CS3410 provides an introduction to computer organization, systems programming and the
hardware/software interface. Topics include instruction sets, computer
arithmetic, datapath design, data formats, addressing modes, memory
hierarchies including caches and virtual memory, I/O devices, bus-based
I/O systems, and multicore architectures. Students learn assembly language
programming and design a pipelined RISC processor.
The course is open to any undergraduate who has
mastered the material in CS 2110.
New office hours this week (study week) are posted. |
FAQ for PA4 is posted. Also, notes on how to create a kernel network driver are discussed. |
PA4 is posted. |
HW4 is posted. |
FAQ for PA3 is posted. Please refer to the latest description and use the latest version /courses/cs3410/pa3 on the csuglab machines. |
PA3 has been updated. Please refer to the latest description and use the latest version /courses/cs3410/pa3 on the csuglab machines. |
PA3 is posted. |
FAQ for HW3 is posted. |
HW3 has been updated. Please use the latest version of the browser in /courses/cs3410/hw3 on the csuglab machines. We will test you solution against this latest browser. |
HW3 is posted. |
PA2 updated; removed BLTZ and BGEZ instructions since you do not need to implement them. |
PA2 deadline has been
extended and is due after
spring break Monday, March 28th, at 11:59pm. |
FAQ for PA2 is posted. |
PA2 is posted. |
Updated version of the FAQ for PA1 is available. |
Several practice/old prelims are available via CMS. Also, we will have a prelim review during Sections this week. The prelim will be next Thursday, March 10th during class.
Please use the latest version of
(updated 28-Feb-2011).
This release adds MOVN and MOVZ, which is necessary to complete PA1 |
FAQ for PA1 posted. |
Updated version of PA1 is available. Please use this latest PA1 description and the latest versions of the class logisim library (cs3410.jar) and Logisim. |
PA1 is posted. You will need to use the class Logisim library here. |
HW2 has been updated with a some of corrections (and all links work!). |
FAQ for HW2 posted. |
HW2 is posted. |
HW1 deadline has been
extended and is due
Tuesday, February 8th, at 11:59pm. |
Please use the latest version of
(updated 6-Feb-2011).
This release fixed the following problem:
- logisim fails to load negative decimal
number from test vector file.
- canvas fails to refresh while a test-vector
thread is running.
- test vector computation is slow due to printing
on stdout.
FAQ for HW1 posted. |
HW1 is posted.
Please use the updated version of Logisim (updated 1-Feb-2011). |
New Office Hours for TAs/Consultants/Professor are available. |
Lecture has been moved to Phillips 101.
Sections times have been chosen (see below left).
(show/hide older annoucements)
- Lecture
TR 1:25 - 2:40pm, Phillips 101, not Phillips 203
- Sections:
T 2:55 - 04:10pm, Hollister 372 (Wang)
W 3:35 - 04:50pm, Upson 215 (Wang)
W 7:30 - 08:45pm, Upson 215 (Tseng)
R 11:40 - 12:55pm, Hollister 372 (Peng)
R 2:55 - 04:10pm, Hollister 368 (Peng)
F 2:55 - 04:10pm, Phillips 213 (Erh)
- Consulting / Office Hours
- Staff:
Instructor: Hakim Weatherspoon, 4105C Upson
Teaching Assistants: Han Wang, Bo Peng & Jun Erh
Consultants: Ansu Abraham, Ethan Kao, Peter Tseng & Jiaqi Zhai
Administrative Assistant: Angela Downing, 4115 Upson
- Email: [ goes to course staff ]
- Assignments: CMS
- Newsgroup: cornell.class.cs3410 [ help ]
Suggested Textbooks
David Patterson, John Hennessy
Computer Organization and Design : The Hardware / Software Interface
4th edition, ISBN 978-0123744937