Department of Computer Science
Thursday, September 9, 2004
B17 Upson Hall
Ian Foster
Argonne National Lab/University of Chicago
The Grid: Beyond the Hype
Grid technologies and infrastructure
support the integration of services and resources within and among enterprises,
and thus allow new approaches to problem solving and interaction within
distributed, multi-organizational collaborations. First developed and applied
within eScience, Grid tools are now increasingly being applied in commercial
settings as well. In this talk I discuss the current state and planned future
directions for one particular collection of Grid technologies, namely the open
source Globus Toolkit. I examine, in turn, the underlying requirements that
motivate its design; the components that it provides for security, resource
access, resource discovery, data management, and other purposes; the protocol
and interface standards that underlie its design and implementation; the
ecosystem of complementary tools, deployments, and applications that build on
and/or complement these components; and the nature of the most urgent challenges
that must be overcome to expand its utility and breadth of application.