Installing Emacspeak HOWTO

Jennifer Jobst

November 9, 2001

Revision History
Revision 1.0November 9, 2001Revised by: JEJ

This document contains the installation instructions for the Emacspeak audio desktop application for Linux.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Documentation Conventions
3. Requirements
3.1. Linux Distributions
3.2. Emacs
3.3. Background applications
3.4. Speech Synthesizers
3.4.1. Hardware synthesizers
3.4.2. Software synthesizers
4. Installing Emacspeak
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
6. Additional resources
7. Appendix A: Installing Linux from a DOS machine
7.1. Requirments
7.2. Connecting the computers
7.3. Installation
8. Appendix B: Installing ViaVoice TTS
8.1. Downloading ViaVoice
8.2. Installing ViaVoice RTK
8.3. Installing ViaVoice SDK
8.4. Testing the installation
9. Acknowledgments