Department of Computer Science Colloquium
Thursday, November 21, 2002, 4:15pm 
Upson Hall B17
Caching Technologies for Web Applications

C. Mohan
BM Almaden Research Center

Abstract: The emergence of the Web has transformed the execution environment of transactional, server-side applications. 3 and 4-tier application environments involving browser-based clients and Web/application/database servers are the norm these days. The generation and distribution of dynamic web pages has also increased dramatically. Attaining good end to end performance under these circumstances requires exploitation of caching technologies. Caching is being deployed at different stages in the software and hardware hierarchies. Work is in progress to design caching standards. In this talk, which is a shorter version of a tutorial  given  at  VLDB2001, I will provide an introduction to different caching technologies and their support by different products and specialized systems/vendors. I will also discuss the tradeoffs involved with different caching granularities and cache deployment points.

About  the speaker:
Dr. C. Mohan joined IBM Almaden Research Center in 1981. He was named an IBM Fellow in 1997 for being recognized worldwide as a leading innovator in transaction management. He received the 1996 ACM SIGMOD Innovations Award in recognition of his innovative contributions to the development and use of database systems. From IBM, he has received 1 Corporate and 8 Outstanding Innovation/Technical Achievement Awards. He is an inventor on 33 patents. Mohan works very closely with numerous IBM product groups and his research results are implemented in numerous IBM and non-IBM prototypes and products like DB2, MQSeries, Lotus! Domino/Notes and S/390 Parallel Sysplex. He is the primary inventor of the ARIES family of recovery and locking methods, and the industry-standard Presumed Abort distributed commit protocol. At the 1999 International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, he was honored with the 10 Year Best Paper Award for the widespread commercial and research imp! act of his work on the ARIES family of algorithms. He has been an editor of VLDB Journal, and Distributed and Parallel Databases - An International Journal. Currently, Mohan is a member of IBM's WebSphere Platform Architecture Board and is working on database caching and next generation messaging in the context of DB2 and WebSphere Application Server. Recently, Mohan has been named an ACM Fellow.