

Lectures These are the course lectures, listed in reverse order (most recent lecture first). When available, each lecture includes video recorded from the 11:15 lecture. To see a video, you must sign in with a valid Cornell netid.


Python These instructions cover how to install Python on your computer. Even if you already have Python, you will want to read these instructions (in case you have the wrong version).


Shell These instructions teach you how to use the command shell on your computer. This will be our primary tool for running Python. Note the subtle differences between operating systems.


Textbook The only required “hardware” for this course is an iClicker. While there is a textbook, it is for reference only. All of the course content is given in lectures.


Glossary There is a lot of terminology covered in this course. This glossary is a handy reference of all the terms that we will eventually cover in the course. You should not worry about knowing all these terms right away.