In Proceedings of the 1998 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 1998
Implementing Multiple Protection Domains in Java
Chris Hawblitzel, Chi-Chao Chang, Grzegorz Czajkowski,
Deyu Hu, and Thorsten von Eicken
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Safe language technology can be used for protection within a single address space. This protection is enforced by the languages type system, which ensures that references to objects cannot be forged. A safe language alone, however, lacks many features taken for granted in more traditional operating systems, such as rights revocation, thread protection, resource management, and support for domain termination. This paper describes the J-Kernel, a portable Java-based protection system that addresses these issues. J-Kernel protection domains can communicate through revocable capabilities, but are prevented from directly sharing unrevocable objects references. A number of micro-benchmarks are presented to characterize the costs of language-based protection, and an extensible web server based on the J-Kernel demonstrates the use of safe language techniques in a large application.
1. IntroductionTraditional operating systems use virtual memory to enforce protection between processes. A process cannot directly read and write other processes memory, and communication between processes requires traps to the kernel. In the past decade of operating systems research, a large number of fast inter-process communication mechanisms have been proposed [3,8,25]. Nevertheless, the cost of passing through the kernel and of switching address spaces remains orders of magnitude larger than that of calling a procedure.
With the increasing adoption of extensible applications and component software, the cost of inter-process communication is leading to a difficult trade-off between robustness and performance. For example, the Netscape browser allows plug-ins to be loaded directly into the browser process to extend its functionality. However, an error in a plug-in can corrupt the entire browser. Although a separate process could be used for each plug-in, this would be both cumbersome to program and slow, because of the amount of communication between the plug-ins and the browser. Most web servers support plug-ins as well and in this case, the robustness issue is even more important¾ a browser crash may be annoying, but a server crash can be disastrous.
The robustness versus performance tradeoff is pervasive in component software (e.g., OLE, JavaBeans [16], ActiveX, OpenDoc). Microsofts COM [27], for example, provides two different models for composing components: each component can run in its own process for protection, or multiple components can share a process (often termed in-proc) for performance. With more and more applications on the desktop being composed of "reusable" components the protection issue is becoming pressing: if not properly isolated, the failure of any component could cause large portions of the users desktop environment to crash.
This paper explores the use of safe language technology to offer high performance as well as protection in a software component environment. Safe languages such as Java [12], Modula-3 [32], and CAML [22] use type safety and controlled linking to enforce protection between multiple components without relying on hardware support. In a safe language environment, calls across protection boundaries could potentially be as cheap as simple function calls, enabling as much communication between components as desired without performance drawbacks.
While many extensible applications and component environments can benefit from protection, the features required in different settings vary. In this paper, we assume that applications are composed of independently developed software components that communicate through well-structured interfaces. We assume that the protection mechanism should enforce this structure, just like modern languages enforce module or class structures. Thus communication should only be possible through well-defined interfaces, and not through side effects. In all settings, we strive to enable failure isolation: a bug in one component should not crash other components. However, the required degree of failure isolation varies: in an application suite produced by a group of developers, the primary concern is accidental effects of one component on another. On the other hand, a web server allowing arbitrary users to upload extensions requires bulletproof protection guard against malicious behavior.
Several projects [1,7,9,13,41] have recently described how to build protection domains around components in a safe language environment, where a protection domain specifies the resources to which a software component has access. The central ideas are to use the linker to create multiple namespaces and to use object references (i.e., pointers to objects) as capabilities for cross-domain communication. The multiple namespaces ensure that the same variable, procedure, or type names can refer to different instances in different domains. Object references in safe languages are unforgeable and can thus be used to confer certain rights to the holder(s). In an object-oriented language, the methods applicable to an object are in essence call gates. This paper argues in Section 2 that this straight-forward approach, while both flexible and fast, is ultimately unsatisfactory: using objects references as capabilities leads to severe problems with revocation, resource management, and inter-domain dependency analysis.
In order to overcome the limitations of the straight-forward approach, we introduce additional mechanisms borrowed from traditional capability systems. The result is a system described in Section 3, called the J-Kernel. The J-Kernel is written entirely in Java, and provides sophisticated capability-based protection features. We choose Java for practical reasons¾ Java is emerging as the most widely used general-purpose safe language, and dependable Java virtual machines are widespread and easy to work with. While Java does allow for multiple protection domains within a single Java Virtual Machine (JVM) using the sandbox model for applets, that model is currently very restrictive. It lacks many of the characteristics that are taken for granted in more traditional systems and, in particular, does not provide a clear way for different protection domains to communicate with each other.
We concentrated our efforts on developing a general framework to allow multiple protection domains within a single JVM. We provide features found in traditional operating systems, such as support for rights revocation and domain termination. In addition, we support flexible protection policies between components, including support for communication between mutually suspicious components. The main benefits of our system are a highly flexible protection model, low overheads for communication between software components, and operating system independence. Our current J-Kernel implementation runs on standard JVMs.
Language-based protection does have drawbacks. First, code written in a safe language tends to run more slowly than code written in C or assembly language, and thus the improvement in cross-domain communication may be offset by an overall slowdown. While much of this slowdown is due to current Java just-in-time compilers optimizing for fast compile times at the expense of run-time run-time,performance, even with sophisticated optimization it seems likely that Java programs will not run as fast as C programs. Second, all current language-based protection systems are designed around a single language, which limits developers and doesnt handle legacy code. Software fault isolation [40] and verification of assembly language [29,30,31] may someday offer solutions, but are still an active area of research [37].
Section 4 describes an extensible web server based on the J-Kernel. Section 5 discusses related work, and section 6 concludes.
2. Language-based protection backgroundIn an unsafe language, any code running in an address space can potentially modify any memory location in that address space. While, in theory, it is possible to prove that certain pieces of code only modify a restricted set of memory locations, in practice this is very difficult for languages like C and arbitrary assembly language [4, 30], and cannot be fully automated. In contrast, the type system and the linker in a safe language restrict what operations a particular piece of code is allowed to perform on which memory locations.
The term namespace can be used to express this restriction: a namespace is a partial function mapping names of operations to the actions taken when the operations are executed. For example, the operation "read the field
out from the class System" may perform different actions depending on what class the name System refers to.Protection domains around software components can be constructed in a safe language system by providing a separate namespace for each component. Communication between components can then be enabled by introducing sharing among namespaces. Java provides three basic mechanisms for controlling namespaces: selective sharing of object references, static access controls, and selective class sharing.
Selective sharing of object references
Two domains can selectively share references to objects by simply passing each other these references. In the example below, method1 of class A creates two objects of type A, and passes a reference to the first object to method2 of class B. Since method2 acquires a reference to a1, it can perform operations on it, such as incrementing the field j. However, method2 was not given a reference to a2 and thus has no way of performing any operations on it. Java's safety prevents method2 from forging a reference to a2, e.g., by casting an integer holding a2s address to a pointer.
class A {
Static access control
The preceding example demonstrated a very dynamic form of protection¾ methods can only perform operations on objects to which they have been given a reference. Java also provides static protection mechanisms that limit what operations a method can perform on an object once the method has acquired a reference to that object. A small set of modifiers can change the scope of fields and methods of an object. The two most common modifiers, private and public, respectively limit access to methods in the same class or allow access to methods in any class. In the classes shown above, method2 can access the public field j of the object a1, but not the private field i.
Selective class sharing
Domains can also protect themselves through control of their class namespace. To understand this, we need to look at Javas class loading mechanisms. To allow dynamic code loading, Java supports user-defined class loaders which load new classes into the virtual machine at run-time. A class loader fetches Java bytecode from some location, such as a file system or a URL, and submits the bytecode to the virtual machine. The virtual machine performs a verification check to make sure that the bytecode is legal, and then integrates the new class into the machine execution. If the bytecode contains references to other classes, the class loader is invoked recursively in order to load those classes as well.
Class loaders can enforce protection by making some classes visible to a domain, while hiding others. For instance, the example above assumed that classes A and B were visible to each other. However, if class A were hidden from class B (i.e. it did not appear in Bs class namespace), then even if B obtains a reference to an object of type A, it will not be able to access the fields i and j, despite the fact that j is public.
2.1. Straight-forward protection domains: the share anything approach The simple controls over the namespace provided in Java can be used to construct software components that communicate with each other but are still protected from one another. In essence, each component is launched in its own namespace, and can then share any class and any object with other components using the mechanisms described above. While we will continue to use the term protection domain informally to refer to these protected components, we will argue that it is impossible to precisely define protection domains when using this approach.The example below shows a hypothetical file system component that gives objects of type FileSystemInterface to its clients to give them access to files. Client domains make cross-domain invocations on the file system by invoking the open method of a FileSystemInterface object. By specifying different values for accessRights and rootDirectory in different objects, the file system can enforce different protection policies for different clients. Static access control ensures that clients cannot modify the accessRights and rootDirectory fields directly, and one client cannot forge a reference to another clients FileSystemInterface object.
class FileSystemInterface {
The filesystem example illustrates an approach to protection in Java that resembles a capability system. Several things should be noted about this approach. First, this approach does not require any extensions to the Java language¾ all the necessary mechanisms already exist. Second, there is very little overhead involved in making a call from one protection domain to another, since a cross-domain call is simply a method invocation, and large arguments can be passed by reference, rather than by copy. Third, references to any object may be shared between domains since the Java language has no way of restricting which references can be passed through a cross-domain method invocation and which cannot.
When we first began to explore protection in Java, this share anything approach seemed the natural basis for a protection system, and we began developing on this foundation. However, as we worked with this approach a number of problems became apparent.
The first problem is that access to an object reference cannot be revoked. Once a domain has a reference to an object, it can hold on to it forever. Revocation is important in enforcing the principle of least privilege: without revocation, a domain can hold onto a resource for much longer than it actually needs it.
The most straightforward implementation of revocation uses extra indirection. The example below shows how a revocable version of the earlier class A can be created. Each object of A is wrapped with an object of AWrapper, which permits access to the wrapped object only until the revoked flag is set.
class A {
class AWrapper {
In principle, this solves the revocation problem and is efficient enough for most purposes. However, our experience shows that programmers often forget to wrap an object when passing it to another domain. In particular, while it is easy to remember to wrap objects passed as arguments, it is common to forget to wrap other objects to which the first one points. In effect, the default programming model ends up being an unsafe model where objects cannot be revoked. This is the opposite of the desired model: safe by default and unsafe only in special cases.
Inter-domain Dependencies and Side Effects
As more and more object references are shared between domains, the structure of the protection domains is blurred, because it is unclear from which domains a shared object can be accessed. For the programmer, it becomes difficult to track which objects are shared between protection domains and which are not, and the Java language provides no help as it makes no distinction between the two. Yet, the distinction is critical for reasoning about the behavior of a program running in a domain. Mutable shared objects can be modified at any time in by other domains that have access to the object, and a programmer needs to be aware of this possible activity. For example, a malicious user might try to pass a byte array holding legal bytecode to a class loader (byte arrays, like other objects, are passed by reference to method invocations), wait for the class loader to verify that the bytecode is legal, and then overwrite the legal bytecode with illegal bytecode which would subsequently be executed. The only way the class loader can protect itself from such an attack is to make its own private copy of the bytecode, which is not shared with the user and is therefore safe from malicious modification.
Domain Termination
The problems associated with shared object references come to a head when we consider what happens when a domain must be terminated. Should all the objects that the domain allocated be released, so that the domains memory is freed up? Or should objects allocated by the domain be kept alive as long as other domains still hold references to them? From a traditional operating systems perspective, it seems natural that when a process terminates all of its objects disappear, because the address space holding those objects ceases to exist. On the other hand, from a Java perspective, objects can only be deallocated when there are no more reachable references to them.
Either solution to domain termination leads to problems. Deallocating objects when the domain terminates can be extremely disruptive if objects are shared at a fine-grained level and there is no explicit distinction between shared and non-shared objects. For example, consider a Java String object, which holds an internal reference to a character array object. Suppose domain 2 holds a String object whose internal character array belongs to domain 1. If domain 1 dies, then the String will suddenly stop working, and it may be beyond the programmers ability to deal with disruptions at this level.
On the other hand, if a domains objects do not disappear when the domain terminates, other problems can arise. First, if a server domain fails, its clients may continue to hold on to the servers objects and attempt to continue using them. In effect, the servers failure is not propagated correctly to the clients. Second, if a client domain holds on to a servers objects, it may indirectly also hold on to other resources, such as open network connections and files. A careful server implementation could explicitly relinquish important resources before exiting, but in the case of unexpected termination this may be impossible. Third, if one domain holds on to another domains objects after the latter exits, then any memory leaks in the terminated domain may be unintentionally transferred to the remaining one. It is easy to imagine scenarios where recovery from this sort of shared memory leak requires a shutdown of the entire VM.
By simply using method invocation for cross-domain calls, the caller and callee both execute in the same thread, which creates several potential hazards. First, the caller must block until the callee returns there is no way for the caller to gracefully back out of the call without disrupting the callees execution. Second, Java threads support methods such as stop, suspend, and setPriority that modify the state of a thread. A malicious domain could call another domain and then suspend the thread so that the callees execution gets blocked, perhaps while holding a critical lock or other resource. Conversely, a malicious callee could hold on to a Thread object and modify the state of the thread after execution returns to the caller.
Resource Accounting
A final problem with the simple protection domains is that object sharing makes it difficult to hold domains accountable for the resources that they use, such as processor time and memory. In particular, it is not clear how to define a domains memory usage when domains share objects. One definition is that a domain is held accountable for all of the objects that it allocates, for as long as those objects remain alive. However, if shared objects arent deallocated when the domain exits, a domain might continue to be charged for shared objects that it allocated, long after it has exited. Perhaps the cost of shared objects should be split between all the domains that have references to the object. However, because objects can contain references to other objects, a malicious domain could share an object that looks small, but actually contains pointers to other large objects, so that other domains end up being charged for most of the resources consumed by the malicious domain.
The simple approach to protection in Java outlined in this section is both fast and flexible, but it runs into trouble because of its lack of structure. In particular, it fails to clearly distinguish between the ordinary, non-shared object references that constitute a domains internal state, and the shared object references that are used for cross-domain communication. Nevertheless, this approach is useful to examine, because it illustrates how much protection is possible with the mechanisms provided by the Java language itself. It suggests that the most natural approach to building a protection system in Java is to make good use of the languages inherent protection mechanisms, but to introduce additional structure to fix the problems. The next section presents a system that retains the flavor of the simple approach, but makes a stronger distinction between non-shared and shared objects.
3. The J-Kernel The J-Kernel is a capability-based system that supports multiple, cooperating protection domains which run inside a single Java virtual machine. Capabilities were chosen because they have several advantages over access lists: (i) they can be implemented naturally in a safe language, (ii) they can enforce the principle of least privilege more easily, and (iii) by avoiding access list lookups, operations on capabilities can execute quickly.The primary goals of the J-Kernel are:
a precise definition of protection domains, with a clear distinction between objects local to a domain and capability objects that can be shared between domains,
well defined, flexible communication channels between domains based on capabilities,
support for revocation for all capabilities, and
clean semantics of domain termination.
To achieve these goals, we were willing to accept higher cross-domain communication overheads when compared to the share anything approach. In order to ensure portability, the J-Kernel is implemented entirely as a Java library and requires no native code or modifications to the virtual machine. To accomplish this, the J-Kernel defines a class loader that examines and in some cases modifies user-submitted bytecode before passing it on to the virtual machine. This class loader also generates bytecode at run-time for stub classes used for cross-domain communication. Finally, the J-Kernel's class loader substitutes safe versions for some problematic standard classes. With these implementation techniques, the J-Kernel builds a protection architecture that is radically different from the security manager based protection architecture that is the default model on most Java virtual machines.
Protection in the J-Kernel is based on three core concepts¾ capabilities, protection domains, and cross-domain calls:
Capabilities are implemented as objects of the class Capability and represent handles onto resources in other domains. A capability can be revoked at any time by the domain that created it. All uses of a revoked capability throw an exception, ensuring the correct propagation of failure.
Protection domains are represented by the Java class Domain. Each protection domain has a namespace that it controls as well as a set of threads. When a domain terminates, all of the capabilities that it created are revoked, so that all of its memory may be freed, thus avoiding the domain termination problems that plagued the share anything approach.
Cross-domain calls are performed by invoking methods of capabilities obtained from other domains. The J-Kernel's class loader interposes a special calling convention1 for these calls: arguments and return values are passed by reference if they are also capabilities, but they are passed by copy if they are primitive types or non-capability objects. When an object is copied, these rules are applied recursively to the data in the objects fields, so that a deep copy of the object is made. The effect is that only capabilities can be shared between protection domains and references to regular objects are confined to single domains.
Because of the similarity of the J-Kernels cross-domain calls to remote method invocations, we have integrated much of Suns RMI specification into the capability interface. The example below shows a simple remote interface and a class that implements this remote interface, both written in accordance with Suns RMI specification.
// interface class shared with other domains
interface ReadFile extends Remote {
byte readByte() throws RemoteException;
byte[] readBytes(int nBytes) throws RemoteException;
// implementation hidden from other domains
To create a capability in the J-Kernel, a domain calls the create method of the class Capability, passing as an argument a target object that implements one or more remote interfaces. The create method returns a new capability, which extends the class Capability and implements all of the remote interfaces that the target object implements. The capability can then be passed to other domains, which can cast it to one of its remote interfaces, and invoke the methods this interface declares. In the example below domain 1 creates a capability and adds it to the system-wide repository (the repository is a name service allowing domains to publish capabilities). Domain 2 retrieves the capability from the repository, and makes a cross-domain invocation on it.
Domain 1:
// instantiate new ReadFileImpl object
ReadFileImpl target = new ReadFileImpl();
// create a capability for the new object
Capability c = Capability.create(target);
// add it to repository under some name
Domain.getRepository().bind("Domain1ReadFile", c);
Domain 2:
// extract capability
Capability c =
// cast it to ReadFile, and invoke remote method
byte b = ((ReadFile) c).readByte();
Essentially, a capability object is a wrapper object around the original target object. The code for each method in the wrapper switches to the domain that created the capability, makes copies of all non-capability arguments according to the special calling convention, and then invokes the corresponding method in the target object. When the target objects method returns, the wrapper switches back to the caller domain, makes a copy of the return value if it is not a capability, and returns.
Local-RMI stubs
The simple looking call to Capability.create in fact hides most of the complexity of traditional RPC systems. Internally, create automatically generates a stub class at run-time for each target class. This avoids off-line stub generators and IDL files, and it allows the J-Kernel to specialize the stubs to invoke the target methods with minimal overhead. Besides switching domains, stubs have three roles: copying arguments, supporting revocation, and protecting threads.
By default, the J-Kernel uses Javas built-in serialization features [17] to copy an argument: the J-Kernel serializes an argument into an array of bytes, and then deserializes the byte array to produce a fresh copy of the argument. While this is convenient because many built-in Java classes are serializable, it involves a substantial overhead. Therefore, the J-Kernel also provides a fast copy mechanism, which makes direct copies of objects and their fields without using an intermediate byte array. The fast copy implementation automatically generates specialized copy code for each class that the user declares to be a fast copy class. For cyclic or directed graph data structures, a user can request that the fast copy code use a hash table to track object copying, so that objects in the data structure are not copied more than once (this slows down copying, though, so by default the copy code does not use a hash table).
Each generated stub contains a revoke method that sets the internal pointer to the target object to null. Thus all capabilities can be revoked and doing so makes the target object eligible for garbage collection, regardless of how many other domains hold a reference to the capability. This prevents domains from holding on to garbage in other domains.
In order to protect the callers and callees threads from each other, the generated stubs provide the illusion of switching threads. Because most virtual machines map Java threads directly onto kernel threads it is not practical to actually switch threads: as shown in the next subsection this would slow down cross-domain calls substantially. A fast user-level threads package might solve this problem, but would require modifications to the virtual machine, and would thus limit the J-Kernels portability. The compromise struck in the current implementation uses a single Java thread for both the caller and callee but prevents direct access to that thread to avoid security problems.
Conceptually, the J-Kernel divides each Java thread into multiple segments, one for each side of a cross-domain call. The J-Kernel class loader then hides the system Thread class that manipulates Java threads, and interposes its own with an identical interface but an implementation that only acts on the local thread segment. Thread modification methods such as stop and suspend act on thread segments rather than Java threads, which prevents the caller from modifying the callees thread segment and vice-versa. This provides the illusion of thread-switching cross-domain calls, without the overhead for actually switching threads. The illusion is not totally convincing, however cross-domain calls really do block, so there is no way for the caller to gracefully back out of one if the callee doesnt return.
Class Name Resolvers
In the standard Java applet architecture, applets have very little access to Javas class loading facilities. In contrast, J-Kernel domains are given considerable control over their own class loading. Each domain has its own class namespace that maps names to classes. Classes may be local to a domain, in which case they are only visible in that domains namespace or they may be shared between multiple domains, in which case they are visible in many namespaces. A domains namespace is controlled by a user-defined resolver, which is queried by the J-Kernel whenever a new class name is encountered. A domain can use a resolver to load new bytecode into the system, or it can make use of existing shared classes. After a domain has loaded new classes into the system, it can share these classes with other domains if it wants, by making a SharedClass capability available to other domains2.
Shared classes are the basis for cross-domain communication: domains must share remote interfaces and fast copy classes to establish common methods and argument types for cross-domain calls. Allowing user-defined shared classes makes the cross-domain communication architecture extensible; standard Java security architectures only allow pre-defined "system classes" to be shared between domains, and thus limit the expressiveness of cross-domain communication.
Ironically, the J-Kernel needs to prevent the sharing of some system classes. For example, the file system and thread classes present security problems. Others contain resources that need to be defined on a per-domain basis: the class System, for example, contains static fields holding the standard input/output streams. In other words, the "one size fits all" approach to class sharing in most Java security models is simply not adequate, and a more flexible model is essential to make the J-Kernel safe, extensible, and fast.
In general, the J-Kernel tries to minimize the number of system classes visible to domains. Classes that would normally be loaded as system classes (such as classes containing native code) are usually loaded into a privileged domain in the J-Kernel, and are accessed through cross-domain communication, rather than through direct calls to system classes. For instance, we have developed a domain for file system access that is called using cross-domain communication. To keep compatibility with the standard Java file API, we have also written alternate versions of Java's standard file classes, which are just stubs that make the necessary cross-domain calls. (This is similar to the interposition proposed by [41]).
The J-Kernel moves functionality out of the system classes and into domains for the same reasons that micro-kernels move functionality out of the operating system kernel. It makes the system as a whole extensible, i.e., it is easy for any domain to provide alternate implementations of most classes that would normally be system classes (such as file, network, and thread classes). It also means that each such service can implement its own security policy. In general, it leads to a cleaner overall system structure, by enforcing a clear separation between different modules. Java libraries installed as system classes often have undocumented and unpredictable dependencies on one another3. Richard Rashid warned that the UNIX kernel had "become a dumping ground for every new feature or facility"[34]; it seems that the Java system classes are becoming a similar dumping ground.
2Shared classes (and, transitively, the classes that shared classes refer to) are not allowed to have static fields, to prevent sharing of non-capability objects through static fields. In addition, to ensure consistency between domains, two domains that share a class must also share other classes referenced by that class.
3For instance, Microsoft's implementation of depends on, which depends on, which depends on classes in the abstract windowing toolkit. Similarly, java.lang.Object depends transitively on almost every standard library class in the system.
3.2. J-Kernel Micro-Benchmarks
To evaluate the performance of the J-Kernel mechanisms we measured a number of micro-benchmarks on the J-Kernel as well as on a number of reference systems. Unless otherwise indicated, all micro-benchmarks were run on 200Mhz Pentium-Pro systems running Windows NT 4.0 and the Java virtual machines used were Microsofts VM (MS-VM) and Suns VM with Symantecs JIT compiler (Sun-VM). All numbers are averaged over a large number of iterations.
Table 1 dissects the cost of a null cross-domain call (null LRMI) and compares it to the cost of a regular method invocation, which takes a few tens of nanoseconds. The J-Kernel null LRMI takes 60x to 180x longer than a regular method invocation. With MS-VM, a significant fraction of the cost lies in the interface method invocation necessary to enter the stub. Additional overheads include the synchronization cost when changing thread segments (two lock acquire/release pairs per call) and the overhead of looking up the current thread. Overall, these three operations account for about 70% of the cross-domain call on MS-VM and about 80% on Sun-VM. Given that the implementations of the three operations are independent, we expect significantly better performance in a system that includes the best of both VMs.
Operation |
Sun-VM |
Regular Method invocation |
0.04 ms |
0.03 ms |
Interface method invocation |
0.54 ms |
0.05 ms |
Thread info lookup |
0.55 ms |
0.29 ms |
Acquire/release lock |
0.20 ms |
1.91 ms |
J-Kernel LRMI |
2.22 ms |
5.41 ms |
Table 1. Cost of null method invocations
To compare the J-Kernel LRMI with traditional OS cross-domain calls, Table 2 shows the cost of several forms of local RPC available on NT. NT-RPC is the standard, user-level RPC facility. COM out-of-proc is the cost of a null interface invocation to a COM component located in a separate process on the same machine. The communication between two fully protected components is at least a factor of 3000 from a regular C++ invocation (shown as COM in-proc).
Table 3 shows the cost of switching back and forth between two Java threads in MS-VM and Sun-VM. The base cost of two context switches between NT kernel threads (NT-base) is 8.6ms, and Java introduces an additional 1-2ms of overhead. This confirms that switching Java threads during cross-domain calls would add a significant cost to J-Kernel LRMI.
Argument Copying
Table 4 compares the cost of copying arguments during a J-Kernel LRMI using Java serialization and using the J-Kernels fast-copy mechanism. By making direct copies of the objects and their fields without using an intermediate Java byte-array, the fast-copy mechanism improves the performance of LRMI substantially¾ more than an order of magnitude for large arguments. The performance difference between the second and third rows (both copy the same number of bytes) is due to the cost of object allocation and invocations of the copying routine for every object.
In summary, the micro-benchmark results are encouraging in that the cost of a cross-domain call is 50x lower in the J-Kernel than in NT. However, the J-Kernel cross-domain call still incurs a stiff penalty over a plain method invocation due to the lack of optimizations in Java.
One of the driving applications for the J-Kernel is an extensible HTTP server. The goal is to allow users to dynamically extend the functionality of the server by uploading Java programs, called servlets [19], that customize the HTTP request processing for a subset of the servers URL space.
Instead of building (or porting) an entire HTTP server in Java, we integrated the J-Kernel into the off-the-shelf Microsoft server (IIS 3.0). The J-Kernel runs within the same process as IIS (as an in-proc ISAPI extension) and includes a system servlet with access to native methods that allows it to receive HTTP requests from IIS and return corresponding replies. This HTTP system servlet forwards each request to the appropriate user servlet, each of which runs in its own J-Kernel domain. The implementation of the bridge between IIS and the J-Kernel is multithreaded to allow multiple outstanding HTTP requests and it allows the Java code to run in the same thread as IIS uses to invoke the bridge.
Server throughput measurements
To quantify the impact of the J-Kernel overheads in the performance of the HTTP server, several simple experiments measure the number of documents per second that can be served by Microsofts IIS, Suns Java Web Server 1.0.2 (JWS) [20], and J-Kernel running inside IIS. The hardware platform consists of a quad-processor 200MHz Pentium-Pro (results obtained on one- and two-processor machines are similar). The parameter of the experiments is the size of document being served. All three tests follow the same scenario: eight multithreaded clients repeatedly request the same document. IIS serves documents in a traditional way¾ by fetching them from NTs file cache, while JWS and J-Kernel utilize servlets to return in-memory documents.
Table 5 shows that the overhead of passing requests into and out of the J-Kernel decreases IISs performance by 20%. Additional measurements show that the ISAPI bridge accounts for about half of that performance gap and only the remainder is directly attributable to the J-Kernel. The order-of-magnitude gap between J-Kernel and JWS is due to the fact that JWS is written entirely in Java and is executed without a JIT compiler. At the time of this writing the implementation of JWS as an IIS plug-in with JIT was not fully functional.
5. Related Work
Several major vendors have proposed extensions to the basic Java sandbox security model for applets [18, 33, 28]. For instance, Suns JDK 1.1 added a notion of authentication, based on code signing, while the JDK 1.2 adds a richer structure for authorization, including classes that represent permissions and methods that perform access control checks based on stack introspection [11]. JDK 1.2 "protection domains" are implicitly created based on the origin of the code, and on its signature. This definition of a protection domain is closer to a user in Unix, while the J-Kernel's protection domain is more like a process in Unix. Balfanz et al. [1] define an extension to the JDK which associates domains with users running particular code, so that a domain becomes more like a process. However, if domains are able to share objects directly, revocation, resource management, and domain termination still need to be addressed in the JDK.
JDK 1.2 system classes are still lumped into a monolithic "system domain", but a new classpath facilitates loading local applications with class loaders rather than as system classes. However, only system classes may be shared between domains that have different class loaders, which limits the expressiveness of communication between domains. In contrast, the J-Kernel allows domains to share classes without requiring these domains to use the same class loader. In the future work section, Gong et al. [11] mentions separating current system classes (such as file classes) into separate domains, in accordance with the principle of least privilege. The J-Kernel already moves facilities for files and networking out of the system classes and into separate domains.
A number of related safe-language systems are based on the idea of using object references as capabilities. Wallach et. al. [41] describe three models of Java security: type hiding (making use of dynamic class loading to control a domains namespace), stack introspection, and capabilities. They recommended a mix of these three techniques. The E language from Electric Communities [7] is an extension of Java targeted towards distributed systems. Es security architecture is capability based; programmers are encouraged to use object references as the fundamental building block for protection. Odyssey [9] is a system that supports mobile agents written in Java; agents may share Java objects directly. Hagimont et al. [13] describe a system to support capabilities defined with special IDL files. All three of these systems allow non-capability objects to be passed directly between domains, and generally correspond to the share anything approach described in Section 2. They do not address the issues of revocation, domain termination, thread protection, or resource accounting.
The SPIN project [2] allows safe Modula-3 code to be downloaded into the operating system kernel to extend the kernels functionality. SPIN has a particularly nice model of dynamic linking [39] to control the namespace of different extensions. Since it uses Modula-3 pointers directly as capabilities, the limitations of the share anything approach apply to it.
Several recent software-based protection techniques do not rely on a particular high level language like Java or Modula-3. Typed assembly language [29] pushes type safety down to the assembly language level, so that code written at the assembly language level can be statically type checked and verified as safe. Software fault isolation [40] inserts run-time "sandboxing" checks into binary executables to restrict the range of memory that is accessible to the code. With suitable optimizations, sandboxed code can run nearly as fast as the original binary on RISC architectures. However, it is not clear how to extend optimized sandboxing techniques to CISC architectures, and sandboxing cannot enforce protection at as fine a granularity as a type system. Proof carrying code [30, 31] generalizes many different approaches to software protection¾ arbitrary binary code can be executed as long as it comes with a proof that it is safe. While this can potentially lead to safety without overhead, generating the proofs for a language as complex as Java is still a research topic.
The J-Kernel enforces a structure that is similar to traditional capability systems [21,23]. Both the J-Kernel and traditional capability systems are founded on the notion of unforgeable capabilities. In both, capabilities name objects in a context-independent manner, so that capabilities can be passed from one domain to another. The main difference is that traditional capability systems used virtual memory or specialized hardware support to implement capabilities, while the J-Kernel uses language safety. The use of virtual memory or specialized hardware led either to slow cross-domain calls, to high hardware costs, or to portability limitations. Using Java as the basis for the J-Kernel simplifies many of the issues that plagued traditional capability systems. First, unlike systems based on capability lists, the J-Kernel can store capabilities in data structures, because capabilities are implemented as Java objects. Second, rights amplification [21] is implicit in the object-oriented nature of Java: invocations are made on methods, rather than functions, and methods automatically acquire rights to their self parameter. In addition, selective class sharing can be used to amplify other parameters. Although many capability systems did not support revocation, the idea of using indirection to implement revocation goes back to Redell [35]. The problems with resource accounting were also on the minds of implementers of capability systems¾ Wulf et. al. [42] point out that "No one owns an object in the Hydra scheme of things; thus its very hard to know to whom the cost of maintaining it should be charged".
Single-address operating systems, like Opal [5] and Mungi [15], remove the address space borders, allowing for cheaper and easy sharing of data between processes. Opal and Mungi were implemented on architectures offering large address spaces (64-bit) and used password capabilities as the protection mechanism. Password capabilities are protected from forgery by a combination of encryption and sparsity.
Several research operating systems support very fast inter-process communication. Recent projects, like L4, Exokernel, and Eros, provide fine-tuned implementations of selected IPC mechanisms, yielding an order of magnitude improvement over traditional operating systems. The systems are carefully tuned and aggressively exploit features of the underlying hardware.
The L4 m-kernel [14] rigorously aims for minimality and is designed from scratch, unlike first-generation m-kernels, which evolved from monolithic OS kernels. The system was successful at dispelling some common misconceptions about m-kernel performance limitations. Exokernel [8] shares L4s goal of being an ultra-fast "minimalist" kernel, but is also concerned with untrusted loadable modules (similar to the SPIN project). Untrusted code is given efficient control over hardware resources by separating management from protection. The focus of the EROS [38] project is to support orthogonal persistence and real-time computations. Despite quite different objectives, all three systems manage to provide very fast implementations of IPC with comparable performance, as shown in Table 6. A short explanation of the operation column is needed. Round-trip IPC is the time taken for a call transferring one byte from one process to another and returning to the caller; Exokernels protected control transfer installs the callees processor context and starts execution at a specified location in the callee.
The results are contrasted with a 3-argument method invocation in the J-Kernel. The J-Kernels performance is comparable with the three very fast systems. It is important to note that L4, Exokernel and Eros are implemented as a mix of C and assembly language code, while J-Kernel consists of Java classes without native code support. Improved implementations of JVMs and JITs are likely to enhance the performance of the J-Kernel.
6. Conclusion
This paper explores the use of safe language technology to construct robust protection domains. The advantages of using language-enforced protection are portability and good cross-domain performance. The most straightforward implementation of protection in a safe language environment is to use object references directly as capabilities. However, problems of revocation, domain termination, thread protection, and resource accounting arise when non-shared object references are not clearly distinguished from shared capabilities. We argue that a more structured approach is needed to solve these problems: only capabilities can be shared, and non-capability objects are confined to single domains.
We developed the J-Kernel system, which demonstrates how the issues of object sharing, class sharing, and thread protection can be addressed. As far as we know, the J-Kernel is the first Java-based system that integrates solutions to these issues into a single, coherent protection system. Our experience using the J-Kernel to extend the Microsoft IIS web server leads us to believe that a safe language system can achieve both robustness and high performance. Simple servlets downloaded into the web server achieve a performance close to that of the server running stand-alone.
Because of its portability and flexibility, language-based protection is a natural choice for a variety of extensible applications and component-based systems. From a performance point of view, safe language techniques are competitive with fast microkernel systems, but do not yet achieve their promise of making cross-domain calls as cheap as function calls. Implementing a stronger model of protection than the straightforward share anything approach leads to thread management costs and copying costs, which increase the overhead to much more than a function call. Fortunately, there clearly is room for improvement. We found that many small operations in Java, such as allocating an object, invoking an interface method, and manipulating a lock were slower than necessary on current virtual machines. Java just-in-time compiler technology is still evolving. We expect that as virtual machine performance improves, the J-Kernels cross-domain performance will also improve. In the meantime, we will continue to explore optimizations possible on top of current off-the-shelf virtual machines, as well as to examine the performance benefits that customizing the virtual machine could bring.
The authors would like to thank Greg Morrisett, Fred Schneider, Fred Smith, Lidong Zhou, and the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions. This research is funded by DARPA ITO contract ONR-N00014-92-J-1866, NSF contract CDA-9024600, a Sloan Foundation fellowship, and Intel Corp. hardware donations. Chi-Chao Chang is supported in part by a doctoral fellowship (200812/94-7) from CNPq/Brazil.
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