CS100(J,M) Spring 2001 Registration Form

Sometimes the online form flakes out. You might want to first try this test form to see if it works before filling out this registration form.

Note: The information requested here is used by the CS100 staff only. In particular, registering here does not mean that you are registered for the course. You still have to go through the normal course registration process with the university.

Name. Last:   First:   Middle:  

Cornell University ID Number (6-digit number):

Identify yourself this way on everything (exam, project, exercise, quiz) submitted for grading!!
Remember to sign your name on all papers you submit.

Cornell NetID (not your CUID: a combination of your initials and a number):

Preferred E-mail Address (if different from NetID):

Grade option: A-F S/U Audit

Indicate below which lecture and recitation section you plan to attend.
To attend a lecture or section different from the one you are currently registered for,
you must complete the appropriate add/drop procedures at your registrar's office.
(1) TR 09:05-09:55 am Olin      255
(2) TR 11:15-12:05 pm Olin      255
(3) TR 09:05-09:55 am Olin      155
(1)  T 01:25-02:15 pm Hollister 306
(2)  T 01:25-02:15 pm Hollister 401
(3)  T 02:30-03:20 pm Hollister 401
(4)  T 03:35-04:25 pm Hollister 401
(5)  W 01:25-02:15 pm Phillips  307
(6)  W 01:25-02:15 pm Phillips  213
(7)  W 02:30-03:20 pm Upson     111
(8)  W 03:35-04:25 pm Upson     111
(9)  T 01:25-02:15 pm Phillips  403
(10) T 02:30-03:20 pm Upson     205
(11) T 03:35-04:25 pm Upson     205
(12) W 01:25-02:15 pm Hollister 401
(13) W 02:30-03:20 pm Hollister 401
(14) W 03:35-04:25 pm Hollister 401

Local Address: Local Telephone:

Home Address: Home Telephone:

Your college: Major (or intended): Expected Graduation Date:

If you have taken CS99, please indicate when: Previous programming experience besides CS99, if any. Please be specific.
Include both the programming languages studied and how much you studied them.

Note: please use return and enter to separate paragraphs but not for word-wrap; although the Confirmation page generated when you press Submit does not show word-wrap, please be assured that we receive paragraphs properly wrapped.