CS513: System Security
Course Overview and Organization.
Lecture times, teaching staff, office hours, prerequisites, assignments and grading policy.
Topic Outline.
High-level listing of topics to be covered along with recommended readings.
Recent Announcements
Final grades are now posted on CMS. All the best for a happy, healthy, and productive summer from the entire CS513 staff.
of all announcements.
Homework 1: Cornell's Security Policies
[Assigned Jan 27; Due Feb 3, in class]
Homework 2: Least Privilege and Authentication
[Assigned Feb 5; Due Feb 12, in class]
Revised Feb 5 at 1:10pm. Be sure to use this revised version.
Programming Projects
Phase 0: Preparing for the CS513 Project.
[Assigned Feb 5; Due Feb 12 (5pm)]
Phase 1: Implementing Server Authentication.
[Assigned Feb 13; Due March 2 (10:00 am)]
Phase 2: Electronic voting system II: Client Authentication.
[Assigned March 2; Due April 1 (10:00am)]
Phase 3: Electronic voting system III: Trapdoors and Trojans
[Assigned April 5; Due April 20 (10:00am)]
Phase 4: Electronic voting system IV: Denial of Service
[Assigned April 22; Due May 6 (10:00am)]