2025 Showcase

The games showcase this year will be held on Saturday May 17, 2024 at 1 pm, in a place to be determined (we are really hoping to have it in the new CIS building). The event will be open it up to the general public. It will last until 4pm, when we will hold the awards ceremony.

Classes are still having finals on that day, so you are excused if you have a conflict. But barring that (or some other excuse), we expect everyone in your group to attend Showcase. This event is – for all intents and purposes – your final exam.

Registering for Showcase

We need for each group to officially “register” for showcase so that we can prepare a space for you on the floor. This year, that registration will take place in an (ungraded) CMS entry due Friday, May 10th. You do not need a game submitted by then. But you do need to submit the game information and promotional materials.

We will have more information about this process as we approach the date of Showcase.