Introduction to Algorithms

Computer Science 482 (Spring 2004)

Basic Info:


Getting in touch with us

To reach us electronically, please mail the course account

Office hours

During the time period between the end of classes and the final exam, office hours will be held according to the schedule below. All office hours are in Upson 328, except where noted otherwise. If the office hour area becomes too crowded, a forward pointer will be left in Upson 328.


Handouts other than problem set solutions will be handed out in class and also available on the course home page. Problem set solutions will be available only as hardcopy; they will be handed out in lecture and extra copies will be kept in 303 Upson, and on the racks outside. Let us know if you find typographical errors in the course packet; we'll post the ones we know about to the course home page.


We will be using a draft of a book by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, which we developed while teaching the last few years of CS 482. It is available at the Campus Store.

Although the book is organized around the structure of the course, we will still cover things in lecture that are not written down there; there are also things in the book that we will not cover. The content of the lectures forms the material that you are responsible for knowing in the course.

The following are also useful references.


The official prerequisites for the course are CS 280, 312, and 381/481.

Prelims and Final


There will be weekly homework sets, generally due on Fridays. Homework should be handed in in lecture, at the end of class, on the day it is due.

Academic Integrity

You are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity in the course. Any violation of the code of academic integrity will be penalized severely.

You are allowed to collaborate on the homework to the extent of formulating ideas as a group. However, you must write up the solutions to each problem set completely on your own. You must also list the names of everyone that you discussed the problem set with.