CS 4701, Fall 2024
CS 4701, the AI Practicum, Fall 2024
This is a copy of the public Canvas page https://canvas.cornell.edu/courses/66298.
Items to keep track of
- Announcements: Posted on Ed Discussion --- pay particular attention to posts in the category "Key announcement by prof" --- with occasional supplementary emails from CMS. We are not using Canvas for announcements or communications.
- Office hours: on Ed Discussion: look under category "Office hour changes"
Slides and documents
- Instructor: Prof. Lillian Lee, https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/llee.
- Announcements: see Ed Discussions, not Canvas.
- Roster entry: https://classes.cornell.edu/browse/roster/FA24/class/CS/4701
- Official courses-of-study prerequisite (not corequisite): at least one of the following: CS 3700 (formerly 4700), CS 3780 (formerly 4780), INFO 3950, ECE 3200 (formerly ECE 4200), ORIE 3741 (formerly ORIE 4741), STSCI 3740 (formerly STSCI 4740), CS 4670, or CS 4740.
For Fall 2024, CS/IS 4300, CS 4750, and INFO 3950 (but not 2950) also fulfill the prerequisite.

Image source: https://c.pxhere.com/photos/01/7b/kermit_frog_tabl…er_fig_soft_toy_stuffed_animal_funny-481491.jpg!d