Cornell University Computer Science Department 
Distinguished Lecture Series
Spring 2002

Meets Thursdays at 4:15PM in B17 Upson unless otherwise indicated. More 
talks will be added to this page as the semester progresses.

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January 24th


Daniela Pucci de Farias
PhD Candidate, Management Science and Engineering Stanford University

Host: David Shmoys


The Linear Programming Approach to Approximate Dynamic Programming

This will be a joint colloquium of the Computer Science and OR&IE departments.

January 31


Martin Burtscher
Cornell Computer Systems Laboratory

Host: Johannes Gehrke

Designing a Small, High-Performing Load-Value Predictor

February 7


Shimon Edelman
Cornell Psychology

Neural Spaces as a General Framework for the Understanding of Cognition

Thursday February 14
John Lafferty
Carnegie Mellon- Computer Science

New Ensemble and Kernel Methods for Machine Learning 

February 19
Kavita Bala
Cornell Program of Computer Graphics

Interactive High-Quality Rendering


February 21

 Steve Marschner
 Stanford University Graphics

Measuring and Modeling the Appearance of Materials for Computer Graphics

February 26
Ravi Ramamoorthi
PhD Candidate, Stanford University Graphics

Host: Charles Van Loan

A Signal-Processing Framework for Forward and Inverse Rendering


March 7


Rob Schapire
AT&T Research Labs

Hosts: David Shmoys and Rich Caruana

The Boosting Approach to Machine Learning

This will be a joint colloquium of the Computer Science and OR&IE departments.

March 12
Mike Collins
AT&T Research Labs

Host: Lillian Lee

Statistical Methods for Natural Language Processing

March 26

Michael Jordan
UC Berkeley- Statistics

Host: Bart Selman


Algorithms for Probabilistic Inference and Learning on Graphs

March 28
Emil Praun
Princeton University

Local Surface Parameterizations

April 2
Chris Umans
Microsoft Corporation

Host: Jon Kleinberg

Derandomization: Constructions and Applications

Thursday April 4
Omer Reingold


The Zigzag Graph Product and Constant-Degree Lossless Expanders


April 9
Alex Snoeren
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

Host: Andrew Myers

Session-Based Mobility: An End-to-End Approach

April 15
 Peter Druschel
Rice University

Exploiting Network Proximity In Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks
location: 5130 Upson Hall

April 25
Wang-Chiew Tan
University of Pennsylvania

Host:  Johannes Gehrke

Where did my data come from? Annotating and Archiving Databases

May 2
Matthew Frank

SUDS: Thread Level Speculation with Minimal Hardware Support


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Fall 2001 Lectures