CS 5625
Advanced Interactive Graphics 

Instructor: Kavita Bala

Computer Science Department, Cornell University

Spring 2013



CS 5625 covers advanced graphics topics with a focus on interactive techniques. The philosophical goal of this course is to introduce students to state-of-the-art graphics technology and the interactive techniques that they enable in applications like game engines.  This course serves as a follow up to any undergraduate introductory graphics course and covers the following topics in detail: the modern graphics pipeline and graphics architectures;  rendering including texturing, shadowing, shading, and indirect illumination; modeling including  scene representations,  and level-of-detail. These topics are subject to change.


There will be a 4-5 homeworks (written and implementations) in the course, though the main focus is the group project where each group will build an an interactive (and hopefully fun!) 3D game illustrating various concepts from the course. An introductory graphics course (for example Cornell's CS 4620) is a pre-requisite for this course.



  • 4/9: PA5 has been released, due date 4/17 11:59pm.
  • 4/1: PA4 has been released, due date 4/8 11:59pm.
  • 3/1: PA3 has been released, due date 3/12 11:59pm.
  • 2/16: PA2 has been released, due date 2/28 11:59pm.
  • 2/4: PA1 has been released, due date 2/13 11:59pm.
  • Administration


  • Real-Time Rendering by Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines, and Naty Hoffman
    • The third edition is available as an ebook via the library (link). Search for "Real-Time Rendering". Or authenticate at the link above, and then directly go to this link

  • OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook by David Wolff
  • Graphics Shaders: Theory and Practice by Mike Bailey and Steve Cunningham
  • GPU Pro 2 Edited by Wolfgang Engel

  • Course Policies

    You can have 3 free late days over the semester (applies to all)
    Otherwise, 10% penalty per day for maximum of 5 days (then 0 on an assignment)

    Page maintained by Kavita Bala (kb@cs.cornell.edu)