CS 4300 - Information Retrieval

Fall 2013


Final Exam: Wednesday, December 18th, 7-9:30 PM, Barton Hall 100 East-Main Floor.

Time: Tuesday / Thursday, 11:40-12:55PM

Place: Goldwin-Smith Hall 132
Instructor: Professor Claire Cardie, 5161 Upson Hall
Office hours: Tuesdays, 1-2pm; Fridays 9-10am


    Elizabeth Murnane

    Office hours: Tuesdays 6 - 7pm or by appointment
    Office location: 301 College Avenue - Small conference room

    Jon Park

    Office hours: Mondays 4:30 - 5:30pm or by appointment
    Office location: Upson 4161 (We'll move to Upson 328B (Bay A) if there's not enough room.)

    Chenhao Tan

    Office hours: Wednesdays 1:30 - 2:30pm or by appointment
    Office location: Upson 4161

Course Materials:

Course Management System (CMS): We'll be using the CS department course management system for submission of assignments, grading, etc.  You can get to CMS via the above link.  You'll need your Cornell netid and password. If you do not have access to CMS by the time that the first assignment is due, please contact us.

Academic Integrity
You are responsible for knowing and following Cornell's academic integrity policy. Absolute integrity is expected of every Cornell student in all academic undertakings; he/she must in no way misrepresent his/her work fraudulently or unfairly advance his/her academic status, or be a party to another student's failure to maintain academic integrity. The maintenance of an atmosphere of academic honor and the fulfillment of the provisions of this Code are the responsibilities of the students and faculty of Cornell University. Therefore, all students and faculty members shall refrain from any action that would violate the basic principles of this Code. Violation of the academic integrity policy will not be tolerated, and will result in an F in the course.

See the University Code of Academic Integrity.