PhD Thesis
- Safe and Efficient Cluster Communication with Explicit
Memory Management
C-C. Chang
PhD Thesis, Cornell CS Technical Report 99-1765, September 1999. [][ccc-thesis.pdf]

Slides are available in MS PowerPoint
- Javia: A Java Interface to the Virtual Interface
C-C. Chang and T. von Eicken
to appear in a Java special issue of Concurrency: Practice and Experience, John
Wiley & Sons, December 1999. [][cpe99.pdf]
- J-Kernel: A Capability-Based Operating System for Java
T. von Eicken, C-C. Chang, G. Czajkowski, C. Hawblitzel, D. Hu and D. Spoonhower.
Chapter in Secure Internet Programming: Security Issues for Distributed and Mobile
Objects, LNCS series, Springer Verlag, 1999. [][sip99.pdf]
- MRPC: A High Performance RPC System for MPMD Parallel
C-C. Chang, G. Czajkowski, and T. von Eicken.
Software: Practice and Experience, 29(1)44-66, John Wiley & Sons, January
1999. [][spe98.pdf]
Conferences and Workshops
- Interfacing Java to the Virtual Interface Architecture
C-C. Chang and T. von Eicken.
ACM Java Grande Conference, June 1999. [][java99.pdf]
Slides are available in MS PowerPoint
- Resource Management for Extensible Internet Servers
G. Czajkowski, C-C. Chang, C. Hawblitzel, D. Hu, and T. von Eicken.
8th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, September 1998. [][ew98-2.pdf]
- Security versus Performance Tradeoffs in RPC
Implementations for Safe Language Systems
C-C. Chang, G. Czajkowski, C. Hawblitzel, D. Hu, and T. von Eicken.
8th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, September 1998. (Position Paper). [][ew98-1.pdf]
- Implementing Multiple Protection Domains in Java
C. Hawblitzel, C-C. Chang, G. Czajkowski, D. Hu, and T. von Eicken.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 1998. Submission version appears as Cornell
CS Technical Report 97-1660, December 1997. [][usenix98.pdf]
- Evaluating the Performance Limitations of MPMD
C-C. Chang, G. Czajkowski, T. von Eicken, and C. Kesselman.
ACM/IEEE Supercomputing (SC97), November 1997. Submission version appears as Cornell
CS Technical Report 97-1630, May 1997. [][sc97.pdf]
Slides are available in MS PowerPoint
(sc97.ppt) or postcript.
- Performance Implications of Communication Mechanisms in
All-Software Global Address Space Systems
B-H. Lim, C-C. Chang, G. Czajkowski, and T. von Eicken.
ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), June
1997. [][ppopp97.pdf]
Slides are available in MS PowerPoint
(ppopp97.ppt) or postcript.
- Low Latency Communication on the IBM RS/6000 SP
C-C. Chang, G. Czajkowski, C. Hawblitzel, and T. von Eicken.
ACM/IEEE Supercomputing (SC96), November 1996. [][sc96.pdf]
Slides are available in MS PowerPoint
(sc96.ppt) or postcript.
Technical Reports
- Jbufs: Explicit Buffer Management in Java
C-C. Chang and T. von Eicken
Cornell CS Technical Report, September 1999.
- Design and Evaluation of an Extensible Web and Telephony
Server based on the J-Kernel
D. Spoonhower, G. Czajkowski, C. Hawblitzel, C-C.
Chang, D. Hu, and T. von Eicken
Cornell CS Technical Report 98-1715, October 1998. [[tr1715.pdf]
- A Software Architecture for Zero-Copy RPC in Java
C-C. Chang and T. von Eicken.
Cornell CS Technical Report 98-1708, September 1998. [][tr1708.pdf]
- Design and Implementation of Active Messages on the SP-2
C-C. Chang, G. Czajkowski, and T. von Eicken.
Cornell CS Technical Report 96-1572, February 1996. [][tr1572.pdf]