- Dec 15th: The extended time exam will be held from 7pm-10:45pm in Gates 416
- Oct 15th: Final exam schedule is posted
- Oct 9th: Students with a documented need for 50% extra time on Prelim 1 need to come to Gates 429 at 5pm
- Sep 24: We have found ancient tablets inscribed with The Twelve Commandments of Synchronization!
- Aug 31: GOOD NEWS!!!
There has been tremendous demand for CS4410. To accommodate this demand, Profs. Sirer and George have decided to hold a second lecture. We expect that all of you on the waiting list, and all of you who were forcibly unenrolled from the course, will thus be able to take CS4410 this semester.
This lecture will be held on Tues/Thurs at 10:10am in Malott Hall 228, starting on September 4th.
Those of you who are not officially enrolled yet will begin to receive PINs this Tuesday by email from the department. We expect the process to take all day, so do not panic if some of your friends hear from the dept before you do. We also expect that some of you may have a course conflict with the new lecture slot. Again, do not panic, and we'll get some students who are already enrolled in CS4410 but do not have a conflict to swap.
Overall, this ought to come as a huge relief and boon for everyone (except us, the TAs and our social lives :-). Hang on tight and give the department some time to work through the logistics and we'll get through this, with everyone being able to take the course they wanted.
- Aug 29: CS4411's first section will be held today. It's a C Primer. You may skip it if you are already a proficient C programmer.
- Aug 28: Those of you looking for a primer/refresher on computer architecture material should read Chapters 3.1-3.11, 4.1-4.5, 5.1-5.3, 7.1-7.4, 8.1-8.5 in "Computer Organization & Design: The
Hardware/Software Interface" by Patterson and Hennessy. The chapter numbers
are from the 2nd edition -- the library has it, or you can find the content listing online and map it to whatever edition you actually have. Keep in mind that this material is purely supplementary: the tests will focus on the OS side
of the content in the course and not on architecture. But there are
some overlaps with the OS side of the content and the material covered
in these chapters, so it may be helpful to those who may have forgotten it over the summer.
- Aug 26: Welcome to Operating Systems!!!
Older announcements
Course Hours
4410 meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:55pm-4:10pm in Ives 305.
4411 meets slightly more often than every other week at 3:35pm-4:25pm on Fridays in Hollister B14.
Prelims and Exams
There will be two prelims, scheduled for the following dates and times:
- 10/9/2014, 7:30pm-9:30pm, Hollister 110, Hollister B14, Kimball B11
- Makeup prelim, same day, 5:00pm-7:15pm, HLSB14
- 11/25/2014, 7:30pm-9:30pm, Olin Hall 155 and 255
- Makeup prelim, same day, 5:00pm-7:15pm, OLH155, 255
For Prelim 1: Students whose last names begin with the letters A-E should head to Hollister 110, F-L to Hollister B14, and M-Z to Kimball B11.
For Prelim 2: Students whose last names begin with the letters A-L should head to Olin 155, M-Z should head to Olin 255.
Prelims and finals are closed-book. No electronic devices are allowed.
For more information on dates and times please check the registrar's exam schedules.
Makeups are offered for the prelims on the same day at 5:15-7:15pm. You do not need to email us to take the makeup exam. You may not leave the makeup exam early for any reason.
The final will take place on Mon, Dec 15 7:00 PM (for both lecture 001 and 002).
The room is STL185: Statler Hall 185-Aud and STL196: Statler Hall 196.
For more information please check the registrar's final schedules and final room assignments.
There is no makeup for the final.
There is no way any other course you are enrolled in can have a conflicting final date and time.
Practice prelims: Fall 2013 Prelim 1, Fall 2013 Prelim 2, Fall 2011 Prelim 1, Fall 2012 Prelim 2
Required Reading