Juris Hartmanis
Walter R. Read Professor of Engineering
Turing Award Winner
PhD Cal Tech, 1955
The strategic goal of my research is to contribute to the
development of a comprehensive theory of computational
complexity. Computational complexity, the study of the quantitative laws that govern computation, is an
essential part of the science base needed to guide, harness, and
exploit the explosively growing computer technology.
My current research interests are focused on two related areas: understanding the computational complexity of chaotic systems
and the study of the computational
complexity of scientific theories. |
Professional Activities
- National Academy of Engineering
- Foreign Member: Latvian Academy of Sciences
- Fellow: American Academy of Arts and Sciences; New
York State Academy of Sciences; AAAS
- Turing Award Committee
- Goedel Prize Committee;
Waterman Award Committee
- Editor: Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science; Journal of Computer and Systems
Sciences; Fundamenta
Advisory Board: EATCS
Monographs in Theoretical Computer
Science, Springer-Verlag
Member: DIMACS External
Advisory Committee
- Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters,
Univ. of Missouri at Kansas City,
May 1999.
University Activities
- Local Natural Sciences Research
Advisory Council
- Engineering College Nominating
- NSF knowledge and distributed
intelligence initiative. Networking
Resources for Collaborative Research
in South West, Atlanta, GA, July
- Observations about the nature and
state of computer science. Univ. of Missouri at Kansas City, May 1999.