
Older announcements

Course Hours

4410 meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:55pm-4:10pm in Olin 155.

4411 meets slightly more often than every other week at 3:35pm-4:25pm on Fridays in Phillips 101.

Prelims and Exams

There will be two prelims, scheduled for the following dates and times:

Prelims and finals are closed-book. No electronic devices are allowed.

Makeups are offered for the prelims on the same day at 5:15-7:15pm. Please send a message to course staff at least one week ahead of the prelim, with the subject "Prelim Conflict", describing your conflict so we'll have an idea of how many people to expect for the makeup.

The final will take place on December 11, 9:00-11:30 am in "Statler Hall 185-Aud". There is no makeup for the final. There is no way any other course you are enrolled in can have a conflicting final date and time.


Required Reading

Operating Systems: Principles and Practice
Thomas Anderson and Michael Dahlin.
ISBN-13: 978-0985673512