Fred B. Schneider
PhD SUNY Stonybrook, 1978
My research focuses on techniques to support construction of
concurrent and distributed systems for high-integrity, mission-critical settings.
The TACOMA projecta collaboration involving
Cornell and the Univ. of Tromsoe (Norway)is studying the use of mobile processes, or
agents, for structuring distributed systems. Agents are a promising new paradigm for
implementing services in large, open, distributed systems, like the Internet. Work at
Cornell on Tacoma has emphasized fault-tolerance and security. |
This year, I succeeded in formulating a precise
characterization of what security policies can be enforced by the broad class of
enforcement mechanisms that work by monitoring system execution and halting it when the
policy is about to be violated. This class of enforcement mechanisms includes all known
operating system-based protection mechanisms (e.g. reference monitors, capability-based
protection, access control lists). A notation, called SAL (security automata language),
enables all such enforceable security policies to be specified. U. Erlingsson and I have
been developing a tool that takes the SAL specification of a security policy and augments
programs written in either x86 assembly language or JVM so that they are guaranteed to
satisfy the specified security policy.
My interest in approaches for assertional reasoning
about systems continues. D. Gries and I investigated different variants of substitution in
first-order equational logics to better support the calculational-style of proof.
University Activities
Affirmative Action Committee, College of
Faculty Recruiting Committee, Computer Science
Computing Facilities Committee, Computer Science
Professional Activities
Editor-in-chief: Distributed Computing.
Editor: Information Processing Letters; IEEE
Trans. Software Engineering; High Integrity Systems; Annals of Software
Engineering; ACM Computing Surveys.
Co-managing Editor: Texts and Monographs in
Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.
Chair: Steering Committee, Information Systems
Trustworthiness, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council,
National Academy of Sciences.
ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
Co-organizer: Dagstuhl Seminar on Mobile Agents,
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, Oct. 1997.
IFIP Working Group 2.3 (Programming Methodology).
Program Committee, Mobile Agents '98; IFIP Working
Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods (PROCOMET '98); JavaSoft Security Advisory
Committee. Dec. 1997-present.
Professor-at-Large, Univ. Tromsoe, Tromsoe, Norway
Mobile Code Security Issues. DIMACS DREI'97 on
Network Security. Rutgers, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Aug. 1997.
Fault-tolerant and secure agents. AFOSR Principal
Investigator Meeting. Rome Air Development Center, Rome, NY, Sept. 1997.
Towards fault-tolerant and secure agentry. Keynote
Lecture, 11th International Workshop WDAG '97. Saarbrucken, Germany, Sept. 1997.
Mobile code: What and where? Dagstuhl seminar on
system support for mobile processes and software agents. Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, Oct.
Mechanisms and policies for secure mobile code in
Tacoma Too (T2). Dagstuhl seminar on system support for mobile processes and software
agents. Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, Oct. 1997.
Enforceable security polices and their
enforcement. Workshop on Security and Languages. Digital Systems Research Center, Palo
Alto, CA, Oct. 1997.
Workshop summation. Workshop on Security and
Languages. Digital Systems Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 1997.
Language-based security research. DARPA ITO.
Washington, DC, Feb. 1998.
Enforceable security policies. Intel Research,
Santa Clara, CA, March 1998.
Enforceable security policies. Computer Science,
Univ. Tromso, Tromso, Norway, May 1998.
The non-technical take on computing system
trustworthiness. Computer Science, Univ. Tromso, Tromso, Norway, May 1998.
Adding the everywhere operator to propositional
logic. J. Logic and Computation 8, 1 (Feb. 1998), 119-129 (with D. Gries).
Towards fault-tolerant and secure agentry. Proc.
11th International Workshop WDAG '97 (Saar-brucken, Germany, Sept. 1997), LNCS 1320,
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1997), 1-14.
Operating system support for mobile agents.
Republished in: Readings in Agents. (M.N. Huhns and M.P. Singh, eds.) Morgan
Kaufman Publishers, San Francisco, CA (1997), 263-266 (with D. Johansen and R. van
On Concurrent Programming. Invited "Inside
Risks" column. Comm. ACM 41, 4 (April 1998), 128.