CS1112 --> Alternative Courses

CS 1112, CS 1110, CS 1114, and CS 1115 are all introductory courses in computing and each satisfies the engineering computing requirement (4 credits).

CS 1112 and CS1110 both offer an introduction to computer programming concepts. The courses emphasize techniques of problem analysis and the development of algorithms and programs. CS 1112 uses Matlab and has a focus on computational science and engineering; CS 1110 uses Python and has a focus on software development. Neither course presumes previous programming experience. CS 1112 requires some background in mathematics, at the level of one semester of calculus.

In the fall semester you may take CS1115, a faster paced version of the Matlab course that includes graphical user interfaces. CS 1115 uses scientific visualization to emphasize ideas in computational science and engineering. This course requires some previous programming experience (in any language). Is CS 1115 right for you?

In the spring semester, you may take CS1114, a fast-paced introduction to computer science using camera-controlled robots. As with CS 1115, this course requires some previous programming experience (in any language).

Refer to Choosing Your First Computing Course for more information about these courses.