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INFO 1260 / CS 1340: Choices and Consequences in Computing
Jon Kleinberg and Karen Levy
Spring 2025, Mon-Wed-Fri 11:15am-12:05pm, Bailey Hall

Course description

Computing requires difficult choices that can have serious implications for real people. This course covers a range of ethical, societal, and policy implications of computing and information. It draws on recent developments in digital technology and their impact on society, situating these in the context of fundamental principles from computing, policy, ethics, and the social sciences. A particular emphasis will be placed on large areas in which advances in computing have consistently raised societal challenges: privacy of individual data; fairness in algorithmic decision-making; dissemination of online content; and accountability in the design of computing systems. As this is an area in which the pace of technological development raises new challenges on a regular basis, the broader goal of the course is to enable students to develop their own analyses of new situations as they emerge at the interface of computing and societal interests.

A more extensive summary of the material can be found in the overview of course topics at the end of this page.

Course staff

  • Instructors:
    • Jon Kleinberg jmk6
    • Karen Levy kl838
  • TA staff:
    • Alexander Chen akc58
    • Arya Ramkumar adr62
    • Baihe Peng bp352
    • Caleb Chin ctc92
    • Cameron Pien cyp22
    • Cazamere Comrie clc348
    • Celina Jang cjj48
    • Divya Akkiraju dma232
    • Eirian Huang ehh56
    • Elisabeth Pan ep438
    • Ella Kim ejk229
    • Emily Fu ef442
    • Enock Danso ed548
    • Ethan Cohen esc82
    • Farhan Mashrur fm454
    • George Lee jl3697
    • Haley Qin hq35
    • Hannah Kim hek46
    • Hayley Lim al2347
    • Isabel Louie il289
    • Isabella Pazmino-Schell ivs5
    • Jae June Lee jl4487
    • Jamie Tang jft75
    • Jeffrey Wang yw2645
    • Jennifer Otiono jco66
    • Jenny Chen jc2676
    • Jenny Fu xf89
    • Johanna Jung jj425
    • Joyce Chen jsc342
    • Julia Graziano jgg87
    • Julia Senzon jfs287
    • Katherine Chang kjc249
    • Kevin Zhang kz362
    • Khai Xin Kuan kk996
    • Lindsay Bank lsb239
    • Michaela Eichel mae97
    • Neha Arora na458
    • Olivia Alonso oma35
    • Rachel Wang jw879
    • Ruth Martinez Yepes rdm268
    • Sadie Roecker sdr83
    • Sharon Heung ssh247
    • Sophie Mallen smm486
    • Sunoo Kim sk2698
    • Suresh Kamath Bola sk2864
    • Tenny George sog5
    • Tianyi Wang tw324
    • Waki Kamino wk265
    • Yanbang Wang yw786



There are no formal pre-requisites for this course. It is open to students of all majors.

For Information Science majors, the course may substitute for INFO 1200 to fulfill major requirements. Students may receive credit for both INFO 1200 and INFO 1260, as the scopes of the two courses are distinct.


  • Homework: There will be 6 homework assignments, each worth 13 1⁄3% of the course grade. Homework assignments must be submitted via the class Canvas page. Each assignment will consist of a variety of different types of questions, including questions that draw on mathematical models and quantitative arguments using basic probability concepts, and questions that draw on social science, ethics, and policy perspectives.

    The planned due dates for the homework assignments are at noon on the following Thursdays during the semester: HW 1 (due 2/13), HW 2 (due 2/27), HW 3 (due 3/13), HW 4 (due 3/27), HW 5 (due 4/17), HW 6 (due 5/1).

    The late policy for homework works as follows: First, illnesses, family emergencies, religious observance, and Cornell-sponsored travel are reasons for requesting homework extensions without any grade penalty, and you should contact us by e-mail to arrange these. Second, we will also accept homework that comes in late without one of these reasons subject to a grade penalty. Homework that comes in after noon on the Thursday it is due but before noon on Friday will be accepted with a grade deduction of 10% of the maximum score (e.g. if the homework is out of 70 points, then 7 points will be deducted). There will be an additional deduction of 10% more of the maximum score for each 24 hours after (i.e. 20%, 30%, and 40% before noon on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday respectively), until Monday at noon, after which the homework will not receive credit. Because the homework submission site will be open during this time, the homework may be uploaded there directly; you do not need prior arrangement to do this.

  • Final Exam: There will be an in-person final exam given during the final exam period at the end of the semester, worth 20% of the course grade. The date for the final exam is determined by the university; it has not been determined yet, but we will post it once it is known.

Academic Integrity

You are expected to observe Cornell’s Code of Academic Integrity in all aspects of this course.

You are allowed to collaborate on the homework to the extent of formulating ideas as a group. However, you must write up the solutions to each assignment completely on your own, and understand what you are writing. You must also list the names of everyone with whom you discussed the assignment.

You are welcome to use generative AI tools like ChatGPT for research, used in a way similar to how you might use a search engine to learn more about a topic. But you may not submit output from one of these tools either verbatim or in closely paraphrased form as an answer to any homework or exam question; doing so is a violation of the academic integrity policy for the course. All homework and exam responses must be your own work, in your own words, reflecting your own understanding of the topic.

Among other duties, academic integrity requires that you properly cite any idea or work product that is not your own, including the work of your classmates or of any written source. If in any doubt at all, cite! If you have any questions about this policy, please ask a member of the course staff.


Overview of Topics

(Note on the readings: The readings listed in the outline are also available on the class Canvas page, and for students enrolled in the class, this is the most direct way to get them. The links below are to lists of publicly available versions, generally through Google Scholar.)

  • Course introduction. We begin by discussing some of the broad forces that laid the foundations for this course, particularly the ways in which applications of computing developed in the online domain have come to impact societal institutions more generally, and the ways in which principles from the social sciences, law, and policy can be used to understand and potentially to shape this impact.
    • Course mechanics
    • Overview of course themes (1/22-27)
      • The relationship of computational models to the world
      • The online world changes the frictions that determine what’s easy and what’s hard to do
      • The contrast between policy challenges and implementation challenges
      • The contrast between “Big-P Policy” and “Little-P policy”
      • The non-neutrality of technical choices
      • The challenge of anticipating the consequences of technical developments
      • The layered design of computing systems
      • Digital platforms can create diffuse senses of responsibility and culpability
      • Computing as synecdoche: the problem in computing serves acts as a mirror for the broader societal problem
      • Issues with significant implications for people’s everyday lives
  • Content creation and platform policies. One of the most visible developments in computing over the past two decades has been the growth of enormous social platforms on the Internet through which people connect with each other and share information. We look at some of the profound challenges these platforms face as they set policies to regulate these behaviors, and how those decisions relate to longstanding debates about the values of speech.
  • Data collection, data aggregation, and the problem of privacy. Computing platforms are capable of collecting vast amounts of data about their users, and can analyze those data to make inferences about users' characteristics and behaviors. Data collection and analysis have become central to platforms' business models, but also present fundamental challenges to users' privacy expectations. Here, we describe the difficult choices that platforms must make about how they gather, store, combine, and analyze users' information, and what social and political impacts those practices can have.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making. Algorithms trained using machine learning are increasingly being deployed as part of decision-making processes in a wide range of applications. We discuss how this development is the most recent in a long history of data-driven decision methodologies that companies, governments, and organizations have deployed. When these methods are used to evaluate people, in settings that include employment, education, credit, healthcare, and the legal system, there is the danger that the resulting algorithms may incorporate biases that are present in the human decisions they're trained on. And when the methods are evaluated using experimental interventions, it is important to understand how to apply principles for the ethical conduct of experiments with human participants.