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Recent Announcements

Two-Week Sprint

Alpha Release

We have posted the instructions for all assignments in the current sprint.

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Course Description

CS 3152: Introduction to Computer Game Architecture
INFO 3152: Introduction to Computer Game Design
(spring only). 4 credits. Student Option

A project-based course in which programmers and designers collaborate to make a computer game. This course investigates the theory and practice of developing computer games from a blend of technical, aesthetic, and cultural perspectives. Technical aspects of game architecture include software engineering, artificial intelligence, game physics, computer graphics, and networking. Aesthetic and cultural include art and modeling, sound and music, game balance, and player experience.

Students interested in the programming aspects of game development may take either the CS or the INFO listing of this course. Artists and designers must take the INFO listing.

This course satisfies the Engineering communication requirement in the School of Engineering via the companion course ENGRC 3152. All students are required to enroll in this course, regardless of their college.

Prerequisites: Admission is by application only. Programmers must have CS 2110 or equivalent. Designers must submit a portfolio demonstrating ability in either character art, or user-interface design.

Lectures: (MWF) 10:10-11:00 in Upson 142
Discussion: (TuTh) 11:15-12:05 or 12:20-1:10 in Uris Fiske Classroom

Inclusiveness Statement

You should expect and demand to be treated by your classmates and the course staff with respect. You belong here, and we are here to help you learn and enjoy this course. If any incident occurs that challenges this commitment to a supportive and inclusive environment, please let the instructors know so that the issue can be addressed. We are personally committed to this, and subscribe to the Computer Science Department’s Values of Inclusion.