Introduction to Computer Vision


CS5670, Spring 2025, Cornell Tech

The goal of computer vision is to compute properties of the three-dimensional world from digital images. Problems in this field include reconstructing the 3D shape of an environment, determining how things are moving, and recognizing people and objects and their activities, all through analysis of images and videos.

This course will provide an introduction to computer vision, with topics including image formation, feature detection, motion estimation, image mosaics, 3D shape reconstruction, object/face detection and recognition, and deep learning.

Applications of these techniques include building 3D maps, creating virtual characters, organizing photo and video databases, human computer interaction, autonomous driving, robotics, virtual and augmented reality, medical imaging, and vision on mobile devices.

This is a project-based course, in which you will implement several computer vision algorithms throughout the semester.

  • Time: Tuesday/Thursday 11:40-12:55pm
  • Location: Bloomberg Auditorium
  • Discussion: Ed / Canvas
  • Homework submission: Github Classroom and CMSX.
  • Schedule and Lecture Notes: The schedule and lecture notes are posted here.
  • Additional Resources: Links and resources like the textbook and the office hours schedule can be found here.
