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Course information


CS 2112/ENGRD 2112 is an honors version of CS 2110/ENGRD 2110; credit is given for only one of CS 2110 and 2112. Transfer between CS 2110 and 2112 (in either direction) is encouraged during the first three weeks. We cover intermediate software design and introduce some key computer science ideas. The topics are similar to those in CS 2110 but are covered in greater depth with more challenging assignments. Topics include object-oriented programming, program structure and organization, program reasoning using specifications and invariants, recursion, design patterns, concurrent programming, graphical user interfaces, data structures, sorting and graph algorithms, asymptotic complexity, and simple algorithm analysis. Java is the principal programming language.

Time & Place

Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:10-11am, Gates Hall G01 (ground floor, below the main entrance).
Labs: Mondays 7:30-8:20pm, Phillips 219 or Wednesdays 7:30-8:20pm, Hollister 110
Recitations: Tuesdays 12:20-1:10pm, Gates G01 or Wednesdays 1:25-2:15pm, Hollister 110

You are expected to attend all the lectures and one lab and one recitation per week.

Course Staff

Placeholder for staff

Office Hours Weekly Chart

Day Name Time Location

Hubert Lin
Jacob Glueck
Harry Goldstein
10 - 11 am
12.15 - 1.15 pm
6 - 7 pm
Gates G19
Gates G11
Gates G11

Dexter Kozen
Matt Habel
Sumner Hearth
11 am - 12 pm
1 - 2.30 pm
7 - 8 pm
Gates 406
Gates G11
Gates G17

Alex Renda
Lucas Silver
Stephen McDowell
2 - 3 pm
5 - 6 pm
6 - 7 pm
Gates G13
Gates G15
Gates G19

Agi Csaki
Jake Chen
Jane Du
11 am - 12 pm
3 - 4 pm
5.30 - 6.30 pm
Gates G17
Gates G13
Gates G11

Hubert Lin
Jesse Yuan
Maheer Iqbal
Zander Bolgar
9 - 10 am
1 - 2 pm
1.45 - 3.15 pm
4 - 5 pm
Gates G13
Gates G11
Gates G15
Gates G13


Very good performance in CS 1110 or CS 1130 or an equivalent course, or permission of the instructor. If you are unsure whether CS 2110 or CS 2112 is the right course for you, please talk to the instructor of either course. Both courses cover similar material and satisfy the same requirements, but CS 2112 covers material in more depth and has more challenging assignments. It is aimed at computer science majors.


You are required to read the course notes posted on the web site. These will often contain more detail than what was presented in lecture.

There is a recommended textbook, which is also the textbook for CS 2110. It is useful especially for examples of how to implement various data structures.

See also the companion website for additional material.

Other Sources

These titles are on reserve in the Engineering library, Carpenter Hall.

The CS 2110 website has many online learning aids and tutorial videos.

Grading and submission policies

There will be 7 assignments, mostly involving programming but also some written problems. These assignments will make up 40% of your score. The first 2–3 assignments will be done solo; the final project will be done with a partner.

Unless otherwise specified, assignments may be turned in late with a deduction of 10% per day up to a maximum of four days (Saturday and Sunday count as one day).

Extensions are granted in case of illness or other acceptable excuse.


There will be one evening prelim and a final exam. Please check the schedule page for times and locations.

The prelim will be 20% of your score and the final will be 35%.

Other components

We expect you to participate in class and elsewhere. In addition to attending lectures, all students should enroll in and attend one lab and one recitation per week. It doesn't matter which. The remaining percentage of your grade will be for class participation (in-class, Piazza, course evals) and for in-class quizzes.

Placeholder for schedule


Course notes

Course notes for individual lectures and recitations can be found on the course schedule. The notes are also available as a single printable document: CS 2112 course notes.

Java language

This course uses Java, for several reasons. Java is the most widely used object-oriented programming language, and Java programming skill is in high demand. Java is also a good vehicle for explaining many of the software engineering ideas that will be covered in the course. Java is occasionally a bit verbose. However, most of the ideas you will be exposed to in this course, and the skills you will develop, will transfer to other programming languages.

  • • Prof. Gries has written a summary of Java that may be helpful to those encountering Java for the first (or second) time: Java Summary.

  • • The Java API is very useful for learning how to use the many existing Java class libraries.

  • • The Java Language Specification is helpful if you want to really understand how Java works.

Brushing Up

  • For students with limited Java experience, we recommend the online notes from CS 1130, Transition to Object-oriented Programming as a refresher. This is a self-paced course consisting of several modules that you can go through at your leisure.

  • Review the introductory chapters in the textbook and the Java reference books listed on the course info page.

  • See Oracle's official Java Tutorial.

  • For students with C++ experience, see this comparison of C++ with Java.

Java version

We will the use the Java 8 Standard Edition (Java SE 8) platform, which consists of the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If you are using Java 7 or earlier, please upgrade.

To find out which version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) you are running, open a command window (in Windows, Start > Run... and type cmd, and in Mac OS X, Applications > Utilities > Terminal) and type java -version at the command prompt:

$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_77"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_77-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.77-b03, mixed mode)

This says I have version 8 installed (8 and 1.8 are synonymous).

If you are on a PC running Windows and have never installed a version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) on your machine, you probably don't have it. If you are on a Mac, you probably do. To find out, type javac -version:

$ javac -version
javac 1.8.0_77

If you get an error message or the version is earlier than 1.8, you must (re)install the JDK.

Installing the JDK

The JDK is already installed in CIT and ACCEL labs. However, installing it own your own machine will greatly facilitate your work. Please note that you should double check your work in a public lab, as privately owned machines occasionally exhibit different behaviors.

To download the JDK, visit Oracle's Java web site and download and install the appropriate version of the JDK 8 for your platform.

Compiling and Running from the Command Line


Say your main class is MyProgram and it is contained in the source file If it is not in a package, navigate to the folder containing and type javac

If it is in a package (say myPackage), the source should be in a folder called myPackage. Navigate to the folder containing myPackage and type javac myPackage/


From the same folder you compiled from, type java MyProgram <program arguments> if it is not in a package, and java myPackage.MyProgram <program arguments> if it is.

Specifying a Classpath

Sometimes you may need to inform Java where to find auxiliary classes. You can do this with the -cp option to the java command. Supply a sequence of folders telling Java where to look for classes, separated by : (Mac) or ; (Windows).

Local Software

There are some basic Java utilities specifically for CS 2110 that you may find useful. These are contained in a package edu.cornell.cs.cs2110 contained in a .jar file which you can download from here. Follow the installation instructions on that page. Javadoc documentation is also available.


IDE stands for integrated development environment. The use of an IDE is the best way to develop Java programs. IDEs provide many valuable aids such as syntax checking, debugging, and refactoring that can save you a lot of effort.

There are many good IDEs. We recommend Eclipse, but you may use any one that you like, or none at all. Eclipse is installed in all the labs, along with some others. Early recitation sections will get you started with Eclipse if you are not familiar with an IDE.

Here are some links:

For consistency, the course staff use Eclipse with a common Java style. You should follow this style guide. You can download the Eclipse style template here.

Java Libraries

Some Java libraries have been developed for use in CS 2112 assignments. Use of these libraries is generally allowed, but not required.

  • EasyIO: Support for easy console input and output, and for scanning input from a file or string (like java.util.Scanner, but more powerful). [ doc | jar | source ]

Computer Labs

CIT Labs

Cornell Information Technologies (CIT) runs several computer labs across campus for all members of the Cornell community. The JDK and Eclipse are installed on these machines. Check here for locations and times of operation.


You can also find the course software in the Academic Computing Center (ACCEL), located in the Engineering Library in Carpenter Hall. Any CS student may register for an account.

Support Services

Academic Excellence Workshops

The Academic Excellence Workshops (AEW) offer an opportunity for students to gain additional experience with course concepts in a cooperative learning environment. Research has shown that cooperative and collaborative methods promote higher grades, greater persistence, and deeper comprehension. The material presented in the workshop is at or above the level of the regular course. We do not require joining the AEW program, but do encourage students to join if they are seeking an exciting and fun way to learn. The AEW carries one S/U credit based on participation and attendance. The time commitment is two hours per week in the lab. No homework will be given. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to seek extra help on course topics in a small group setting.

Your fellow undergraduate students, who are familiar with the course material, teach the sessions with material that they prepare. The course staff provide guidance and support but do not actually teach the AEW course content or any session. A representative from the AEW program will be speaking about the program and registration procedures in lecture.

One of your TAs will be designated as the AEW liaison for CS 2112. Watch the announcements to find out who.

See the AEW webpage for further information.

Other Support Services

Student Resources For Engineering Students This site has links to a variety of services.
Free Computer Training CIT offers free computer training throughout the semester. Email for an appointment.
Student Web Services This website collects services that are more general.
Engineering Advising Academic advising for engineering students.
Arts College Student Services A listing of general support services for a variety of concerns students may have.
Tau Beta Pi Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Tutoring Program. The members of Tau Beta Pi are selected for their academic aptitude and social commitment. They hold one-on-one tutoring sessions with students in courses that typically have a large enrollment of engineers.
Learning Styles Not everyone learns the same way. If you are curious about how you learn, check out this collection.
Gannett The Cornell University Health Service Center. For all health related concerns.
CAPS If you are experiencing emotional distress, we urge you to contact CAPS, the Counseling and Psychological Services.
Dear Uncle Ezra When all else fails, ask Uncle Ezra!