CS4670 / 5670 Lectures, Fall 2013
Many of the following slides are modified from
the excellent class notes of similar courses offered in other schools by Prof
Yung-Yu Chuang,
Fredo Durand,
Alexei Efros,
William Freeman,
Svetlana Lazebnik,
Srinivasa Narasimhan,
Steve Seitz,
Richard Szeliski, and Li Zhang. The
instructor is extremely thankful to the researchers for making their notes
available online. Please feel free to use and modify any of the slides, but
acknowledge the original sources where appropriate.
The following syllabus is tentative, and subject to change.
Lecture Number |
Topic |
Material |
0 |
Introduction and Overview
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 1
1 |
Image Filtering
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 3.1, 3.2
2 |
Edge detection and Intelligent Scissors
ppt (edge detection), pdf (edge detection)
ppt (scissors), pdf (scissors)
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 4.2
3 |
Image Resampling
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 2.3.1, 3.5
4 |
Image Interpolation
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 2.3.1, 3.5
5 |
Feature detection
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 4.1
6 |
Harris corner detection
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 4.1
7 |
Invariance, blob detection, and MOPS
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 6.1
8 |
Feature matching
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 6.1
9 |
Image transformations
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 6.1
10 |
Image alignment
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 6.1
11 |
Robustness and RANSAC
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 6.1
12 |
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 2.1.3-2.1.6
13 |
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 2.1.3-2.1.6
14 |
Projection, Part 2
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 2.1.3-2.1.6
15 |
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 9
16 |
Single-view modeling, Part 1
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 6.2, 6.3
17 |
Single-view modeling, Part 2
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 6.2, 6.3
18 |
Two-View Stereo
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 10.1-10.5
19 20 21 |
Two-view Geometry
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 7.2
Fundamental Matrix Song
22 |
Structure from motion
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 7.3,7.4
23 |
Structure from
motion, Part 2
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 7.1 - 7.4
24 |
Multi-view stereo
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 11.6
25 |
Intro to Recognition
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 14.1
26 |
Faces and Probability
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 14.1-14.2
27 |
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 14.1, 14.2
28 |
Viola-Jones Face Detection
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 14.1
29 |
Bag-of-words Models
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, Ch. 14.3, 14.4
30 |
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski Chapter 5.3
31 |
Graph-Based Segmentation
ppt, pdf
Szeliski Chapter 5.4, 5.5
32 |
Modern Object Recognition
ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski Chapter 14.4
Readings: Dalal and Triggs, Histograms of oriented gradients for
human detection. CVPR 2005.
Felzenszwalb, et
al., Object
detection with discriminatively trained part based
models. PAMI 2009.
33 |
The PASCAL Challenge
ppt, pdf
Szeliski Chapter 14.5
34 |
Light and Reflectance

ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski, 2.2, 2.3.2
35 |
Photometric stereo

ppt, pdf
Readings: Szeliski 12.1
36 |
Computational photography

ppt, pdf
37 |

ppt, pdf