CS411    Programming Languages and Logics

TR 1:25-2:40    Thurston 203

Recent Announcements:

21 May 01: Final Exam Solutions.

14 May 01: Object Notes 1 and Object Notes 2 available at last.

3 May 01: Notes 16 (compilation) available.

3 May 01: CS411 did not make it to the official final exam schedule web pages.  The official time is: 16 May 12:00-2:30PM TH203 (that's right, the classroom). 

2 May 01: Some research papers that lead to the book A Theory of Objects are available from Luca Cardelli's web page (follow down to the Objects section). Some of those may prove useful if you do not have access to the book. Caveat: they are research papers, and therefore can be a bit... dense.

26 Apr 01: Problem set 6 is here.

10 Apr 01: Here are prelim solutions.

10 Apr 01: Notes 16 with exercises (also .ps) available.

9 Apr 01: Notes 14 (also .ps) and Notes 15 (also .ps) available

Old: all old announcements migrate here.



lecture notes

recitation notes


old announcements





