Cornell CS 6117: Category Theory for Computer Scientists (Fall 2022)

Cornell CS 6117: Category Theory for Computer Scientists (Fall 2022)
Syllabus · Resources · Schedule · Policies




Category theory is an abstract theory of structures and transformations. While originally motivated by pure mathematics, category theory has since found applications across physics, philosophy, linguistics, logic, and more; the area is under active development and continues to evolve.

The breadth of applications and high level of abstraction can make category theory difficult to approach. This course aims to introduce and motivate category theory by focusing on applications in computer science, and in particular programming language semantics.

Course Information

This is 3-credit, graduate-level course. Undergraduates are welcome to enroll with permission of the instructor. The main pre-requisite for this course is CS 6110 or CS 4110.

Although this course is offered in the computer science department, it is a purely theoretical course. There will be no programming involved, and students will be required to do proofs for all homework assignments.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students should be able to (a) give categorical semantics to different kinds of programming languages and programming language features, (b) carry out basic proofs in category theory, (c) learn and explore further applications of category theory on their own, building on their familiarity with basic concepts and methods in category theory, and (d) explain the basic concepts of a wide variety of denotational semantics.



Instructor: Justin Hsu

TA: Keri D'Angelo

TA: Pedro H. Azevedo de Amorim


Course grades will be based entirely on homework assignments. There are no exams.


There will be one assignment on most weeks every other week. Submissions must be typeset in LaTeX (you can use quiver for commutative diagrams).

Gold-Star Grading

We will be using the simplified grading scheme from CS 6110. Our goal is to focus on giving you useful feedback, not on precisely scoring every granular facet of a homework problem. There are three possible outcomes:

As a rough guide, earning gold stars on every counted assignment will achieve an A in your course grade. If you are taking this course S/U, earning a gold star on at least six (6) assignments will achieve an S.



For the first half of the course, we will follow Categories for Types (CfT) by Roy Crole. Cornell students should have access to the electronic version available here. For the second half of the course, we will follow selected research papers—see the schedule below.

While CfT is self contained, the introduction of category theory material is terse. There are many good presentations and resources focused on just category theory. We suggest:

CfT (and our course) illustrate category theory through applications to programming language semantics. We will assume a working knowledge of the basics (e.g., as covered in CS 6110), and we will introduce more as we go. Here are some good references for PL semantics:



All dates and topics are tentative and subject to change.

Date Topic Readings Assignments
Aug 23 CT: Basics CfT 2.1-3  
Aug 25 CT: Basics CfT 2.4-6 Out: A01
Aug 30 Algebraic Type Theory
Syntax, Types, Equations
CfT 3.1-3  
Sep 01 Algebraic Type Theory
Categorical Semantics and Soundness
CfT 3.4-6 Due: A01
Out: A02
Sep 06 Algebraic Type Theory
Categories of Models
CfT 3.7  
Sep 08 Algebraic Type Theory
Classifying Category
CfT 3.7-8 Due: A02
Out: A03
Sep 13 Algebraic Type Theory
Classifying Category
CfT 3.8-9  
Sep 15 CT: Representable Functors BCT 4, CT 8.3-4 Due: A03
Out: A04
Sep 20 CT: Cartesian Closed Categories
Functional Type Theory: Syntax
CfT 2.8, 4.1-3, CT 6  
Sep 22 Functional Type Theory
Categorical Semantics and Soundness
CfT 4.4-6 Due: A04
Out: A05
Sep 27 Functional Type Theory
Classifying Category
CfT 4.7-9  
Sep 29 Functional Type Theory
Categorical Gluing
CfT 4.10 Due: A05
Oct 04 Functional Type Theory
Proving Conservativity
CfT 4.10  
Oct 06 CT: Adjoint Functors BCT 2, CT 9.1-5 Out: A06
Oct 13 Polymorphic Type Theory
Syntax, Types, Equations
CfT 5.1-2, PFPL 16  
Oct 18 Polymorphic Type Theory
Categorical Semantics:
Types and terms in type context
CfT 5.3-4  
Oct 20 Polymorphic Type Theory
Categorical Semantics:
Type and term substitutions
CfT 5.3-5.4 Due: A06
Out: A07
Oct 25 Polymorphic Type Theory
Categorical Semantics:
Polymorphic types and terms
CfT 5.3-5.4  
Oct 27 CT: Limits and Colimits BCT 5, CT 5.4-6  
Nov 01 CT: Algebras and Coalgebras
Inductive Types
Nov 03 Initial Algebras
Fixed-Points of Functors
[Métayer] Due: A07
Out: A08
Nov 08 Continuous Functors
Domain Equations
[SP] and [AMM]
Nov 10 CT: Monoidal Categories
Linear Logic: Multiplicatives
Nov 15 CT: Comonads
Linear Logic: Exponentials
CT 10.4
Nov 17 Linear logic: LNL models
CT: Monads, Effects, Kleisli Triples
Due: A08
Out: A09
Nov 22 CT: More Monads, Kleisli Category
Monadic Metalanguage
CT 10.1-2
Nov 29 CT: Monads and Algebras
Algebraic Effects
CT 10.3
Dec 01 Algebraic Effects [Bauer] Due: A09


[ Métayer] François Métayer. Fixed points of functors. 2003. [pdf]
[ SP] Michael B. Smyth and Gordon D. Plotkin. The Category-Theoretic Solution of Recursive Domain Equations. 1982. [pdf]
[ AMM] Jiří Adámek, Stefan Milius, Lawrence S. Moss. Fixed Points of Functors. 2016. [pdf]
[ Benton] P. N. Benton. A Mixed Linear and Non-Linear Logic: Proofs, Terms and Models (Extended Abstract). 1995. [pdf]
[ Moggi] Eugenio Moggi. Notions of Computation and Monads. 1991. [pdf]
[ Bauer] Andrej Bauer. What Is Algebraic about Algebraic Effects and Handlers? 2019. [pdf]



Academic Integrity

Cornell University has a Code of Academic Integrity (see here). Violations of this code are treated very seriously by Cornell and can have long-term repercussions. In this course, you are encouraged to discuss the content of the course with other students, and you may also discuss homework problems with other students. However:

Respect in Class

Everyone—the instructor, TAs, and students—must be respectful of everyone else in this class. All communication, in class and online, will be held to a high standard for inclusiveness: it may never target individuals or groups for harassment, and it may not exclude specific groups. That includes everything from outright animosity to the subtle ways we phrase things and even our timing.

For example: do not talk over other people; don't use male pronouns when you mean to refer to people of all genders; avoid explicit language that has a chance of seeming inappropriate to other people; and don't let strong emotions get in the way of calm, scientific communication.

If any of the communication in this class doesn't meet these standards, please don't escalate it by responding in kind. Instead, contact the instructor as early as possible. If you don't feel comfortable discussing something directly with the instructor—for example, if the instructor is the problem—please contact the advising office or the department chair.

Special Needs and Wellness

It is Cornell policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students who have a documented disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, or systemic) that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Student Disability Services at 607-254-4545, or the instructor for a confidential discussion of their individual needs.

If you are experiencing undue personal or academic stress at any time during the semester or need to talk to someone who can help, contact the instructor or:

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