**CS 1109: Fundamental Programming Concepts (Summer 2023)** [Home](index.md.html) • [Schedule](schedule.md.html) • [Syllabus](syllabus.md.html) • [Assignments](assignments.md.html) • [Labs](labs.md.html) Instructor : Zachary J. Susag [^lastname] - **Website:** [`https://cs.cornell.edu/~zjs`](https://www.cs.cornell.edu/~zjs/) - **Email:** [`zjs@cs.cornell.edu`](mailto:zjs@cs.cornell.edu) or [`zjs32@cornell.edu`](mailto:zjs32@cornell.edu) - **Office:** Gates Hall 333 - **Office Hours:** M-F, 2-5pm in Gates 333 TA : Celeste Naughton - **Email:** [`can82@cornell.edu`](mailto:can82@cornell.edu) - **Office Hours:** - **Monday**: - 12:30-2pm: Upson 225 - 7-8pm: [Zoom](https://cornell.zoom.us/j/6672795656?pwd=RG0vQzJQL2thRzZCNThOcUh1dDFXQT09) or In-Person - **Wednesday**: - 12:30-2pm: Upson 225 - 5:30-7pm: [Zoom](https://cornell.zoom.us/j/6672795656?pwd=RG0vQzJQL2thRzZCNThOcUh1dDFXQT09) or In-Person - **Friday**: - 12:30-2pm: Upson 225 Meeting Times : The course meets M-F 11:30am-12:25pm EDT starting on June 20th, 2023 and ending on July 28th, 2023. Textbook : [*Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2nd edition*](https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-2e/) by Allen B. Downey (#) About This Course Welcome to the summer 2023 offering of *CS 1109: Fundamental Programming Concepts*! This course is designed to prepare students to take CS 1110 or CS 1112 and does *not* assume any programming experience. We will teach you everything you need to know to succeed in this course! In this course, we will learn basic programming concepts and problem analysis and decomposition. We will also learn some of the fundamental building blocks of computer programming, such as variables, control flow, functions, and lists. While we will be using the [Python](https://www.python.org/) programming language for this course, you will quickly see that algorithmic problem-solving skills that you will develop in this class apply to other languages and even in settings that don't involve programming at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [^lastname]: My last name is pronounced as "SOO-sag", although please just call me Zach! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © [Zachary J. Susag](https://zacharysusag.net)  Unless specified elsewhere on this page, this work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).