CS 316 covers basic computer organization and systems
programming. We will cover computer design, instruction sets, computer
arithmetic, datapath design, GPU architectures, data formats,
addressing modes, memory hierarchies including caches and virtual
memory, I/O devices, and bus-based I/O systems. The projects will cover
systems programming. The course is open to any undergraduate who has
mastered the material in CS 211.
- Dec 6: Office hours between now and next Thursday are as
follows. These hours are subject to change and this list will be
updated as needed.
- Dec 1: The slides
and C program examples
from this week's sections are available. To extract the examples, type:
tar zxvf pa6_examples.tar.gz.
- Nov 30: The Corewars
all-pairs results have been posted.
- Nov 29: PA6 has been
released and will be due Thu, Dec 13 at 10:00 a.m.
Old announcements:
- Nov 27: The review session for Prelim 2 will be
tomorrow (Wed), 6p-8p, in Upson 315.
- Nov 23: Last
year's Prelim 2 has been posted on the Schedule.
- Nov 15: On Friday, November 30 from 5 - 9pm in
Hollister 110, there will be a pizza party to host the CS316 Corewars
Showdown. Final project demos will occur on Thursday, December 13
from 2 - 4:30 pm in 455 Rhodes. Closer to the due date CMS will
be updated to include a sign up sheet for individual time slots.
- Nov 15: PA5 (released
yesterday) is now posted on the course web.
- Nov 5: PA4 (released
on Sat, 3 Nov) is now posted on the course web.
- Nov 1: A section on C
Programming Help has been added below.
- Oct 27: The "Smashing Fun with Smashing Stacks"
slides are available.
- Oct 23: HW2 has been
released in CMS.
- Oct 17: Several students had trouble setting thier
PATHs correctly in order to run the compiler for HW1 Part VI. To
make things more convenient, we have changed Makefiles so that setting
the PATH is no longer necessary. If you have been getting errors
where "mipsel-linux-gcc" or "mipsel-linux-nm" is not found, they should
now be fixed. This change does not affect the results of the
assignment nor any person that might have set their PATH already.
- Oct 15: The MIPS
Assembly Language Reference has been added to the links at the
bottom of this page.
- Oct 15: In HW1 Question VI Part HW4, you were asked
to compare hw3.s and hw4.s and explain the action of the volatile
keyword. However, because basic compiler optimization are
turned off when making these files, the output programs from these
examples ended up being identical. To make this question more
meaningful, we have produced new versions of hw3.c and hw4.c and placed
them in the directory /usr/local/cs316/hw1_newExamples. For this
one part of the assignment, Question VI Part HW4, use these programs
instead of the originals as the basis for your answer. The steps
you used to compile and run the original programs will all work the
same for these new examples. The new versions are also available
in CMS.
- Oct 12: The cs316 Logisim
library has been updated to fix a bug in the encoding of branch
- Oct 8: The cs316 Logisim
library has been updated yet again. The previous "fixes" to the
Program ROM's handling of branch instructions were wrong and have been
rolled back. See the PA3 FAQ for details.
- Oct 7: The cs316 Logisim
library has been updated again. This release fixes a bug in the
register file. Writes to the register file now happen on the falling
edge of the clock, out of phase with the pipeline registers. This
avoids the need to forward data from the WB stage.
- Oct 7: The cs316 Logisim
library has been updated. This release fixes bugs in the handling
of branch instructions. Also included is a drop-in replacement for the
RAM component built into Logisim, which exhibits bugs when you try to
do logging with it.
- Sep 27: PA3 has been
- Sep 27: The cs316 Logisim
library has been updated: the MIPS Program ROM component now
understands the JAL and JALR instructions, which
will be needed in PA3..
- Sep 25: The cs316 Logisim
library has been updated: the MIPS Program ROM component now
understands the nop instruction.
- Sep 21: Some grading comments on where points were
commonly lost have been added to the PA1 FAQ.
- Sep 19: The cs316 Logisim
library has been updated with new components that you are required
to use in PA2. Check here for
- Sep 19: PA2
has been updated. You are no longer required to compute jump
addresses based on the delay slot's PC.
- Sep 16: Link to MIPS instruction reference added to
Tools section.
- Sep 15: PA2 has been
- Sep 11: There have been updates to the PA1 FAQ.
- Sep 10: Unless otherwised notified, the recitation
sections can be considered additional office hours for the TAs and are
not mandatory. For example, all recitations this week will be optional.
- Sep 10: There have been updates to the PA1 FAQ.
- Sep 4: PA1 has
been released.
- Aug 31: The "Introduction to Logisim" slides are
available. [6 per page][2 per page]
- Aug 27: The class newsgroup is now up: cornell.class.cs316