Department of Computer Science
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
B17 Upson Hall
Leslie Lamport
Microsoft Research
Recent Discoveries from Paxos
The rapid decrease in the cost of
computing and networks has made fault tolerance much cheaper. The gradual
increase in the IQ of system designers is leading to a switch from programming
hacks to provably fault-tolerant algorithms. These developments have motivated
the resumption of archaeological research on Paxos. A newly discovered algorithm
led to faster decisions in the absence of concurrently proposed laws. By
reformulating the foundations of the legal system, Paxos mathematicians allowed
faster decisions to be made despite non-conflicting concurrent proposals.
No part of the talk will be in Greek, and only one Greek letter will be used.
Refreshments will be available in the first floor Upson Hall lounge at 9:30am.