Things we learned from Dave

Daks! Going on a Daks trip taught us how to catch frogs (1999). For more pictures of what we learned from Dave, see below.
The "outdoor nose blow" at Wolf Jaw (Daks, 2000).
The "outdoor nose blow" at White Swan, 4 July, 2000.
The lad was having fun with these nose blows!
"How to Prune Grape Vines (White Swan, May 2001)"
How to lift a rock: best get Leo to help (Minn, June 2000).
How to say warm: - Wear a cap! Have a drink! Try not to look happy. (Christmas 145A 2000)

How to tell someone to "Back Off" (Dec 2000)

How to make fake turds out of some foamy stuff (July 2003) What was in our bedroom upon arrival (July 2003)
How to put your neighbors in order -- a great big water pistol (July 2003)