PSSPD(Parallel Solution of Sparse Symmetric Positive Definite Systems) is a sparse matrix package for solving large, sparse, symmetric positive systems on distributed-memory machines. This package is implemented in ANSI C using double-precision arithmetic. The Message-Passing Interface(MPI) is used for communication among processors.

PSSPD is a parallel direct sparse solver. It solves a sparse symmetric positive system Ax=b by computing the sparse Cholesky factorization PAP'=LL', where P is a permutation matrix. PSSPD is designed to be run on all processors in a communicator in parallel. The sparse matrix A and the right hand side vector b are distributed among the processors in the communicator. However, PSSPD doesn't assume any particular data-to-processor distribution of matrix A or vector b among the processors. A user's guide to PSSPD is available here. For further information regarding PSSPD, please contact the author(