys.

Definition sort_corr (xs ys:list nat) : Prop :=
  sorted ys /\ sublist xs ys /\ length xs = length ys.

There are, of course, alternative definitions. For instance, we might specify that the output is a sorted permutation of the input.
Often, you can't predict what will be the most useful specification. That depends largely on who'se using the code and what they need to know. For instance, we might be using the sort routine as part of a set implementation. In that case, these properties would be good enough, though we'd probably want to build some derived properties. For instance, we might like to know that
(sort_corr xs ys) -> (sort_corr xs zs) -> ys = zs
which can be proven from the spec above.
Let's prove now that our insertion sort is correct, according to the definition we gave above. We have already shown insert_sort produces a sorted list. Now we just need to establish the other two properties:
Lemma insert_sort_sublist : forall xs, sublist xs (insert_sort xs).
  unfold sublist.
  induction xs ; crush ; apply insert_in ; crush.

Lemma insert_length : forall xs n, length (insert n xs) = S (length xs).
  induction xs ; crush.
  destruct (nat_lte n a) ; crush.

Lemma insert_sort_length : forall xs, length xs = length (insert_sort xs).
  induction xs ; crush.
  rewrite insert_length. auto.

And finally, we can show insertion sort is correct.
Lemma insert_sort_corr : forall xs, sort_corr xs (insert_sort xs).
  unfold sort_corr. intro.
  apply insert_sort_sorted.
  apply insert_sort_sublist.
  apply insert_sort_length.

Of course, we don't want to use an O(n^2) sort in practice. So here, I develop a merge sort. This shows off something new -- defining a recursive function using something besides structural induction to establish termination.
First, we need to define a function to merge two (already sorted lists). Now normally, we'd write this as:
Fixpoint merge (xs ys:list nat) {struct xs} : list nat := match xs, ys with | , ys => ys | xs, => xs | h1::t1, h2::t2 => if nat_lte h1 h2 then h1 :: (merge t1 ys) else h2 :: (merge xs t2) end.
But unfortunately, Coq will reject this because it's not the case that xs is always getting smaller, nor the case that ys is always getting smaller. Of course, *one* of them is always getting smaller, so eventually, this will terminate.
But in this case, we can hack around the problem by simply re-organizing the function as follows:
Fixpoint merge (xs:list nat) : list nat -> list nat :=
  match xs with
    | nil => fun ys => ys
    | (x::xs') =>
      (fix inner_merge (ys:list nat) : list nat :=
         match ys with
           | nil => x::xs'
           | y::ys' => if nat_lte x y then
                         x :: (merge xs' (y::ys'))
                         y :: (inner_merge ys')
Note that for the out loop, we only call it with a smaller xs, and for the inner loop, we only call it with a smaller ys. So Coq can see by structural induction the loops that the definition terminates.
Note that if you tried to pull inner_merge out and define it as a top-level function, Coq would no longer be able to tell that merge terminates. In this sense, Coq's termination checking isn't modular.
Test that merge works.
Eval compute in merge [1;3;5] [2;4;6].
Eval compute in merge [3] [1;4].

This function takes a list of lists of nats, and merges each pair of lists. See the example below.
Fixpoint merge_pairs (xs:list (list nat)) : list (list nat) :=
  match xs with
    | h1::h2::t => (merge h1 h2) :: (merge_pairs t)
    | xs' => xs'

Eval compute in merge_pairs [[1;3];[2;4;9];[0];[2;3]].
Eval compute in merge_pairs [[1;3];[2;4;9];[0]].

To define our actualy merge sort, we want to take the initial list n1;n2;...;nm and turn it into a list of singleton lists: [n1];[n2];...;[nm] and then successively call merge_pairs until we get a single list out.
This function takes a list and turns it into a list of singleton lists of the elements.
Definition make_lists (xs:list nat) : list (list nat) := (fun x => x::nil) xs.

Eval compute in make_lists [5; 1; 4; 2; 3].
Eval compute in merge_pairs (merge_pairs (merge_pairs (make_lists [5; 1; 4; 2; 3]))).
As with merge, I would like to write the following function which is intended to iterate merging the pairs of a list of lists until we get a single list out:
Fixpoint merge_iter (xs:list (list nat)) : list nat := match xs with | => | h => h | h1::h2::xs' => merge_iter (merge_pairs (h1::h2::xs')) end.
But Coq can't tell that this terminates. The problem is that we are calling merge_iter on (merge_pairs (h1::h2::xs')) instead of xs'. Since in principle, merge_pairs could return a list no smaller than the input, Coq rejects the definition.
All is not lost, though. In Coq, we can define functions that use an arbitrary measure (or really, any well-founded relation) and show that the measure is always decreasing to convince Coq the function terminates.
Before doing that, I need to establish a lemma that:
length (merge_pairs (h1::h2::xs)) < length (h1::h2::xs)
This is a little tricky to prove since we are peeling off 2 elements instead of one. One way to prove it is using so-called "strong-induction", but here's another way:
Lemma merge_pairs_length' :
  forall xs, (forall h1 h2,
                length (merge_pairs (h1::h2::xs)) < length (h1::h2::xs)) /\
             (forall h,
                length (merge_pairs (h::xs)) <= length (h::xs)).
  induction xs ; crush.

What I did in merge_pairs_length' is generalize my desired property to one that holds regardless of the number of elements in the list. Try doing it without the second case and see what goes wrong...
Anyway, my decreasing measure is now easy to establish from the lemma above.
Lemma merge_pairs_length :
  forall h1 h2 xs, length (merge_pairs (h1::h2::xs)) < length (h1::h2::xs).
  specialize (merge_pairs_length' xs).
  intros [H _].
  apply H.

Now I'm going to define my merge_iter function. Since it's not structurally recursive, but rather, defined using a measure, I first need to import a couple of libraries.
Require Import Program.
Require Import Wf.

The Program Fixpoint construct is similar to the Fixpoint construct. The big difference is that I'm required to state a {measure ...} clause to convince Coq as to what's going down. In this case, the length of the argument list is always going down when we do a recursive call.
Program Fixpoint
  merge_iter (xs : list (list nat)) {measure (length xs)} : list nat :=
  match xs with
    | nil => nil
    | h::nil => h
    | h1::h2::xs' => merge_iter (merge_pairs (h1::h2::xs'))

Notice that Coq spits out a bunch of stuff here and says there's 1 obligation remaining. This obligation arises as a result of the recursive call -- we need to show that the measure is actually decreasing. The command Next Obligation let's us provide a proof of the needed fact. Note that until we finish the proofs of all obligations, the function merge_iter is not defined.
Next Obligation.
  apply (merge_pairs_length h1 h2 xs').

If we print out merge_iter...
Print merge_iter.
...we see that the Program Fixpoint did a lot of work for us to translate our definition into the real core of Coq. It's using a special function Fix_sub, along with some other hidden definitions that you can print out if you like.
Print Fix_sub.
Fix_sub is defined in terms of Fix_F_sub.
Print Fix_F_sub.
Fix_F_sub is defined to be:
fun (A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Prop) (P : A -> Type) (F_sub : forall x : A, (forall y : {y : A | R y x}, P (` y)) -> P x) => fix Fix_F_sub (x : A) (r : Acc R x) {struct r} : P x := F_sub x
If you look carefully, this is proceeding by (structural) induction on r and is just a seemingly infinite loop. But since r must be getting smaller each time around the loop, the loop actually terminates.
What is r? It's a proof that the value x is "accessible" (Acc) with respect to the relation R. In our case, R is essentially the relation between the length of the original input the length of the list we are recursing on (a < relation on the lengths of the lists.) The "accessible" notion is capturing the idea that our relation has no infinite descending chains. In the case of <, there is a least element, namely 0. So if we are always going down in the relation, we will eventually get to 0.
TL;DR: You don't need to understand all of this. You just need to be able to use the Program Fixpoint ... {measure ...} construct to write functions and argue that the generated obligations are met (i.e., that your measure really is decreasing.)

Require Import Recdef.

The Function construct gives us another, often better way to build recursive functions with a general termination argument. The measure clause takes a measure function (length) and the name of the parameter to apply it to (xs).
Function merge_iter' (xs : list (list nat)) {measure length xs} : list nat :=
  match xs with
    | nil => nil
    | h::nil => h
    | h1::h2::xs' => merge_iter (merge_pairs (h1::h2::xs'))

This definition is also doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work for us to show that the measure is well-founded, as expanding out the definition of merge_iter' will show:

Print merge_iter'.
Well, that looks simple, but...
Print merge_iter'_terminate.
Print ltof.
Print well_founded.
Print well_founded_ltof.

Once we've defined our merge_iter, we can finally define our merge_sort:
Definition merge_sort (xs:list nat) :=
  merge_iter (make_lists xs).

Let's test that it's working...
Eval compute in merge_sort [7;8;3;5;1;2;6;4].
Eval compute in merge_sort [3;2;7;8].

Next: prove that it works!