Keat Hwa
Alumnis on the Internet
Keat Hwa alumnis currently working or studying overseas have been
using Internet as communication medium since 1994. There are currently
three major things about Keat Hwa available :
The Keat Hwa Alumni Mailing List
This mailing list allows alumnis to get latest news about our school and
old friends. The email address is
It currently has about 100 members and is growing. To participate in the
mailing list send a mail to Ooi Wei Tsang at
The Keat Hwa Alumni Who's Who
This list provides information about the alumnis of Keat Hwa. It includes
information such as Email address, home address, year graduated and current
status (field of study, university etc.) This is maintained by Lee Shao Yu.
To add or update your information send a mail to her at
The Keat Hwa Alumni Web
There are a few web pages on the net dedicated to the Keat Hwa Alumnis.
Here are some of them.
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